
美国国际集团股份有限公司持有MACOM科技解决方案控股公司(纳斯达克:MTSI)927万美元的股份。 American International Group Inc. Has $9.27 Million Stake in MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTSI) 作者: MarketBeat News American International Group Inc. lowered its stake in shares of MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTSI – Free Report) by 2.9% during the fourth quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The institutional investor owned 99,700 shares of the semiconduc… … Read more


马来西亚开始柴油补贴改革,周一油价将上涨50%。 Malaysia begins diesel subsidy reforms, prices to rise 50% Monday 作者: Reuters KUALA LUMPUR – Diesel fuel prices in much of Malaysia are set to rise by roughly 50% on Monday as the government begins shifting away from costly blanket subsidies to a targeted approach that mainly helps the needy. 吉隆坡 – 马来西亚大部分地区的柴油价格预计将在周一上涨约50%,因为政府开始从昂贵的全面补贴转向主要帮助贫困人群的目标补贴方式。 KUALA … Read more