
空运、合同物流助力克恩纳格尔和DSV业绩增长。 Airfreight, contract logistics boost Kuehne+Nagel, DSV results 作者: Eric Kulisch The recovery of the air and ocean logistics market since the start of the year helped improve second-quarter results at Kuehne+Nagel and DSV. The post… 自年初以来,空运和海运物流市场的复苏帮助改善了Kuehne+Nagel和DSV的第二季度业绩。后续内容… Kuehne+Nagel controls two Boeing 747-8 freighters that are operated by Atlas Air.. (Photo: K+N) A 23% decline in … Read more


价格下跌了,阿提哈德航空从土耳其伊斯坦布尔飞往泰国曼谷的航班只需452欧元。 Price drop Etihad Airways flights from Istanbul to Bangkok, Thailand for €452 作者: Giovanni Etihad Airways are offering discounted flights from Istanbul, Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand! Book tickets starting at €452 for a round trip with checked bags included. 阿提哈德航空正在提供从土耳其伊斯坦布尔飞往泰国曼谷的折扣航班!预订往返含托运行李的机票,起价只需452欧元。 Etihad Airways are offering discounted flights from Istanbul, Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand! Book tickets … Read more


当地交易员对黄金价格前景持乐观态度。 Local traders optimistic on price outlook for gold 作者: Nareerat Wiriyapong Local gold traders remain bullish about bullion’s price trend, saying prices could top US$2,500 an ounce by end-2024 with a significant price increase expected after the US Federal Reserve (Fed) cuts US interest rates in September. 当地黄金交易商对贵金属价格走势保持乐观态度,认为到2024年底金价可能达到每盎司2,500美元,预计在美联储9月降息后,价格将显著上涨。 Local gold traders remain bullish about … Read more


警方打击承诺400%回报的团伙 Police bust syndicate promising 400% returns 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A company owner and several secretaries were used by a syndicate as mule account holders to operate an investment scam. Read full story 吉隆坡:一名公司老板和几名秘书被一个犯罪集团用作傀儡账户持有者,以运作一个投资骗局。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: A company owner and several secretaries were used by a syndicate as mule account holders to … Read more


旅游热潮和“hipster”咖啡馆推动食品价格飙升。 Tourist boom and ‘hipster’ cafes fuel food price surge 作者: DIYANA PFORDTEN Read full story 阅读全文 PETALING JAYA: New tourist attractions as well as hipster and franchise cafes that have popped up in many parts of Pahang over the recent years have driven up food prices, say residents. The owner o… [+3682 chars] 巴生谷:近年来,在彭亨州许多地区新出现的旅游景点以及hipster(潮人)和连锁咖啡馆,据居民表示,这些场所使得食品价格飙升。店主……[+3682个字符] … Read more


美国法官不会阻止拜登政府对工人“竞业禁止”协议的禁令。 US judge will not block Biden administration ban on worker ‘noncompete’ agreements 作者: reuters.com US judge will not block Biden administration ban on worker ‘noncompete’ agreements Reuters Judge Sides With FTC In Noncompete Challenge, Splitting Courts Bloomberg Law The FTC Noncompete Ruling Could Change MMA As We Know It Front Office Sports Thailand and … Read more


全年电费封顶限制。 Power bills capped for the rest of the year 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Ranjana Wangvipula The cabinet has approved the capping of power bills at 4.18 baht per unit until the end of the year and set the diesel price ceiling at 33 baht per litre until Oct 31. 内阁已批准将电费单价上限设定为4.18泰铢直至年底,并将柴油价格上限设定为每升33泰铢直至10月31日。 The cabinet has approved the … Read more


鳄梨可能会便宜好几年,但农民们却遭受重创。 Avocados are likely to stay cheap for years, but farmers are getting smashed 作者: Kallee Buchanan and Bridget Herrmann Once considered a luxury, avocados have stayed cheap throughout the cost-of-living crisis. But while consumers are cheering, farmers are looking to other markets to absorb an oncoming glut. 一度被视为奢侈品的鳄梨,在整个生活成本危机期间价格一直保持低廉。但尽管消费者为此欢呼,农民们却正在寻找其他市场以吸纳即将到来的过剩供应。 Once considered a luxury purchase, avocados … Read more


新加坡GIC报告自2010年以来对亚洲最低的投资敞口 Singapore’s GIC Reports Smallest Exposure to Asia Since 2010 作者: Bloomberg News Singapore’s giant sovereign wealth fund GIC Pte. reported its lowest Asian exposure in more than a decade, with its US and Europe assets on the rise, according to its latest annual report. 新加坡的大型主权财富基金GIC私人有限公司在其最新年度报告中报告了十多年来亚洲投资组合配置的最低水平,同时其美国和欧洲资产在增加。 Singapores giant sovereign wealth fund GIC Pte. reported its … Read more


泰国企业盈利恢复情况不一。 Thailand’s corporate earnings recovery mixed 作者: None Thai businesses across several sectors are witnessing improved earnings, although leverage remains high due to large investments, according to Fitch Ratings. 根据惠誉评级,尽管投资较大导致杠杆率仍然较高,但泰国多个行业的企业盈利正在改善。 Thai businesses across several sectors are witnessing improved earnings, although leverage remains high due to large investments, according to Fitch Ratings. The view was among … Read more