shake Shack 探索泰餐,推出绿咖喱菜单项

shake Shack 探索泰餐,推出绿咖喱菜单项 Shake Shack Ventures Into Thai Food With Green Curry Menu 作者: (Hypebeast) Shake Shack is not afraid to try new flavors and update its menu. In the past, the fast-food chain has launched special edition items spanning smoky BBQ, al pastor, a matcha cookies & cream milkshake, a hot honey menu … Read more


恢复工程如何能帮助珊瑚礁? How restoration can help coral reefs 作者: Sara HUSSEIN Record-high sea temperatures are bleaching coral reefs worldwide and putting a new focus on attempts to restore these key marine ecosystems. 记录高的海水温度正在全球范围内漂白珊瑚礁,并使得人们重新关注试图恢复这些关键海洋生态系统的努力。 Record-high sea temperatures are bleaching coral reefs worldwide and putting a new focus on attempts to restore these key marine ecosystems. Here is … Read more


中国汽车制造商预计到2030年将实现全球市场份额33%。 Chinese automakers expected to achieve 33% global market share by 2030 作者: None Chinese automakers are expected to continue to rapidly expand outside of China to achieve 33% of global automotive market share by 2030. 中国汽车制造商预计将继续快速拓展中国以外的市场,以在2030年达到全球汽车市场份额的33%。 GUANGZHOU, CHINA – NOVEMBER 17: A GAC Aion Hyper SSR electric sports car is on display during the … Read more


漫游者快而慷慨的数据套餐使其eSIM成为旅行者的必备之选。 Fast and generous data plans from Nomad make its eSIMs essential for travellers 作者: Nomad Travelling is fantastic. The thrill of seeing new places, cultures and just getting away from it all. But it’s not without its stresses, as you need to be sure you’ve got your passport, money, tickets, not to mention which … Read more


加密货币女王通缉:美国将OneCoin幕后策划人的悬赏金提高至500万美元。 Crypto Queen Wanted: US Raises Reward To $5 Million For OneCoin Mastermind 作者: Christian Encila The elusive “Crypto Queen” Ruja Ignatova, mastermind behind the infamous OneCoin scam, remains a thorn in the side of law enforcement despite a significant bump in the reward for her capture. The US State Department upped the ante to … Read more


印度喀拉拉邦甲型肝炎疫苗接种的成本效益分析 Cost-effective analysis of hepatitis A vaccination in Kerala state, India 作者: Yogesh Krishnarao Gurav, Bhavani Shankara Bagepally, Natthakan Chitpim, Abhasnee Sobhonslidsuk, Mohan Digambar Gupte, Usa Chaikledkaew, Ammarin Thakkinstian, Montarat Thavorncharoensap Several hepatitis A outbreaks have recently been reported in Kerala state, India. To inform coverage decision of hepatitis A vaccine in Kerala, this study … Read more

农作物保护化学品市场到2031年将达到880亿美元——Meticulous Research®独家报告

农作物保护化学品市场到2031年将达到880亿美元——Meticulous Research®独家报告 Crop Protection Chemicals Market to Reach $88.0 Billion by 2031 – Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research® 作者: None REDDING, Calif., June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — According to a new market research report titled ‘Crop Protection Chemicals Market Size, Share, Forecast, & Trends Analysis by Type (Synthetic [Insecticides, Herbicides], Biological), Formulation (Solid, Liquid),… 雷丁,加利福尼亚州,2024年6月27日/美通社/–根据一份题为“作物保护化学品市场大小、份额、预测和类型分析(合成[杀虫剂、除草剂],生物),配方(固体,液体)…”的新市场研究报告… … Read more


联合国特别报告员呼吁泰国银行停止支持缅甸军政府。 UN Rapporteur Calls on Thai Banks to Stop Aiding Myanmar Junta 作者: Banks in Thailand became key players in funding for arms for the Myanmar military over the past year, according to a new report by the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Myanmar. Thai banks were involved in $120 million worth of weapons … Read more


泰国能源亿万富翁加大数据中心的推进力度,以挖掘人工智能繁荣机遇。 Thai Energy Billionaire Steps Up Data Center Push to Tap AI Boom 作者: Bloomberg News Energy billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailand’s second-richest person, is accelerating his push into data centers to tap a booming market fueled by rising demand for cloud computing and artificial intelligence. 能源亿万富翁萨拉思·拉塔纳瓦迪,泰国第二富有的人,正在加快他进入数据中心领域的步伐,以开发一个由不断增长的云计算和人工智能需求推动的繁荣市场。 (Bloomberg) Energy billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailands second-richest person, is … Read more


来自Nomad的实惠数据套餐,让旅行变得轻松自如。 Affordable data plans from Nomad that make travelling a breeze 作者: Nomad Macworld It’s always great to get away from it all, take a break and see another part of the world. But, in our ever-connected lives, it can also be useful to keep in touch with those at home or maybe live a … Read more