
哈里·昆祖的逃离艺术市场 Hari Kunzru’s Escape From the Art Market 作者: Jess Bergman In Honoré de Balzac’s 1831 story “The Unknown Masterpiece,” the young artist Nicolas Poussin presents himself at the studio of Porbus, a seventeenth-century court painter, hoping to inhale the fumes of creative genius. It is a stroke of luck that his visit co… 在奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克的1831年故事《未知的杰作》中,年轻艺术家尼古拉·普桑来到十七世纪宫廷画家波布斯的工作室,希望能吸吮创作的灵感。他的到访真是一大幸运…… … Read more


小米智能空气净化器紧凑型评测:只需50美元就能呼吸更清洁的空气? Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier Compact Review: Cleaner Air For As Low As $50? 作者: Ben Sin, Contributor, Ben Sin, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/ Xiaomi’s compact air purifier is going on sale in the U.S., and Walmart has a deal that shaves $20 off its usual $70 price. 小米的紧凑型空气净化器将在美国销售,沃尔玛有一项优惠,可以将其通常70美元的价格减去20美元。 Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact Ben Sin … Read more


爱奇艺新款VR基于位置的娱乐将在今年夏季在中国各大城市推出。 iQIYI’s New VR Location-Based Entertainment to Launch Across Major Chinese Cities This Summer 作者: PR Wire On June 19, iQIYI, a leading online entertainment service in China, announced plans to launch VR location based experiences across major Chinese cities this … 6月19日,中国领先的在线娱乐服务公司爱奇艺宣布计划在中国主要城市推出基于位置的VR体验… Upcoming Overseas Expansions Include Dubai and BangkokBeijing, (ANTARA/PRNewswire)- On June 19, iQIYI, … Read more

三星在全球各地投放广告牌,开始为7月10日的 unpacked 发布会造势。

三星在全球各地投放广告牌,开始为7月10日的 unpacked 发布会造势。 Samsung starts hyping up July 10 Unpacked event with billboards across the globe 作者: Vlad Samsung is holding its next grand Unpacked unveiling event in Paris on July 10, and today the company has started ramping up its hype campaign. Unlike some of its smaller competitors, Samsung isn’t using the online medium … Read more


调查显示中国经济正在增长,但增速适中。 Surveys show Chinese economy growing but at modest pace 作者: abcnews.go.com Surveys show Chinese economy growing but at modest pace Surveys of Chinese factory managers show a mixed outlook for the world’s No. 2 economy, with growth steady but not picking up much steam BANGKOK — Surveys of Chinese factory managers showed a mixed … Read more


日本高管在缅甸因涉嫌超额销售大米被捕。 Japanese executive arrested in Myanmar for allegedly overselling rice 作者: None BANGKOK: Myanmar’s government has arrested a Japanese business executive, along with dozens of local businessmen, for allegedly selling rice at prices well above the officially regulated ones, state-run media said Monday (Jul 1). The reports said Hiroshi Kasa… 曼谷:国家媒体周一(7月1日)报道,缅甸政府逮捕了一名日本商业高管以及数十名当地商人,因为他们被指控以远高于官方规定价格出售大米。报道称,其中包括Hiroshi Kasa…… The state-run Myanma … Read more


警方在圣保罗破获模仿曼谷的泰国彩票团伙。 Police bust Thai lottery ring in St. Paul that mimics Bangkok 作者: Nick Longworth Two men face four counts each of various acts of illegal gambling for their part in a ring that police say operated a game that is legal in Bangkok, but not in Minnesota. 两名男子因参与一个在曼谷合法但在明尼苏达州非法的赌博游戏圈,各自面临四项不同非法赌博行为的指控。 ST. PAUL, Minn. (FOX 9) – … Read more


更多泰国初创企业瞄准IPO,因投资者加大支持。 More Thai startups aim for IPOs as investors throw in support 作者: asia.nikkei.com BANGKOK — More Thai companies are looking to go public as the country’s once-lacking startup landscape starts to flourish with funding from venture capital firms as well as big companies both domestic and foreign. Among the businesses lining up public offeri… … Read more


亚洲犯罪头目将金三角作为他们开拓新市场的目标。 Asian crime lords target Golden Triangle as they devise new markets 作者: webdesk@voanews.com (Vijitra Duangdee) Bangkok — Crime empires embedded in Asia’s “Golden Triangle” border areas are getting richer and more powerful, blurring the lines between the illicit economy and the legitimate one as they diversify from drugs to wildlife trafficking, cyber scams and money … Read more


B20公交票价封顶计划取得进展 B20 mass transit fare cap plan making progress 作者: Online Reporters A plan to cap fares on all of Greater Bangkok’s mass transit lines at 20 baht is projected to be completed by September next year, with the Green, Gold and Airport Rail Link lines to be the last on the list. 一项计划将在所有大曼谷地区公共交通线路上将票价限制在20泰铢,预计将在明年9月完成,其中绿线、金线和机场铁路链接将是最后实施名单上的线路。 A … Read more