
True集团首次发行日元贷款。 True Corp taking out first yen loan 作者: Bloomberg News True Corp, the country’s largest mobile phone operator, is syndicating its first yen-denominated sustainability-linked loan in a bid to cut financing costs as dollar interest rates remain high, according to people familiar with the matter. True Corp,该国最大的移动电话运营商,正在联合出资其首笔日元计价的与可持续发展相关的贷款,目的是在美元利率居高不下时降低融资成本,据知情人士透露。 True Corp, the countrys largest mobile phone … Read more


全球南方错过了电动汽车革命。以下是制造商可以采取的行动。 The Global South is missing out on the EV revolution. Here’s what automakers can do about it 作者: None As developed economies electrify their fleets, the rest of the world is being left behind. 随着发达国家电气化其车队,世界其他地区正在被甩在后面。 Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is soaring: sales could reach 17 million in 2024, accounting for one in five cars … Read more


丽思卡尔顿游艇系列宣布,旗下第三艘豪华超级游艇Luminara将在亚太地区迎来首个航季。 The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Announces First Asia-Pacific Season Aboard Luminara, Its Third Luxury Superyacht to Debut 作者: The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Underscoring its commitment to culturally immersive and extraordinary journeys while setting a new standard in ultra-luxury cruising, The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection expands its curated offerings across the globe, delivering unforgettable experiences to gue… … Read more


新的评估框架有助于量化碳吸收服务的供需情况。 New evaluation framework helps quantify supply and demand of carbon sequestration services 作者: Zhang Nannan The Lancang Mekong River Basin (LMRB) connects six countries in Southeast Asia. To support the ecological, economic and social sustainable development of the LMRB, low carbon management services need to be implemented in each country within the basin. However… … Read more


硅谷的人工智能控制的岩热电池即将来到欧洲。 Silicon Valley’s AI-controlled hot rock batteries are coming to Europe 作者: Siôn Geschwindt A Silicon Valley startup is developing a hot rock battery that could be the next big thing in energy storage — and it’s coming to Europe. The giant brick toaster is the brainchild of San Francisco-based Rondo Energy. The startup believes … Read more


市场营销至关重要:游戏开发者市场营销指南 Marketing matters: The developer’s guide to game marketing 作者: Guest Author What happens behind the scenes of your game will determine its trajectory for success. You could develop an incredible game, but players may never even know… 游戏幕后发生的事情将决定其成功的走向。您可能开发了一款令人难以置信的游戏,但玩家可能永远都不会了解…… If your studio has $2-3 million to spend on marketing it’s worth hiring an analyst to … Read more

Robinhood 应用程序将于7月31日关闭。

Robinhood 应用程序将于7月31日关闭。 Robinhood app shutting down on July 31 作者: Online Reporters Robinhood, the commission-free application for on-demand food delivery, hotel booking and other services, will cease operations on July 31, Siam Commercial Bank announced on Tuesday. Robinhood这款免佣金的应用程序,提供外卖、酒店预订等服务,将于7月31日停止运营,泰国商业银行于周二宣布。 Robinhood, the commission-free application for on-demand food delivery, hotel booking and other services, will cease operations on … Read more


全球股市在Nvidia因人工智能热潮降温再次下跌后表现不一。 Global stocks mixed after Nvidia tumbles again as AI mania cools 作者: None World stocks were mixed Tuesday after another slide for Wall Street heavyweight Nvidia kept U.S. indexes mixed Monday, even as the majority of stocks rallied. The future for the Dow Jones Industrial Average was little changed while futures for the S&P … Read more


美国从中国进口量暴跌;墨西哥,近岸外包,并非大赢家。 U.S. Imports From China Plunging; Mexico, Near-Shoring, Not Big Winner 作者: Ken Roberts, Contributor, Ken Roberts, Contributor As China’s percentage of U.S. trade has fallen precipitously, a look at the affected imports shows that Vietnam — and not Mexico, not ‘near-shoring’ — is benefitting. 随着中国在美国贸易中的占比急剧下降,受影响的进口商品显示,受益者不是墨西哥,也不是“近岸外包”,而是越南。 Digital camera imports into the United States is … Read more


糖和乙醇行业需要专注于三管齐下的策略。 Sugar and ethanol sector needs to focus on a 3-pronged strategy 作者: Prabhudatta Mishra India will continue to invest its best efforts to meet the objective set out towards a clean environment, says Food Secretary and International Sugar Organization Chairman Sanjeev Chopra 印度将继续投入最大的努力,以实现设立在清洁环境方面的目标,食品秘书和国际糖组织主席桑杰夫·乔普拉表示。 Excerpts from Chopras address at a workshop organised by ISO in … Read more