
Zomato收到9500万卢比税务要求,公司将对此命令提出上诉。 Zomato gets Rs 9.5 crore tax demand, company to appeal against order 作者: ETtech Food delivery company Zomato said it has received a tax demand from the Karnataka authorities, aggregating to Rs 9.5 crore. This is the latest of multiple orders the company has received previously; the last was Rs 11.82 crore in April. … Read more


标普全球成为新加坡“守护者项目”的最新合作伙伴。 S&P Global Becomes Latest Partner of Singapore’s Project Guardian 作者: Rida Fatima S&P Global Ratings has become a partner of the Project Guardian plan. This ambitious initiative by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) aims to explore the transformative potential of asset… The post S&P Global Becomes Latest Partner of Singapore’s Pro… 标普全球评级已成为守护者计划(Project Guardian)的合作伙伴。这项由新加坡金融管理局(MAS)发起的宏伟计划旨在探索资产的变革潜力…… … Read more


新的海底电力电缆可能实现绿色能源跨国传输。 New Undersea Power Cables Could Carry Green Energy From Country to Country 作者: EditorDavid What if across the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, six high-voltage power cables stretched — each over 2,000 miles long. CNN reports that a group of entrepreneurs “wants to build what would be the worldâ(TM)s largest subsea energy interconnector between … Read more

redONE Mobile推出了3个新计划,分别为BEST10、BEST20和BEST30,适用于东盟漫游。

redONE Mobile推出了3个新计划,分别为BEST10、BEST20和BEST30,适用于东盟漫游。 redONE Mobile introduce 3 new plan BEST10, BEST20 and BEST30 for ASEAN roam 作者: Harry redONE has launched new plans tailored for ASEAN subscribers. The BEST10 plan offers 200 GB of local data with speeds reduced to 512 kbps after exceeding the limit. Additionally, it includes 5 GB of data usable in Malaysia … Read more


印度航空的Kiwi老板:要想让直飞新西兰的航班起飞需要什么条件? Air India’s Kiwi boss: What it will take to get non-stop flights to New Zealand off the ground 作者: Grant Bradley Air New Zealand alliance partner keen on flights too – when the time is right. 新西兰航空的联盟伙伴也热衷于航班运营——在时机成熟之时。 But the flight was a long and relatively thin’ route, unlike others where there were large populations … Read more

RT 洛杉矶至日本东京 $792,新加坡航空公司五星级直飞航班,包含2件免费托运行李(旅行时间为2025年1月至4月)。

RT 洛杉矶至日本东京 $792,新加坡航空公司五星级直飞航班,包含2件免费托运行李(旅行时间为2025年1月至4月)。 RT Los Angeles to Tokyo Japan $792 Nonstop Airfares on 5* Singapore Airlines with 2 Free Checked Bags (Travel January – April 2025) 作者: serra This is a very nice airfare, especially for 5-star rated Singapore Airlines…. Singapore Airlines have round trip airfares travelling from Los Angeles (LAX) to Tokyo Japan (NRT) … Read more


探索KRX内在折扣介于11.7%至29.4%之间的被低估股票。 Exploring Undervalued Stocks On KRX With Intrinsic Discounts Ranging From 11.7% To 29.4% 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) The South Korean stock market recently halted its two-day winning streak, reflecting a blend of sector-specific movements and broader economic signals. As… 韩国股市最近结束了连续两日的上涨势头,反映了行业特定动态与更广泛经济信号的混合影响。正如… The South Korean stock market recently halted its two-day winning streak, reflecting a … Read more


日本将发行新纸币;20年来首次设计变更 Japan to launch new banknotes; 1st design change in 20 years 作者: None Japan will start issuing new banknotes on Wednesday, showcasing what it touts is the world’s first use of cutting-edge holography that makes the portraits of historic figures look like they are rotating in 3D on the bills, one of their anti-counterfeit … Read more


更多泰国初创企业瞄准IPO,因投资者加大支持。 More Thai startups aim for IPOs as investors throw in support 作者: asia.nikkei.com BANGKOK — More Thai companies are looking to go public as the country’s once-lacking startup landscape starts to flourish with funding from venture capital firms as well as big companies both domestic and foreign. Among the businesses lining up public offeri… … Read more


无处不在的健康医疗:探讨泰国新政策的承诺与陷阱。 Healthcare anywhere: Navigating the promise and pitfalls of Thailand’s new policy 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) The government’s groundbreaking move to allow Thais to receive universal healthcare treatment at any public hospital has been greeted by cheers – but also fears. While the policy promises greater convenience for patients, critics warn of potential risks inclu… … Read more