
谁将把Zeekr电动汽车引进马来西亚? Who is bringing Zeekr EVs to Malaysia? 作者: Chief Chapree Zeekr is set to enter Malaysia as early as this year. According to a report from China, Geely’s subsidiary has appointed a local partner, Sentinel Automotive to establish the brand in Malaysia. Who is Sentinel Automotive?   Given the brand’s connection with G… Zeekr计划在今年早些时候进入马来西亚市场。根据中国的一份报告,吉利旗下公司已指定当地合作伙伴Sentinel汽车来在马来西亚建立品牌。Sentinel汽车是什么来头?鉴于该品牌与G…的品牌联系。 … Read more


回顾过去,展望未来:酒店业趋势如何演变 Looking back, moving forward: How hospitality trends are evolving 作者: Lionel Saul, Tatyana Tsukanova Last year, we explored eight dynamic hospitality trends shaping our industry. What’s changed since then? Are these trends still relevant, or have they faded into obscurity? We revisited our insights to evaluate their current status. 去年,我们探索了八个推动我们行业发展的充满活力的酒店趋势。自那时以来,发生了哪些变化?这些趋势依然相关,还是已经淡出了人们的视线?我们重新审视了我们的见解,以评估它们目前的状态。 Last year, we explored … Read more


2024-2025旺季:英国伦敦至泰国,长荣航空提供全服务直达航班,票价从662英镑起。 High Season 2024-2025: EVA Airways full-service non-stop flights from London to Thailand from £662 作者: João Great opportunity to fly non-stop from London, UK to Bangkok, Thailand, with one of the world’s best airlines (and probably the best one offering non-stop flights from Europe to Southeast Asia)! Tickets are available from £662 for a … Read more

丁酸价格趋势、图表、监测、指数及需求 | IMARC集团

丁酸价格趋势、图表、监测、指数及需求 | IMARC集团 Butyric Acid Price Trend, Chart, Monitor, Index & Demand | IMARC Group 作者: robert3011 Butyric Acid Price In USA United States: 1385 USD/MT In Q4 2023, the butyric acid market in the USA remained stable, with slight fluctuations driven by Propylene feedstock costs. Demand from the chemical intermediates and FMCG industries staye… … Read more


南非合法化大麻使用。非洲其他国家会跟进吗? South Africa legalises cannabis use. Will the rest of Africa follow? 作者: Niko Vorobyov It’s now legal to grow and use cannabis. The next battle — making it legal to trade. A continent is watching. 现在种植和使用大麻已经合法,下一场斗争将是使其交易合法化。一个大陆正在关注此事。 On the eve of the May 27 general elections, which saw the ruling African National Congress lose its … Read more


Grab控股有限公司(纳斯达克:GRAB)股票被TD资产管理公司购入 Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) Shares Purchased by TD Asset Management Inc 作者: MarketBeat News TD Asset Management Inc raised its stake in shares of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB – Free Report) by 2.8% during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The fund owned 390,966 … Read more


Pocky、Pretz和大阪的“奔跑先生”:我们走进了日本格力高的工厂幕后。 Pocky, Pretz and Osaka’s ‘Running Man’: We went behind the scenes at Glico’s factory in Japan 作者: None CNA Lifestyle visited Glico’s facilities in Japan to find out how popular snacks like Pocky and Pretz were produced, and how the “running man” became an icon. CNA生活方式频道参观了日本格力高的工厂,以了解像百奇和百力滋这样的热门零食是如何生产的,以及“奔跑者”如何成为了一个标志。 FROM POCKY AND PRETZ TO ALMOND MILK With … Read more


本周加密货币头条:比特币与山寨币抗衡市场波动,游戏驿站抢眼关注。 Crypto Headlines Of The Week: BTC & Altcoins Fight Market Volatility, GameStop Steals Attention 作者: coingape.com The world of cryptocurrencies witnessed another rollercoaster week, with Bitcoin (BTC) leading the charge. The price of BTC surged, fueling optimism, only to experience a sharp decline. This price volatility was mirrored by altcoins, while the emergence of … Read more


马来西亚开始柴油补贴改革,周一油价将上涨约50%。 Malaysia begins diesel subsidy reforms, prices to rise by about 50% on Monday 作者: None (marketscreener.com) Diesel fuel prices in much of Malaysia are set to rise by roughly 50% on Monday as the government begins shifting away from costly blanket subsidies to a targeted approach that mainly helps the needy. Malaysia, which heavily … Read more


马来西亚开始柴油补贴改革,价格将于6月10日左右上涨约50%。 Malaysia begins diesel subsidy reforms, prices to rise by about 50% on Jun 10 作者: None KUALA LUMPUR: Diesel fuel prices in much of Malaysia are set to rise by roughly 50 per cent on Monday (Jun 10) as the government begins shifting away from costly blanket subsidies to a targeted approach that mainly helps … Read more