
亚洲股市因美国利率前景和科技股反弹吸引强劲的外资流入。 Asian stocks draw robust foreign inflows on US rate outlook, tech rally 作者: Reuters Asian stocks draw robust foreign inflows on US rate outlook, tech rally 亚洲股市因美国利率前景和科技股反弹吸引强劲的外资流入。 By Gaurav Dogra (Reuters) – Foreign investors channelled massive money into Asian equities in June, after two months of selling, as easing U.S. price pressures raised hopes … Read more

initiatives, with both sides showing strong interest in expanding cooperation in various fields. 与马来西亚的贸易谈判特点是新的联合项目/倡议,双方均表现出强烈的兴趣,希望在各领域扩大合作。

initiatives, with both sides showing strong interest in expanding cooperation in various fields. 与马来西亚的贸易谈判特点是新的联合项目/倡议,双方均表现出强烈的兴趣,希望在各领域扩大合作。 Trade talks with Malaysia feature new joint projects 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third joint trade committee (JTC) meeting between Thailand and Malaysia on Thursday in Kuala Lumpur. 商业部长Phumtham Wechayachai于周四在吉隆坡参加了泰国与马来西亚的第三次联合贸易委员会(JTC)会议。 Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third … Read more


与研究机构合作编制行业报告 SET teams with research firms for industry reports 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is joining with four research houses to produce comprehensive industry reports, aiming to provide investors with crucial decision-making information and highlight potential industries. 泰国证券交易所(SET)与四家研究机构合作编制全面的行业报告,旨在为投资者提供关键的决策信息,并突出潜在行业。 The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is joining with four research houses to … Read more

summit, Italy and Thailand strengthened their ties at a bilateral business forum. During the event, both sides expressed their commitment to enhancing economic cooperation and discussed potential areas for future collaboration. 在这次峰会上,意大利和泰国在一个双边商业论坛上加强了他们的联系。在活动中,双方表达了加强经济合作的承诺,并讨论了未来合作的潜在领域。 翻译结果: 意大利和泰国在双边商业论坛上加强联系。双方承诺增强经济合作,并探讨了未来协作的可能性。

summit, Italy and Thailand strengthened their ties at a bilateral business forum. During the event, both sides expressed their commitment to enhancing economic cooperation and discussed potential areas for future collaboration. 在这次峰会上,意大利和泰国在一个双边商业论坛上加强了他们的联系。在活动中,双方表达了加强经济合作的承诺,并讨论了未来合作的潜在领域。 翻译结果: 意大利和泰国在双边商业论坛上加强联系。双方承诺增强经济合作,并探讨了未来协作的可能性。 Italy and Thailand strengthen ties at bilateral business forum 作者: None The Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Board of Trade … Read more


曼谷将举办亚洲首个国际无人机展览。 Bangkok to host Asia’s first international drone exhibition 作者: Komsan Tortermvasana GML Exhibition (Thailand) is keen to launch DronTech Asia 2024, the continent’s first international drone exhibition and conference, cashing in on the exponential growth of commercial drones. GML展览(泰国)热衷于推出DronTech Asia 2024,这是该大陆首届国际无人机展览和会议,旨在利用商业无人机指数级增长的契机。 GML Exhibition (Thailand) is keen to launch DronTech Asia 2024, the continent’s first … Read more


像富豪一样在7个宛如马尔代夫的地方度假 Vacation Like the Rich in 7 Places That Feel Like the Maldives 作者: Andrew Lisa Generations of movie stars, athletes, royals, millionaires and billionaires have flocked to the Maldives for the South Asian island chain’s perfect year… 历代电影明星、运动员、王室成员、百万富翁和亿万富翁纷纷涌向马尔代夫,享受这个南亚群岛完美的年度时光…… Generations of movie stars, athletes, royals, millionaires and billionaires have flocked to the Maldives for the … Read more


SET指数预计将在诉讼案件期间下跌 SET index expected to plunge amid court cases 作者: Nareerat Wiriyapong The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index could plunge to 1,250-1,260 points, down from about 1,300 points now, if the Constitutional Court rules Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin breached ethics rules when appointing Pichit Chuenban, which is likely, says CGI… 泰国证券交易所(SET)指数可能会从目前的约1300点跌至1250-1260点,如果宪法法院裁定总理Srettha Thavisin在任命Pichit Chuenban时违反了道德规范,这是很可能的,CGI说道…… The … Read more


蓝港为华欣购物中心增添会议大厅。 Bluport adds convention hall to Hua Hin mall 作者: Kanana Katharangsiporn Hua Hin Asset, the developer and operator of Bluport Hua Hin Resort Mall, is adding a 3,000-square-metre convention hall to attract new target visitors and tenants, aiming to boost occupancy to 90% and reach the break-even point within three years. 华欣资产,作为蓝港华欣度假购物中心的开发商和运营商,正在增加一个3,000平方米的会议厅,以吸引新的目标游客和租户,旨在将入住率提升至90%,并在三年内达到盈亏平衡点。 Hua Hin … Read more


医疗金融科技公司HealthEquity披露了一起数据泄露事件。 Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach 作者: Pierluigi Paganini Healthcare firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach caused by a partner’s compromised account that exposed protected health information. Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach after a partner’s compromised account was used to access its… 医疗保健公司HealthEquity披露了一起数据泄露事件,由合作伙伴账户被侵害导致,暴露了受保护的医疗信息。医疗金融科技公司HealthEquity在合作伙伴账户被用来访问其……之后披露了数据泄露事件。 Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a … Read more


今日股市:日本日经225指数刷新纪录收盘价,引领亚洲股市上涨。 Stock market today: Japan’s Nikkei 225 hits new record close, leading Asian shares higher 作者: ELAINE KURTENBACH AP business writer Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 has surged to a record close of 40,913.65, leading markets in most of Asia higher 日本的基准日经225指数飙升创纪录收盘价40,913.65点,带动多数亚洲市场上涨。 BANGKOK — Japans benchmark Nikkei 225 surged Thursday to a record close of 40,913.65, … Read more