
当气候承诺未能达标时 When climate commitments fall short 作者: Rapeepat Ingkasit By early next year, Thailand and other countries are expected to update national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The Paris Agreement mandates that nations submit new NDCs every five years,… 到明年年初,泰国和其他国家预计将根据《巴黎协定》更新其国家气候承诺,这些承诺被称为国家自主贡献(NDCs)。《巴黎协定》规定各国每五年提交新的NDCs…… By early next year, Thailand and other countries … Read more


从涂鸦到高级时尚 From graffiti to high fashion 作者: Story: & Suwitcha Chaiyong Although Cyril Kongo is a graffiti artist, his creative expressions are not limited to walls, which were his first medium. His artistic creations also appear on a range of products such as watch dials, scarves, furniture, cigars and even airplanes due to c… 尽管西里尔·孔戈是一位涂鸦艺术家,他的创作表达并不仅限于墙壁,尽管那曾是他的第一媒介。他的艺术创作还出现在各种产品上,如手表表盘、围巾、家具、雪茄,甚至飞机。 … Read more


泰亚航关注新印度航线。 Thai AirAsia eyes new Indian routes 作者: Molpasorn Shoowong Thai AirAsia is focusing on opening new routes to India and within Southeast Asia in the second half to offset unrecovered flights to China, which are still hampered by the sluggish economy and higher competition from domestic travel. 泰亚洲航空正在专注于在下半年开通前往印度及东南亚内部的新航线,以弥补仍未恢复的对华航班,这些航班仍然受到经济不景气以及国内旅游市场竞争加剧的影响。 Thai AirAsia is focusing on opening … Read more


财政部将撤资25家公司。 Finance Ministry to divest from 25 companies 作者: Wichit Chantanusornsiri The State Enterprise Policy Office (Sepo) looks set to divest Finance Ministry shares in 25 non-listed firms, with a total estimated value of 20 billion baht. 国家企业政策办公室(Sepo)预计将剥离财政部分持有的25家未上市公司股份,总估计价值达200亿泰铢。 The State Enterprise Policy Office (Sepo) looks set to divest Finance Ministry shares in 25 non-listed firms, … Read more


预算为古吉拉特国际金融服务中心设定新方向。 Budget sets new course for GIFT City IFSC 作者: Avinash Nair Budget extends incentives to the International Finance Services Centre to improve ease of doing business, besides allowing exemptions for retail and exchange traded funds 预算案扩展了对国际金融服务中心的激励措施,以改善营商环境,同时允许对零售和交易所交易基金进行豁免。 Extending a slew of incentives to the International Finance Services Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City in Gujarat, the … Read more


研究人员创造了受生物启发的3D打印太阳能蒸汽发生器用于海水淡化。 Researchers create bio-inspired 3D-printed solar steam generators for desalination 作者: Science X Faced with the world’s impending freshwater scarcity, a team of researchers in Singapore turned to solar steam generators (SSGs), which are emerging as a promising device for seawater desalination. Desalination can be a costly, energy-intensive solution to wa… 面对全球即将到来的淡水短缺问题,新加坡一组研究人员将目光投向了太阳能蒸汽发生器(SSGs),这种设备作为海水淡化的新兴技术正显示出巨大的潜力。淡化海水可能是成本高昂且耗能的解决方案…… Faced with the … Read more


国际奥委会宣布创建“奥林匹克电子竞技游戏”,但关键细节尚未明确。 IOC Announces Creation of ‘Olympic Esports Games,’ But Key Details Remain 作者: Jon Paul Hoornstra The first officially sanctioned Esports Olympics will take place in 2025 in Saudi Arabia. Games, locations, and venues have yet to be announced. 首届官方认可的电子竞技奥运会将于2025年在沙特阿拉伯举行,比赛项目、具体地点和场馆尚未公布。 Esports have been a mainstream phenomenon for years, if still a niche sport in the … Read more


退休人员:8月份可购买的2只高收益ASX股息股票 Retirees: 2 high-yield ASX dividend stocks to buy in August 作者: James Mickleboro Analysts think these shares could be quality options for a retirement portfolio. The post Retirees: 2 high-yield ASX dividend stocks to buy in August appeared first on The Motley Fool Australia. 分析师认为这些股票可能是退休投资组合中的优质选择。 文章《退休者:8月份可买入的两只高收益ASX股息股票》首先出现在澳大利亚的《愚人理财》上。 A new month is upon us, so what … Read more


印度莫迪在选举后预算中拨出数十亿用于就业和支持盟友项目。 India’s Modi sets aside billions for jobs, allies in post-election budget 作者: Reuters In a budget aimed at winning back voters following PM Modi’s election setback, India’s government has set aside billions of dollars to create jobs as well as for rural programs. 在旨在赢得选民支持的预算中,鉴于莫迪总理在选举中受挫,印度政府已拨出数十亿美元用于创造就业以及农村计划。 India’s government assigned billions of dollars for job creation and … Read more


7月21日是全球有记录以来最热的一天:欧盟气候监测机构 July 21 Hottest Day Ever Recorded Globally: EU Climate Monitor 作者: AFP News July 21 was the hottest day ever registered globally, according to preliminary data published Tuesday by the EU’s climate monitor. 7月21日是全球有记录以来最热的一天,根据欧盟气候监测机构周二发布的初步数据。 July 21 was the hottest day ever registered globally, according to preliminary data published Tuesday by the EU’s climate monitor. … Read more