
旅途愉快!航空公司为您的假日计划插上翅膀。 Bon Voyage! Airlines give wings to your holiday plans 作者: Anumeha Chaturvedi and Arindam Majumder Indian carriers like MakeMyTrip, IndiGo, and Cleartrip have added direct flights to various destinations, leading to a significant increase in outbound tourist numbers from India. 印度运营商如MakeMyTrip、IndiGo和Cleartrip增加了直飞多个目的地的航班,导致印度出境旅游人数显著增加。 New Delhi: Baku, Tbilisi, Zurich, Denpasar, Tashkent and Mahe. Over the past two … Read more


债券多头在指数纳入前提升对印度的押注,摩根士丹利表示。 Bond Bulls Lift India Bets Pre-Index Entry, Morgan Stanley Says 作者: Subhadip Sircar (Bloomberg) — Investors tracking JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s emerging markets bond index have already positioned for India’s inclusion, with 3.6% of their assets… –追踪摩根大通新兴市场债券指数的投资者已经为印度的纳入做好了准备,他们资产的3.6%… (Bloomberg) — Investors tracking JPMorgan Chase & Co.s emerging markets bond index have already positioned for Indias … Read more


摩根大通债券指数纳入带来的主要资金流入尚未实现:汇丰银行。 Major inflows via JP Morgan bond index inclusion yet to materialise: HSBC 作者: Anjali Kumari Indian government securities have seen inflows of $10.4 billion since the index inclusion announcement in September 2023 印度政府证券自2023年9月指数纳入公告以来,已流入104亿美元。 Indian government securities have seen inflows of $10.4 billion since the index inclusion announcement in September 2023 Representative Picture Anjali KumariMumbai … Read more


全球水泥行业报告2023:亚太地区预计将引领复苏,欧洲市场加大投资以满足净零目标,制造商扩大在美国的业务存在。 Global Cement Industry Report 2023: Asia Pacific is Projected to Lead Recovery, European Markets to Increase Investments to Meet Net-Zero Goals, Manufacturers to Expand Presence in US 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Global Cement Industry Market Size & Forecast by Value and Volume Across 50+ Market Segments … Read more

互动化妆品零售店铺 – 屈臣氏为Z世代和Alpha世代消费者升级其门店(TrendHunter.com)

互动化妆品零售店铺 – 屈臣氏为Z世代和Alpha世代消费者升级其门店(TrendHunter.com) Interactive Cosmetics Retail Stores – Watsons Upgrades its Stores for Gen Z and Gen Alpha Consumers (TrendHunter.com) 作者: Debra John (TrendHunter.com) Watsons, a leading Asian beauty and health retailer, has strategically upgraded its stores as interactive cosmetics retail stores to cater to the interactive and dynamic preferences of Gen Z and Gen… … Read more


许多商业运营者目前仍在坚持使用柴油。 Many business operators sticking to diesel for now 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: The majority of business operators are not contemplating transitioning to vehicles that run on greener fuel for now, even as diesel prices increased to RM3.35 per litre from RM2.15, following a recent rationalisation. Read full story PETALING JAYA:目前,大多数商业运营商并未考虑转用更环保的燃油车辆,尽管近期燃油合理化措施后,柴油价格从每升2.15林吉特涨至3.35林吉特。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: … Read more


21个增长最快的远程工作,助你事业转型线上。 21 of the Fastest Growing Remote Jobs to Take Your Career Online 作者: Maia Ellis Some of the fastest growing remote jobs may not be what you expect. Roles like personal assistant or project manager were once typically confined to the office — but not anymore! We all got a taste for remote work … Read more


新加坡石油泄漏时间线:应急队伍出动,围油栏部署情况 Timeline of Singapore’s oil spill: When response teams mobilised, booms deployed 作者: None SINGAPORE: The removal of bulk oil from the sea and Singapore’s beaches is nearly completed, with about 550 tonnes of oil-soaked sand and debris collected from all affected beaches, authorities said on Monday (Jun 24). A dredger hit a bunker vessel at … Read more


6月24日特别优惠亮点:美联航MileagePlus——购买里程可享高达90%的额外里程奖励或45%的折扣。 June 24 Bonus Offer Highlight: United MileagePlus – up to 90% bonus or 45% discount for buying miles 作者: Frequent Flyer Bonuses Today’s Bonus Offer Highlight is the second buy miles offer of the month from United MileagePlus with an offer of up to 90% bonus miles or a 45% discount. Check out all … Read more


在IPO前,军官之选威士忌生产商联合混合器从锚定投资者那里筹集了44.9亿卢比。 Ahead of IPO, Officer’s Choice whisky maker Allied Blenders raises Rs 449 cr from anchor investors 作者: PTI The company has allocated 1.6 crore equity shares to 17 funds at Rs 281 each, the top of the price band, amounting to a deal size of Rs 449 crore, according to the report. The public … Read more