
3只ASX股息股票提供高达4.3%的收益率。 3 ASX Dividend Stocks Offering Up To 4.3% Yield 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) Over the past year, the Australian market has shown a positive trajectory with an 8.4% increase, despite recent flat performance over the last week. In this … 在过去的一年里,澳大利亚市场呈现出积极的走势,增长了8.4%,尽管最近一周的表现持平。在此…… Over the past year, the Australian market has shown a positive trajectory … Read more


丰田相信氢能源将赢得勒芒赛事。 Toyota Believes Hydrogen Power Will Win Le Mans 作者: Bradley Brownell Toyota Gazoo Racing is committing to its long-running FIA WEC and Le Mans 24 hypercar program, up to and including building a next-generation car powered by hydrogen. The series had previously announced that it would allow hydrogen-powered vehicles to compete… 丰田Gazoo Racing致力于其长期的FIA WEC和勒芒24小时超级跑车项目,包括建造一款由氢能驱动的下一代车型。该系列赛事此前已宣布,将允许氢能动力车辆参赛…… … Read more


数字钱包方案存在信用风险。 Digital wallet scheme poses credit risk 作者: Chartchai Parasuk During the debate on the extra-fiscal budget for 2024 of 1.22 billion baht to fund the digital wallet (DW) scheme, the government presented the bright side of the figurative coin. This article will present the dark side of the scheme. 在就2024年额外财政预算12.2亿泰铢用于资助数字钱包(DW)计划的辩论中,政府展示了这枚比喻硬币的光鲜一面。本文将阐述该计划的阴暗面。 During the debate on … Read more


三只拥有高达30%内部人持股的成长股 Three Growth Stocks With Insider Ownership As High As 30% 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) As global markets exhibit mixed performances with a notable pivot towards small-cap and value shares, investors are keenly observing shifts in market… 在全球市场表现参差不齐,明显转向小盘股和价值股之际,投资者正密切关注市场的变化…… As global markets exhibit mixed performances with a notable pivot towards small-cap and value shares, investors … Read more


退休彩票来救援。 Retirement lottery to the rescue 作者: Wichit Chantanusornsiri It is alarming that nearly half of the country’s workforce, comprising 37.5 million people, lacks a retirement savings plan. 令人震惊的是,该国近一半的劳动力,共3750万人,缺乏退休储蓄计划。 It is alarming that nearly half of the country’s workforce, comprising 37.5 million people, lacks a retirement savings plan. Even more shocking is that Thailand is … Read more


价格下跌了,阿提哈德航空从土耳其伊斯坦布尔飞往泰国曼谷的航班只需452欧元。 Price drop Etihad Airways flights from Istanbul to Bangkok, Thailand for €452 作者: Giovanni Etihad Airways are offering discounted flights from Istanbul, Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand! Book tickets starting at €452 for a round trip with checked bags included. 阿提哈德航空正在提供从土耳其伊斯坦布尔飞往泰国曼谷的折扣航班!预订往返含托运行李的机票,起价只需452欧元。 Etihad Airways are offering discounted flights from Istanbul, Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand! Book tickets … Read more


当地交易员对黄金价格前景持乐观态度。 Local traders optimistic on price outlook for gold 作者: Nareerat Wiriyapong Local gold traders remain bullish about bullion’s price trend, saying prices could top US$2,500 an ounce by end-2024 with a significant price increase expected after the US Federal Reserve (Fed) cuts US interest rates in September. 当地黄金交易商对贵金属价格走势保持乐观态度,认为到2024年底金价可能达到每盎司2,500美元,预计在美联储9月降息后,价格将显著上涨。 Local gold traders remain bullish about … Read more


美国法官不会阻止拜登政府对工人“竞业禁止”协议的禁令。 US judge will not block Biden administration ban on worker ‘noncompete’ agreements 作者: reuters.com US judge will not block Biden administration ban on worker ‘noncompete’ agreements Reuters Judge Sides With FTC In Noncompete Challenge, Splitting Courts Bloomberg Law The FTC Noncompete Ruling Could Change MMA As We Know It Front Office Sports Thailand and … Read more


全年电费封顶限制。 Power bills capped for the rest of the year 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Ranjana Wangvipula The cabinet has approved the capping of power bills at 4.18 baht per unit until the end of the year and set the diesel price ceiling at 33 baht per litre until Oct 31. 内阁已批准将电费单价上限设定为4.18泰铢直至年底,并将柴油价格上限设定为每升33泰铢直至10月31日。 The cabinet has approved the … Read more


鳄梨可能会便宜好几年,但农民们却遭受重创。 Avocados are likely to stay cheap for years, but farmers are getting smashed 作者: Kallee Buchanan and Bridget Herrmann Once considered a luxury, avocados have stayed cheap throughout the cost-of-living crisis. But while consumers are cheering, farmers are looking to other markets to absorb an oncoming glut. 一度被视为奢侈品的鳄梨,在整个生活成本危机期间价格一直保持低廉。但尽管消费者为此欢呼,农民们却正在寻找其他市场以吸纳即将到来的过剩供应。 Once considered a luxury purchase, avocados … Read more