
中国电动汽车涌入市场引发了对倾销的担忧,有言论称“40或50”个品牌可能会充斥市场。 Influx of Chinese electric vehicles sparks concerns about dumping, with claims ’40 or 50′ brands could flood the market 作者: Max Melzer The growing number of Chinese electric vehicles entering the Australian car market has sparked concerns about dumping, with new claims suggesting as many as “40 or 50” brands could arrive by the … Read more


不再有童工劳动。 No more child labour 作者: Editorial Today is “World Day Against Child Labour”, reminding Thailand once again of the need to intensify efforts to eradicate the horrors of this scourge. 今天是“世界禁止童工日”,再次提醒泰国需要加大努力,根除这一祸害的恐怖。 Today is “World Day Against Child Labour”, reminding Thailand once again of the need to intensify efforts to eradicate the horrors of this … Read more


Bitec举办可持续包装趋势会议,有2,000家参展商。 Bitec hosts conference on sustainable packaging trends with 2,000 exhibitors 作者: None The latest technologies, solutions and trends shaping the future of sustainable processing and packaging are presented during “ProPak Asia 2024”, which kicks off today and runs daily from 10am to 6pm until Saturday, at Bitec, Bang Na-Trat Road. 最新的技术、解决方案和趋势正在塑造可持续加工和包装的未来,这些内容将在今日开幕的“ProPak Asia 2024”上展出,活动将持续至周六,每天上午10点至下午6点,在位于Bang Na-Trat路的Bitec举行。 … Read more


CPN将在普吉岛购物中心增加奢侈品店面积。 CPN to add luxury store space at Phuket mall 作者: Kuakul Mornkum Retail and property developer Central Pattana Plc (CPN), the operator of Central malls, plans to nearly double the luxury store space at Central Phuket by year-end as the island is becoming a luxury tourism destination. 零售和房地产开发商Central Pattana Plc(CPN),中央商场的运营商,计划到年底将中央普吉岛的豪华店铺空间扩大近一倍,因为该岛正成为一个豪华旅游目的地。 Retail and property developer … Read more


尽管金价接近历史高点,亚洲依然陷入淘金热。 Gold rush grips Asia despite near-record prices 作者: None ( Demand for gold in Asia is surging despite prices hovering near the record highs it hit in May, industry officials say, as buyers snap up the metal to hedge against geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Spot gold is trading a little ove… 亚洲对黄金的需求正在激增,尽管金价仍徘徊在5月份创下的纪录高点附近,行业官员表示,由于买家抢购黄金以对冲地缘政治和经济不确定性。现货黄金的交易价格略高于… SINGAPORE, June … Read more


旅游统计数据表明,游客到访量有所上升,但仍然低于新冠前的水平。 Travel stats show tourist arrivals up but still below pre-Covid rates 作者: None Traveller numbers were up in April despite early Easter weekend having an impact. 尽管早些时候的复活节周末有所影响,四月份的旅客人数还是有所上升。 Overseas traveller arrival numbers for April were up, but still short of pre-Covid levels. Photo / Dean PurcellOverseas visitor arrival numbers were up slightly in April compared … Read more

为什么日本动漫电影在中国取得巨大成功?答案是文化、政治和过去的结合。 (请注意,这一句中“Enjoying Outsized Success”在中文里可以翻译为“取得巨大成功”或“获得超常成功”,我这里采用了前者进行翻译。)

为什么日本动漫电影在中国取得巨大成功?答案是文化、政治和过去的结合。 (请注意,这一句中“Enjoying Outsized Success”在中文里可以翻译为“取得巨大成功”或“获得超常成功”,我这里采用了前者进行翻译。) Why Are Japanese Anime Films Enjoying Outsized Success in China? The Answer Is a Combination of Culture, Politics and the Past 作者: Patrick Frater Reminiscent of the outsized Chinese box office success once enjoyed by a certain genre of Hollywood movie – think “Expendables 3,” Pacific Rim” and “Transformers: Age of … Read more


速抢优惠!雅典飞往东南亚仅需381欧元。 Scoot Sale! Cheap flights from Athens to South East Asia from €381 作者: Luis Perfect chance to embark on budget-friendly trip to South East Asia! Pick one of the numerous destinations including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore ,and the Philippines starting at only €381 for a round trip. 完美机会,开启一次经济实惠的东南亚之旅!选择众多目的地之一,包括印度尼西亚、泰国、马来西亚、越南、新加坡和菲律宾,往返只需€381起。 In Bali we suggest you … Read more


新加坡航空公司向在“严重颠簸”中受伤的乘客提供至少1万美元的赔偿。 Singapore Airlines offers passengers injured in ‘severe turbulence’ at least $10,000 in compensation 作者: Singapore Airlines is offering passengers who were injured on a flight that encountered “severe turbulence” at least $10,000 U.S. dollars in compensation. Flight SQ321 — a Boeing 777-300ER jet — was traveling from London to Singapore before it had … Read more


欧盟选举将如何影响东南亚? How will the EU elections impact Southeast Asia? 作者: David Hutt A weak showing for green and left-wing parties, along with surges by the far-right, could see the EU adpot a more protectionist and less environmentally-focused foreign policy. The outcome of the 2024 European Parliament elections will play out in the coming … 绿色党和左翼政党表现疲软,加之极右翼势力的崛起,可能导致欧盟采取更加保护主义、对环境关注较少的外交政策。2024年欧洲议会选举的结果将在未来……展现。 … Read more