
威胁行为者试图出售据称从TEG窃取的3000万客户记录。 Threat actor attempts to sell 30 million customer records allegedly stolen from TEG 作者: Pierluigi Paganini A threat actor is offering for sale customer data allegedly stolen from the Australia-based live events and ticketing company TEG. TEG (Ticketek Entertainment Group) is an Australian company that operates in the live entertainment and ticketing industry. The … Read more


大多数泰国的职位不受人工智能威胁。 Most Thai jobs safe from AI 作者: Suchit Leesa-nguansuk Artificial intelligence (AI) could have a muted impact on Thai employment, with less than 4% of employees in the service sector at high risk of being replaced by the technology, according to Kasikorn Research Center (K-Research). 根据 Kasikorn 研究中心(K-Research)的数据,人工智能(AI)对泰国就业的影响可能有限,服务业中不到4%的员工面临被技术取代的高风险。 Artificial intelligence (AI) could have a … Read more


美国股票基金今年领先。 US equity funds lead the field this year 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee US equity funds have attracted the biggest inflows this year to date, attributed to the US economic recovery and anticipated interest rate cuts, as mutual fund investment in Thai stocks fell by nearly 10 billion baht during the same period, says Morningstar R… … Read more


柬埔寨文物如何最终流入美国博物馆的? How stolen Cambodian artifacts ended up in American museums 作者: Anderson Cooper Looters stole thousands of priceless artifacts from religious sites across Cambodia. An American lawyer is working with the country to bring them home. 劫匪从柬埔寨各地的宗教场所盗走了数千件无价之宝。一位美国律师正在与该国合作,将它们带回国内。 This is an updated version of a story first published on Dec. 17, 2023. The original video can … Read more


MoneyHero(MNY)将于周一发布盈利报告。 MoneyHero (MNY) to Release Earnings on Monday 作者: MarketBeat News MoneyHero (NASDAQ:MNY – Get Free Report) will be announcing its earnings results before the market opens on Monday, June 24th. MoneyHero (NASDAQ:MNY – Get Free Report) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Monday, April 29th. The company reported (… 金钱英雄(纳斯达克:MNY – 免费获取报告)将于6月24日周一市场开盘前宣布其收益结果。金钱英雄(纳斯达克:MNY – … Read more


政府致力于减少碳足迹,推广可持续实践,安华说。 Govt committed to reducing carbon footprint, promoting sustainable practices, says Anwar 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Madani government is committed to reducing the country’s carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Read full story 吉隆坡:安华·伊布拉欣表示,马达尼政府致力于减少国家的碳排放量,并推动可持续的实践。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Madani government is committed to reducing the countrys carbon footprint … Read more


高要求:良好营养、锻炼和充足睡眠如何帮助孩子成长 Tall order: How good nutrition, exercise and enough sleep can help kids grow 作者: Syida Lizta Amirul Ihsan Being tall is associated with longer life expectancy, lower risk of premature death, and a lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease. 身材高大与较长的预期寿命、较低的早逝风险以及较低的心血管疾病死亡风险有关联。 FOR decades, it was an accepted truth that Asians are shorter than Americans … Read more


评论:通过向巴基斯坦提供隐形潜艇,中国加大了在印度洋的地缘政治竞争。 Commentary: By supplying Pakistan with stealth submarines, China amps up geopolitical competition in Indian Ocean 作者: None China’s goal in supplying stealth submarines to its long-time ally Pakistan may be to distract India in the race for dominance over the Indian Ocean, says analyst Syed Fazl-e-Haider. 中国向其长期盟友巴基斯坦提供隐形潜艇的目的可能是为了在争夺印度洋主导权的竞争中分散印度的注意力,分析人士赛义德·法兹尔-哈立德表示。 By growing its strategic footprint in the … Read more


政治风险压制经济。 Political risk weighs on economy 作者: Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Lamonphet Apisitniran and Yuthana Praiwan Thai politics is nearing a turning point, as next month the political fate of Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin and the leader of the opposition Move Forward Party (MFP) are scheduled to have their cases decided by the Constitutional Court. 泰国政治即将迎来转折点,下个月,总理斯雷塔·塔维辛和政治反对派前进党(MFP)领导人的政治命运将交由宪法法院裁决。 Thai … Read more


企业助力之手 Helping hand for businesses 作者: NG ZI QIN KUALA LUMPUR: Fish farm operator Lim Hong Peng had to ditch his expansion plans when he found that banks were reluctant to support his business venture but his fortunes turned around when he learnt about the SME soft loan offered by Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia… 吉隆坡:水产养殖场运营商林宏鹏在发现银行不愿支持他的商业冒险时,不得不放弃扩张计划,但当他了解到马来西亚友好合作社提供的中小企业软贷款时,他的命运有了转机…… KUALA … Read more