
Netflix和亚马逊正在给我们带来世界。 Netflix and Amazon Are Giving Us the World 作者: Tony Maglio Netflix and Amazon combined for 53 percent of global commissions in the first quarter of 2024, Ampere Analysis found. 网飞和亚马逊在2024年第一季度合计占全球委托业务的53%,这是安培分析公司的发现。 Perhaps “Peak TV” has one more run in it — outside of the U.S., that is. That’s mostly thanks to Amazon and Netflix. … Read more


能源绝对公司在强制股票出售后安抚投资者信心。 Energy Absolute reassures investors after forced share sales 作者: Yuthana Praiwan and Nareerat Wiriyapong Energy Absolute Plc, a renewable energy and electric vehicle (EV) developer and operator, has vowed to grow its businesses after suffering a dramatic plunge in its share price. 能源绝对有限公司,一家可再生能源及电动汽车(EV)的开发和运营商,在经历了其股价的急剧下跌后,承诺要扩大其业务规模。 Energy Absolute Plc, a renewable energy and electric vehicle (EV) developer … Read more


SET指数在上涨规则生效时暴跌。 SET index tumbles as uptick rule comes into effect 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index fell below the psychological support level of 1,300 points on Monday on domestic political uncertainties, while market regulators imposed the uptick rule to increase their supervision of short-selling transactions. 泰国证券交易所(SET)指数周一因国内政治不确定性跌破了心理支撑位1,300点,同时市场监管机构实施了上涨交易规则,以加强对做空交易的监管。 The Stock Exchange of Thailand … Read more


酒店希望在弱势复苏期间获得刺激。 Hotels want stimulus amid weak recovery 作者: Narumon Kasemsuk Hotel operators are pushing for a tax deduction or subsidy for renovation investment, especially for green energy, while the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) suggests hotels in second-tier cities install electric vehicle (EV) chargers to accommodate the gr… 酒店经营者正在争取对翻新投资进行税收减免或补贴,特别是绿色能源方面,而泰国旅游局(TAT)建议二线城市酒店安装电动汽车(EV)充电设施,以满足日益增长的…需求。 Hotel operators are pushing for a … Read more


金枪鱼出口随着行业复苏而激增。 Tuna exports soar as industry recovers 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Thai exports of canned tuna grew by more than 13% in the first five months of this year. 今年前五个月,泰国罐装金枪鱼出口增长了逾13%。 Thai exports of canned tuna grew by more than 13% in the first five months of this year. Poonpong Naiyanapakorn, director-general of the Trade Policy and … Read more


泰国中央银行与政府之间的斗争内幕 Inside the Battle Between Thailand’s Central Bank and Government 作者: Thomas Kutty Abraham and Suttinee Yuvejwattana (Bloomberg) — Thailand’s central bank governor, who has pushed back against politicians lobbying for lower interest rates, has a message for counterparts… (彭博)– 泰国央行行长对那些游说降息的政治人物持反对态度,他向同行传达了一条信息…… (Bloomberg) — Thailands central bank governor, who has pushed back against politicians lobbying for … Read more


补贴会影响消费吗? Do subsidies affect consumption? 作者: Yuthana Praiwan Government attempts to limit energy prices in Thailand may please the public in the short term, but they are raising concerns about fuel consumption over the long term. 政府试图限制泰国的能源价格可能在短期内取悦公众,但长期来看,这引发了人们对燃料消耗的担忧。 Government attempts to limit energy prices in Thailand may please the public in the short term, but they … Read more


平板计划易受风险影响。 Tablet plan prone to risks 作者: Editorial The House of Representatives recently approved the 2025 fiscal budget bill, totalling more than 3.75 trillion baht, at its first reading. Notably, the bill aims to allocate 340.6 billion baht to the Education Ministry, making it the largest budget recipient a… 众议院最近在第一读阶段批准了2025财年的预算案,总额超过3.75万亿泰铢。值得注意的是,该法案计划向教育部拨款3406亿泰铢,使其成为最大的预算接收部门。 The House of Representatives recently … Read more

全球磁共振成像线圈市场规模到2033年将超过195亿美元 | 年复合增长率为8.53%

全球磁共振成像线圈市场规模到2033年将超过195亿美元 | 年复合增长率为8.53% Global Magnetic Resonance Imaging Coils Market Size To Exceed USD 19.5 Billion By 2033 | CAGR Of 8.53% 作者: SPHERICAL INSIGHTS LLP The Global Magnetic Resonance Imaging Coils Market Size was Valued at USD 8.6 Billion in 2023 and the Worldwide Magnetic Resonance Imaging Coils Market Size is Expected to Reach USD … Read more


美国大使提议出售F-16战斗机:总理。 US ambassador proposes to sell F-16 fight jets: PM 作者: Wassana Nanuam Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin on Sunday said the United States ambassador wrote to him to propose that the Thai air force buy F-16 Block 70 fighter jets, but said many points had yet to be discussed – including his requirement for the … Read more