
有机木薯淀粉市场到2032年全球将达到440亿美元,复合年增长率为3.9%:联合市场研究 Organic Cassava Starch Market to Reach $4.4 Billion Globally by 2032 at 3.9% CAGR: Allied Market Research 作者: Allied Analytics LLP Increasing global demand for organic & natural products and continued innovations in cassava starch processing are projected to drive the global organic cassava starch market’s growth during the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific region … Read more


泰国合法大麻市场规模、份额及趋势分析报告2024-2030:基于CBD产品的需求增长以及对大麻提取物如油和酊剂的偏好增加 Thailand Legal Cannabis Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report 2024-2030: Growing Demand for CBD-based Products & Increasing Preference for Cannabis Extracts such as Oils and Tinctures 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Thailand Legal Cannabis Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Source (Hemp, Marijuana), Derivatives … Read more


一名从石油钻井平台转行到风力涡轮机的千禧一代表示,他在可再生能源行业晋升得更快。 A millennial who switched from working on oil rigs to wind turbines says he’s been promoted faster in renewable energy 作者: Catherine Boudreau Shaun Mitchell advanced from a wind technician to a supervisor within a few years after leaving the oil and gas industry. 肖恩·米切尔在离开石油和天然气行业后,仅用几年时间就从风能技术员晋升为监工。 Shaun Mitchell is an operations and maintenance supervisor at … Read more


CATL电池成功为电动飞机提供动力,预计将实现1800英里民用飞机的飞行。 CATL battery successfully powers electric plane with 1,800-mile civil aircraft expected 作者: Peter Johnson The world’s largest EV battery maker is powering up something even bigger. CATL successfully tested a 4-ton electric plane powered by its ultra-high energy density battery. By 2028, CATL expects to reveal an 8-ton civil electric aircraft with around 1,200 … Read more


新国家投资基金计划中 New state investment fund planned 作者: Nareerat Wiriyapong Stock analysts are throwing their support behind the Finance Ministry’s plan to set up a new fund to invest in Thai shares, saying it could increase trading in the fourth quarter. 股票分析师们支持财政部设立新基金投资泰国股票的计划,认为这可能会增加第四季度的交易量。 Stock analysts are throwing their support behind the Finance Ministry’s plan to set up … Read more

” Finnomena 提醒投资者关注外国股票”

” Finnomena 提醒投资者关注外国股票” Finnomena nudges investors to focus on foreign stocks 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee Finnomena, a Thai investment management platform, recommends 100% investment in foreign stock markets until Thailand resolves its economic and social structural issues to drive economic growth, allowing listed companies to prosper. Finnomena,一家泰国的投资管理平台,建议在泰国解决其经济和社会结构性问题以推动经济增长之前,投资100%于外国股市,让上市公司得以繁荣。 Finnomena, a Thai investment management platform, recommends 100% investment … Read more


泰欧自由贸易谈判继续进行中。 Thai-EU free trade talks continue 作者: Phusadee Arunmas The third round of free trade negotiations for a Thailand-European Union (EU) agreement recently finished, with the fourth round scheduled to be hosted by Thailand on Nov 4. 第三轮泰国与欧洲联盟(EU)之间的自由贸易谈判最近结束,第四轮谈判定于11月4日在泰国举行。 The third round of free trade negotiations for a Thailand-European Union (EU) agreement recently finished, with the … Read more


人民币作为全球货币的地位可能正在稳步提升,但顶尖的首席执行官们认为还有更多障碍需要克服。 The yuan’s status as a global currency might be gaining ground. But top CEOs see more hurdles to clear 作者: None For China’s yuan to be used more globally, the currency needs more “applications” such as stocks and bonds, said Bonnie Chan, CEO of the Hong Kong exchange. 为了使中国的人民币在全球得到更广泛的使用,港交所行政总裁陈美莲表示,该货币需要更多的“应用”,比如股票和债券。 A bank employee count Chinas … Read more


签证公司表示,不断上升的成本正在影响亚太商务旅行。 Visa says rising costs hitting Asia-Pacific business travel 作者: Molpasorn Shoowong Rising travel costs as well as economic and geopolitical concerns have been affecting business travel from Asia-Pacific, while companies are investing more in digitalisation to help manage their travel budget, according to Visa. 据Visa报告,不断上升的旅行成本以及经济和地缘政治的担忧一直在影响亚太地区的商务旅行,而各公司正投资更多于数字化以帮助管理其旅行预算。 Rising travel costs as well as economic and geopolitical … Read more


真谛在5G收入上的增长达到每年15%。 True’s growth in 5G revenue hits 15% per year 作者: Komsan Tortermvasana True Corporation has focused on expanding its 5G usage among tourists, with 60% of inbound visitors applying for its telecom service, and the company recording 5G revenue growth of 15% per year. True集团专注于在游客中扩大其5G的使用,60%的入境游客申请其电信服务,公司记录的5G收入每年增长15%。 True Corporation has focused on expanding its 5G usage … Read more