LockBit 勒索软件声称以赎金形式获取了美国联邦储备银行33TB的数据。

LockBit 勒索软件声称以赎金形式获取了美国联邦储备银行33TB的数据。 LockBit Ransomware Claims 33 TB of US Federal Reserve Data for Ransom 作者: Waqas LockBit ransomware claims to hold 33 TB of data from the US Federal Reserve for ransom. Hackread.com investigates, reaching out to CISA for comments on the breach and ongoing negotiations. Stay updated! LockBit勒索软件声称以赎金形式持有美国联邦储备银行的33TB数据。Hackread.com展开调查,向CISA询问有关此次泄露事件及正在进行谈判的评论。敬请关注更新! The notorious LockBit ransomware gang claims … Read more


分析CP ALL公众公司(OTCMKTS:CPPCY)与 Ingles Markets公司(NASDAQ:IMKTA) Analyzing CP ALL Public (OTCMKTS:CPPCY) & Ingles Markets (NASDAQ:IMKTA) 作者: MarketBeat News Ingles Markets (NASDAQ:IMKTA – Get Free Report) and CP ALL Public (OTCMKTS:CPPCY – Get Free Report) are both retail/wholesale companies, but which is the superior investment? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their profitability, … Read more

350亿美元咖啡豆市场 – 全球预测(2024年至2029年)及主要玩家简介 – Backyard Beans Coffee Co, Caribou Coffee, Coffee Bean Direct, Farmer Bros 和 Gold Coffee Co.

350亿美元咖啡豆市场 – 全球预测(2024年至2029年)及主要玩家简介 – Backyard Beans Coffee Co, Caribou Coffee, Coffee Bean Direct, Farmer Bros 和 Gold Coffee Co. $35+ Billion Coffee Bean Market – Global Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 with Profiles of Key Players – Backyard Beans Coffee Co, Caribou Coffee, Coffee Bean Direct, Farmer Bros, & Gold Coffee Co 作者: Research and … Read more


全球特殊用途针头市场研究2024-2029:按抽吸针、采血、活检和硬膜外麻醉针进行分析与预测 Global Special Purpose Needles Market Research 2024-2029: Analysis & Forecasts by Aspiration Needles, Blood Collection, Biopsies, and Epidural Needles 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Special Purpose Needles Market – Forecasts from 2024 to 2029” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.The special-purpose needles market was evaluated at … Read more


欧约在迪拜推出针对印度旅行者的豪华酒店品牌。 Oyo Launches Premium Hotel Brand in Dubai for Indian Travelers 作者: Skift Oyo looks to make the most of India’s burgeoning outbound travel market, as evidenced by its recent launch of premium hotels in popular destinations for Indian tourists. -Peden Doma Bhutia 欧悠欲充分利用印度迅速发展的出境旅游市场,正如其最近在印度游客热门目的地推出高端酒店所证明的那样。-佩登·多马·布提亚 Oyo has announced the launch of its first luxury hotel, the … Read more


捷星航空开通两条前往昆士兰州的新航线。 Jetstar launching two new routes to Queensland 作者: Odt – Otago Daily Times Jetstar is increasing capacity on domestic services and introducing two new trans-Tasman routes, as it looks to make Christchurch a “major gateway”… 捷星正在增加国内服务的运力,并推出两条新的跨塔斯曼航线,旨在将基督城打造成一个“主要门户”…… Jetstar is increasing capacity on domestic services and introducing two new trans-Tasman routes.The expansion is set to provide … Read more


NNPC将70亿美元的天然气管道交付日期推迟至八月。 NNPC shifts $700m gas pipeline delivery date to August 作者: Okechukwu Nnodim The delivery date for the completion of the $700m Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben gas pipeline project, popularly called OB3, has been shifted from March 2024 to August, as the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited announced its readiness to complete the facility. … 700万美元的Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben天然气管道项目,俗称OB3,其完工交付日期已从2024年3月推迟至8月,因为尼日利亚国家石油公司有限公司宣布已准备好完成该设施的建设。… The delivery … Read more

旅游业是否正在强势回归?我们确实需要它回归 – Sudima的莱斯·摩根。

旅游业是否正在强势回归?我们确实需要它回归 – Sudima的莱斯·摩根。 Is tourism the comeback kid? We sure need it to be – Sudima’s Les Morgan 作者: Les Morgan Opinion: Three lessons might help us seriously boost tourism and our relationships. 观点:三个教训或许能帮助我们大力提升旅游业和我们的关系。 The incoming New Zealand International Convention Centre is a big lever to pull business tourism in, energising the Auckland hotel and … Read more


自由写作靠谱吗?警惕骗局! Is Freelance Writing a Sure Thing? Scam Alert 作者: Carol Tice Do you wonder, is freelance writing a sure thing? If so, there’s a newly minted online writing “expert” who’d love to take your money. 你有没有想过,自由撰稿是不是一件稳妥的事情?如果是的话,有个新出炉的在线写作“专家”很乐意接受你的钱。 Do you wonder, is freelance writing a sure thing? If so, there’s a newly minted online writing “expert” … Read more


为什么柬埔寨关系到美中竞争? Why Cambodia Matters to the U.S.-China Rivalry 作者: Sam Rainsy A new naval base under construction in Cambodia is symbolic of the power struggle across Southeast Asia. 柬埔寨正在建设中的一座新海军基地象征着整个东南亚地区的力量争夺。 Little could be more symbolic of the power struggle playing out in Southeast Asia than what is happening on the outskirts of Ream National Park, in … Read more