
汇丰马来西亚推出最新信用卡以提升生活方式选择。 HSBC Malaysia introduces latest credit card to enhance lifestyle choices 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC Malaysia launched a brand new lifestyle credit card, the HSBC Live+ credit card in partnership with Visa. Read full story 吉隆坡:马来西亚汇丰银行与 Visa 合作,推出全新的生活方式信用卡——汇丰Live+信用卡。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC Malaysia launched a brand new lifestyle credit card, the HSBC Live+ … Read more


伦敦金属交易所拟在香港设立仓库。 London Metal Exchange Looks to Set Up Warehouse in Hong Kong 作者: Bloomberg News The London Metal Exchange is exploring setting up its first warehouse in Hong Kong as it seeks to strengthen services to clients in China — the world’s biggest metals market. 伦敦金属交易所正在探讨在香港设立其首个仓库,旨在加强为中国客户提供服务——中国是全球最大的金属市场。 (Bloomberg) The London Metal Exchange is exploring setting up … Read more


众筹旨在帮助雪兰莪足球俱乐部支付10万林吉特罚款。 Crowdfunding sought to help Selangor FC pay off RM100,000 fine 作者: GERARD GIMINO PETALING JAYA: A crowdfunding initiative has been launched to help Selangor FC pay off the RM100,000 fine it was slapped with by the Malaysian Football League (MFL). Read full story 八打灵再也:一项众筹活动已经启动,旨在帮助雪兰莪足球俱乐部支付马来西亚足球联赛(MFL)对其处以的10万令吉罚款。阅读完整故事。 PETALING JAYA: A crowdfunding initiative has been launched to help … Read more


东盟快线提升了通过该区域至中国的铁路货运能力。 Asean Express boosts freight carriage by rail through region up to China 作者: BENJAMIN LEE PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s trade connectivity with the rest of South-East Asia and China has been improved with the launch of the Asean Express, an international freight train connecting Malaysia to Thailand, Laos and China. Read full story 八打灵再也:随着东盟特快列车的启动,马来西亚与东南亚其他国家以及中国的贸易连通性得到了提升。该国际货运列车连接了马来西亚、泰国、老挝和中国。阅读全文。 PETALING … Read more


“夏季达沃斯”突显全球关税下企业焦虑加剧 ‘Summer Davos’ Highlights Corporate Anxiety Over Global Tariffs 作者: Bloomberg News Global trade tariffs were top of mind for attendees at the event known as Summer Davos in China this week, with companies rethinking their strategies to mitigate the impact of tensions between China and the West. 全球贸易关税在本周中国举办的被誉为夏季达沃斯的活动上,成为了与会者的首要关注点,各公司正在重新考虑其策略,以减轻中国与西方国家之间紧张关系的影响。 Global trade tariffs were top of … Read more


黑石投资对政府政策没有影响,扎夫鲁尔表示。 BlackRock investments have no influence on gov’t polices, says Tengku Zafrul 作者: MARTIN CARVALHO, KHOO GEK SAN, JUNAID IBRAHIM KUALA LUMPUR: Any investment by BlackRock has no influence on government policies, says Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz. Read full story 吉隆坡:黑石集团的任何投资都对政府政策没有影响,拿督斯里扎夫鲁尔·扎夫鲁尔·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹说。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Any investment by BlackRock has no influence on government … Read more


全电动Inster:现代最小且最便宜的电动汽车 All-electric Inster: Hyundai’s smallest and cheapest EV 作者: Alexander Wong Hyundai has officially announced the Inster, its smallest and possibly cheapest Electric Vehicle (EV) yet. Unlike its previous EV models like the Kona and Ioniq 5, the Hyundai Inster is a cute-looking fully electric A-segment car and it’s smaller than a Perod… 现代汽车官方宣布了Inster,这是其迄今为止最小也可能是最便宜的电动车型(EV)。与之前的Kona和Ioniq 5等电动车型不同,现代Inster是一款外观可爱的A-segment全电动汽车,它的尺寸小于Perod…… … Read more


中国企业在东南亚扩张。 Chinese firms are expanding in South-East Asia 作者: Economist This new business diaspora is younger, better-educated and ambitious 这个新的商业群体年轻、受教育程度更高且雄心勃勃。 In 2021 the founders of PalFish, a platform based in China which connects English teachers and students, realised its future lay abroad. The Chinese government had just launched a crackdown on privat… [+3712 chars] 在2021年,PalFish平台的创始人意识到,这个连接英语教师和学生的中国平台未来的发展方向在国外。中国政府刚刚开始打击私塾教育……[+3712个字符] … Read more


印度对玉米、植物油进口给予关税减免。 India grants duty concessions for corn, vegetable oil imports 作者: Reuters India on Wednesday allowed limited imports of corn, crude sunflower oil, refined rapeseed oil, and milk powder under the tariff-rate quota (TRQ), where importers pay nil or lower duty, as New Delhi tries to bring down food inflation. 印度周三允许在关税配额(TRQ)下有限度地进口玉米、原油葵花籽油、精炼菜籽油和奶粉,进口商支付零关税或较低关税,因为新德里试图降低食品通胀。 India on Wednesday allowed … Read more


泰国电影《在奶奶去世前如何赚得数百万》在东南亚上映收入达2700万——全球简报 Thai Film ‘How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies’ Reaches $27 Million in Southeast Asia Rollout – Global Bulletin 作者: Patrick Frater ‘MILLIONS’ MAKING MILLIONS The family drama “How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies” has become the highest-grossing Thai film of all time in The Philippines, distributor Westec Media claims. The company, which … Read more