全球伤口治疗设备市场分析至2030年:关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率

全球伤口治疗设备市场分析至2030年:关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率 Global Wound Therapy Devices Market Analysis to 2030 | Focus on Product, Region, and the Competitive Landscape | North America Forecast to Register 3.44% CAGR During the Outlook Period 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Wound Therapy Devices Market – A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus … Read more


新加坡航空公司将补偿受伤乘客。 Singapore Airlines to compensate injured passengers 作者: Caitlin O’Kane Following a severely turbulent flight that injured more than 100 passengers last month, Singapore Airlines has announced it will offer compensation to those effected. 在经历了一个月前严重颠簸的航班,导致超过100名乘客受伤后,新加坡航空公司宣布将向受影响的乘客提供赔偿。 Following a severely turbulent flight that injured more than 100 passengers last month, Singapore Airlines has announced it will offer compensation … Read more


放弃钻石珠宝之战,安加拉在彩色宝石中繁荣发展。 Ceding The Diamond Jewelry Battle, Angara Prospers With Color Gemstones 作者: Pamela N. Danziger, Senior Contributor, Pamela N. Danziger, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/ Vertically-integrated, direct-to-consumer online jeweler, Angara has grown 4X from 2019 to 2023, generating 80% of revenues from color gemstones and pearls. 垂直整合、直接面向消费者的在线珠宝商Angara,从2019年到2023年增长了4倍,其中80%的收入来自彩色宝石和珍珠。 We are agnostic whether people buy diamonds or color; we … Read more


以色列航空如何决定用有史以来最大的飞机订单保持全波音机队的内幕故事。 The Inside Story Of How El Al Decided To Remain An All-Boeing Carrier With Its Largest Ever Aircraft Order 作者: Dan El Al currently has 24 737NGs (consisting of 16 Boeing 737-800s and 8 Boeing 737-900ERs) 6 Boeing 777-200ERs (only some of these are currently operational), and 16 Dreamliners (consisting of 4 Boeing 787-8s, … Read more


Bitec举办可持续包装趋势会议,有2,000家参展商参与。 Bitec hosts conference on sustainable packaging trends with 2,000 exhibitors 作者: None The latest technologies, solutions and trends shaping the future of sustainable processing and packaging are presented during “ProPak Asia 2024”, which kicks off today and runs daily from 10am to 6pm until Saturday, at Bitec, Bang Na-Trat Road. 最新的技术、解决方案和趋势正在塑造可持续加工和包装的未来,这些内容在“ProPak Asia 2024”期间展出,该活动今天启动,持续至周六,每天上午10点至下午6点,在位于Bang Na-Trat路的Bitec举行。 … Read more


尽管金价接近历史最高纪录,亚洲仍迎来淘金热。 Gold rush grips Asia despite near-record prices 作者: None (marketscreener.com) Demand for gold in Asia is surging despite prices hovering near the record highs it hit in May, industry officials say, as buyers snap up the metal to hedge against geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Spot gold is trading a little ove… 亚洲对黄金的需求正在激增,尽管价格仍徘徊在5月份创下的纪录高点附近,行业官员表示,由于买家抢购黄金以对冲地缘政治和经济不确定性。现货黄金的交易价格略高于… SINGAPORE, June … Read more

为何日本动漫电影在中国取得巨大成功?答案是文化、政治和历史的结合。 (请注意,根据您的要求只提供翻译,但这句话已经包含了提问和简短的总结,如果需要进一步的内容,请提供具体指示。)

为何日本动漫电影在中国取得巨大成功?答案是文化、政治和历史的结合。 (请注意,根据您的要求只提供翻译,但这句话已经包含了提问和简短的总结,如果需要进一步的内容,请提供具体指示。) Why Are Japanese Anime Films Enjoying Outsized Success in China? The Answer Is a Combination of Culture, Politics and the Past 作者: Patrick Frater Reminiscent of the outsized Chinese box office success once enjoyed by a certain genre of Hollywood movie – think “Expendables 3,” Pacific Rim” and “Transformers: Age of Extinction” – … Read more


战略全球顾问有限责任公司投资32.7万美元于MakeMyTrip有限公司(纳斯达克:MMYT) Strategic Global Advisors LLC Invests $327,000 in MakeMyTrip Limited (NASDAQ:MMYT) 作者: MarketBeat News Strategic Global Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in shares of MakeMyTrip Limited (NASDAQ:MMYT – Free Report) during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional inve… 战略全球顾问有限责任公司在第四季度购买了MakeMyTrip有限公司(纳斯达克股票代码:MMYT – … Read more

全球创伤治疗设备市场分析至2030年:关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内,北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率。

全球创伤治疗设备市场分析至2030年:关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内,北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率。 Global Wound Therapy Devices Market Analysis to 2030 | Focus on Product, Region, and the Competitive Landscape | North America Forecast to Register 3.44% CAGR During the Outlook Period 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Wound Therapy Devices Market – A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus … Read more


政府在对黄金首饰配件进口限制中,面临其增长了30倍的情况。 Govt restricts import of gold jewellery parts amid 30 times increase 作者: Shreya Nandi The jump in imports has been the sharpest in the case of gold jewellery finished parts, which saw a 30 times increase to $1.55 billion in FY24 from $51.51 million a year ago 进口增长在黄金珠宝成品部件的案例中最为显著,从去年同期的5151万美元激增了30倍,达到财年24年的15.5亿美元。 The jump in imports has been … Read more