
柬埔寨文物如何最终流入美国博物馆的? How stolen Cambodian artifacts ended up in American museums 作者: Anderson Cooper Looters stole thousands of priceless artifacts from religious sites across Cambodia. An American lawyer is working with the country to bring them home. 劫匪从柬埔寨各地的宗教场所盗走了数千件无价之宝。一位美国律师正在与该国合作,将它们带回国内。 This is an updated version of a story first published on Dec. 17, 2023. The original video can … Read more


麻的潜力化为乌有。 Hemp’s potential goes up in smoke 作者: None Since the legalisation of marijuana, or ganja, in 2022, the total lack of regulatory control has sparked a public outcry, prompting the Srettha administration to criminalise ganja again. The move to make hemp illegal, too, is a major mistake. 自2022年大麻或甘贾合法化以来,监管控制的完全缺失引发了公众的强烈抗议,促使Srettha政府再次将甘贾定为犯罪。将工业大麻也视为非法的行为同样是一个重大错误。 Since the legalisation of marijuana, or … Read more


沙特阿拉伯:石油美元、中国及央行数字货币 Saudi Arabia: The Petrodollar, China, and CBDCs 作者: Activist Post By Derrick Broze Recent viral reports claim the United States and Saudi Arabia have ended their long-standing petrodollar agreement. Are these claims based in fact?… Saudi Arabia: The Petrodollar, China, and CBDCs 近期病毒式报道声称美国和沙特阿拉伯已经结束了他们长期的石油美元协议。这些说法是基于事实吗?… 沙特阿拉伯:石油美元、中国及央行数字货币。 By Derrick Broze Recent viral reports claim the United States … Read more


总理誓言要让“法拉利”经济复苏。 PM vows to get ‘Ferrari’ economy humming 作者: Mongkol Bangprapa Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has likened Thailand’s economy to a 12-cylinder Ferrari with only six or seven cylinders working. But the government is firing on all cylinders to get the engine running at full throttle, he says. 总理素拉萨·塔维信将泰国的经济比作一台12缸的法拉利,但只有六七个缸在工作。他说,但政府正在全力以赴,让这台引擎全速运转。 Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has likened … Read more


PropertyGuru集团(纽约证券交易所代码:PGRU)交易量异常高企。 PropertyGuru Group (NYSE:PGRU) Sees Unusually-High Trading Volume 作者: MarketBeat News Shares of PropertyGuru Group Limited (NYSE:PGRU – Get Free Report) saw unusually-strong trading volume on Thursday . Approximately 41,380 shares changed hands during trading, an increase of 51% from the previous session’s volume of 27,337 shares.The stock las… propertyguru集团有限公司的股票(纽约证券交易所:PGRU – 免费报告)在周四的交易量异常强劲。在交易期间,大约有41,380股易手,比前一交易日的27,337股增加了51%。该股票的最后一个交易价格为……(此处原文缺失,无法提供完整翻译)。 Shares of PropertyGuru … Read more


研究显示俄罗斯赴中国旅游人次激增。 Study reveals surge in Russian tourist trips to China 作者: RT Tourist flows from Russia to China saw a major increase in January-May 2024, research shows Read Full Article at RT.com 研究表明,2024年1月至5月,从俄罗斯到中国的旅游流量出现了大幅增长。在RT.com上阅读完整文章。 Tourist traffic from Russia to China surged by 26% in the first five months of this year, making the Asian nation the … Read more


提出的彩票养老金计划是否是一种民粹主义的冒险? Is the proposed lottery pension scheme a populist gamble? 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) Is the proposed lottery pension scheme a populist gamble? Thailand is now officially an aged society, with the number of people aged over 60 reaching 13 million, making up around 20 per cent of the total population. An aged society comes with … Read more


东盟准备好放弃煤炭了吗? Is Asean ready to abandon coal? 作者: Chaedar Indra & Pramana Suwanto & Shania Esmeralda Manaloe & Beni Suryadi Coal remains critical for providing secure and affordable energy, supporting economic growth, and enabling a just energy transition in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). Scrapping coal without prudent energy planning could drag Asean … Read more

queries on UOB responds to central bank directive UOB回应中央银行指令

queries on UOB responds to central bank directive UOB回应中央银行指令 UOB responds to central bank directive 作者: Somruedi Banchongduang UOB Thailand plans to cancel its payment apportionment system for credit cards by the end of this month to comply with the Bank of Thailand’s directive. 泰国大华银行计划在本月底之前取消其信用卡的支付分摊系统,以遵守泰国银行的指导方针。 UOB Thailand plans to cancel its payment apportionment system for … Read more

桂花在韩国 Sokcho 开设首家桂花 Sokcho 分店。 (注:这里的 Cassia 通常指的是一种植物,但根据上下文,它可能指的是一个品牌或酒店名称。如果“Cassia”有特定品牌或公司名称的含义,请根据实际情况调整翻译。)

桂花在韩国 Sokcho 开设首家桂花 Sokcho 分店。 (注:这里的 Cassia 通常指的是一种植物,但根据上下文,它可能指的是一个品牌或酒店名称。如果“Cassia”有特定品牌或公司名称的含义,请根据实际情况调整翻译。) Cassia Debuts in South Korea with the Opening of Cassia Sokcho 作者: Cassia Sokcho Cassia Sokcho, a vibrant new addition to the Banyan Group’s portfolio, is delighted to welcome guests to an engaging and dynamic living experience. This marks the brand debut of the Cassia brand to … Read more