
科科棕榈将金普顿品牌带到夏威夷——花园岛。 Coco Palms bringing Kimpton to Hawai‘i – The Garden Island 作者: Dennis Fujimoto WAILUA — Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants announced Wednesday that it is partnering with the Coco Palms Resort following a historically sensitive restoration of the iconic property in Wailua. 威尔卢阿——金普顿酒店及餐厅周三宣布,在威尔卢阿具有历史意义的标志性物业Coco Palms度假村经过敏感的修复后,将与其展开合作。 WAILUA — Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants announced Wednesday that it is … Read more


美国最佳新餐厅庆祝西非风味美食。 America’s Best New Restaurant Celebrates the Flavors of West Africa 作者: Chris Klimek The James Beard Award-winning Dakar NOLA is at the forefront of a generation of fine-dining establishments determined to educate foodies about the true origins of “Southern” cuisine 詹姆斯·比尔德奖获奖餐厅达卡尔NOLA走在一代精致餐饮的前沿,致力于教育美食爱好者关于“南方”美食的真实起源。 Illustration by Emily Lankiewicz / Photography by Katherine Kimball, Joshua Brasted , & … Read more


AutoStore:在泰国开设机器人工厂 AutoStore : Opens Robot Factory in Thailand 作者: None (marketscreener.com) The new factory located in Thailand will enable AutoStore to double production capacity to meet growing demand for its world-leading automated fulfillment solutions By manufacturing closer to key markets including the U.S., the… 新的工厂位于泰国,将使AutoStore的生产能力翻倍,以满足对其世界领先的自动化履行解决方案不断增长的需求。 通过在包括美国在内的关键市场附近进行制造… The new factory located in Thailand will enable AutoStore … Read more

Zapp EV将指定合同制造合作伙伴在印度销售i300。

Zapp EV将指定合同制造合作伙伴在印度销售i300。 Zapp EV to Appoint Contract Manufacturing Partner for Sales of i300 in India 作者: Zapp Electric Vehicles Group Limited Zapp EV to Appoint Contract Manufacturing Partner for Sales of i300 in India…… Zapp EV将指定合同制造伙伴在印度销售i300…… LONDON, June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zapp Electric Vehicles Group Limited (Nasdaq: ZAPP) (Zapp EV or the Company), … Read more


中国电动汽车制造商对西方关税不为所动 Chinese EV Makers Unfazed by Western Tariffs 作者: Haley Zaremba The West is attempting to form a front against the coming onslaught of cheap electric vehicles from China. Just this week the European Union slapped significant tariffs on Chinese EV imports, a month after the Biden administration quadrupled their own tariffs… 西方正试图组成一条阵线,以应对即将到来的中国廉价电动汽车的冲击。就在本周,欧盟对中国电动汽车进口征收了重要关税,就在拜登政府将自家关税增至四倍的一个月后…… The UN … Read more


“《白莲花》已提前带动第三季前泰国旅游业的发展” ‘The White Lotus’ Is Already Boosting Tourism in Thailand Ahead of Season 3 作者: Abigailtmontanez Before season three of ‘The White Lotus’ even airs, luxury hotels and resorts around Thailand are already seeing an uptick in bookings and prices. 在《白莲花》第三季播出之前,泰国各地的豪华酒店和度假村已开始出现预订量和价格的上升。 Fans of The White Lotus are so eager for season three that they’re already … Read more


大华银行回应中央银行指示 UOB responds to central bank directive 作者: Somruedi Banchongduang UOB Thailand plans to cancel its payment apportionment system for credit cards by the end of this month to comply with the Bank of Thailand’s directive. 泰国大华银行计划在本月底前取消其信用卡的支付分摊系统,以遵守泰国银行的指示。 UOB Thailand plans to cancel its payment apportionment system for credit cards by the end of this month … Read more


MRT蓝线票价将从7月3日起上涨。 MRT Blue Line fares to rise from July 3 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) The Cabinet has agreed to increase MRT Blue Line fares from Bt17-Bt43 to Bt17-Bt45, effective from July 3. Deputy Government Spokesperson Kenika Anudit revealed yesterday that the cabinet had approved the draft regulations of the Mass Rapid Transit Authority … 内阁已同意将MRT蓝线票价从17-43泰铢提高至17-45泰铢,新票价将于7月3日起生效。副政府发言人Kenika … Read more


缅甸贫困问题加剧,世界银行表示。 Myanmar poverty deepening, says World Bank 作者: Reuters Poverty in Myanmar is more widespread than at any time in the last six years, while economic growth in the conflict-torn country is likely to remain at 1% with little respite in sight, the World Bank said on Wednesday. 缅甸的贫困情况比过去六年中的任何时候都要普遍,世界银行周三表示,这个饱受冲突困扰的国家经济增长可能将保持在1%,短期内看不到明显缓解的迹象。 Poverty in Myanmar is more widespread … Read more


Petrofac(伦敦:PFC)股价下跌6.6% Petrofac (LON:PFC) Trading Down 6.6% 作者: MarketBeat News Petrofac Limited (LON:PFC – Get Free Report) dropped 6.6% on Monday . The company traded as low as GBX 19.62 ($0.25) and last traded at GBX 20.55 ($0.26). Approximately 14,104,463 shares traded hands during trading, an increase of 70% from the average daily v… Petrofac Limited … Read more