summit, Italy and Thailand strengthened their ties at a bilateral business forum. During the event, both sides expressed their commitment to enhancing economic cooperation and discussed potential areas for future collaboration. 在这次峰会上,意大利和泰国在一个双边商业论坛上加强了他们的联系。在活动中,双方表达了加强经济合作的承诺,并讨论了未来合作的潜在领域。 翻译结果: 意大利和泰国在双边商业论坛上加强联系。双方承诺增强经济合作,并探讨了未来协作的可能性。

summit, Italy and Thailand strengthened their ties at a bilateral business forum. During the event, both sides expressed their commitment to enhancing economic cooperation and discussed potential areas for future collaboration. 在这次峰会上,意大利和泰国在一个双边商业论坛上加强了他们的联系。在活动中,双方表达了加强经济合作的承诺,并讨论了未来合作的潜在领域。 翻译结果: 意大利和泰国在双边商业论坛上加强联系。双方承诺增强经济合作,并探讨了未来协作的可能性。 Italy and Thailand strengthen ties at bilateral business forum 作者: None The Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Board of Trade … Read more


蓝港为华欣购物中心增添会议大厅。 Bluport adds convention hall to Hua Hin mall 作者: Kanana Katharangsiporn Hua Hin Asset, the developer and operator of Bluport Hua Hin Resort Mall, is adding a 3,000-square-metre convention hall to attract new target visitors and tenants, aiming to boost occupancy to 90% and reach the break-even point within three years. 华欣资产,作为蓝港华欣度假购物中心的开发商和运营商,正在增加一个3,000平方米的会议厅,以吸引新的目标游客和租户,旨在将入住率提升至90%,并在三年内达到盈亏平衡点。 Hua Hin … Read more


今日股市:日本日经225指数刷新纪录收盘价,引领亚洲股市上涨。 Stock market today: Japan’s Nikkei 225 hits new record close, leading Asian shares higher 作者: ELAINE KURTENBACH AP business writer Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 has surged to a record close of 40,913.65, leading markets in most of Asia higher 日本的基准日经225指数飙升创纪录收盘价40,913.65点,带动多数亚洲市场上涨。 BANGKOK — Japans benchmark Nikkei 225 surged Thursday to a record close of 40,913.65, … Read more


市场延续涨势,美元下跌,因美国数据助长了降息预期。 Markets Extend Gains, Dollar Dips As US Data Fans Rate Cut Hopes 作者: AFP news Equities rose and the dollar slipped further on Thursday as investors welcomed more data pointing to a softening labour market that gives the Federal Reserve room to cut interest rates, with another key jobs report due later in the … Read more


《协议》:“私人飞机品牌化”是波卡耗资的一种方式。 The Protocol: ‘Private Jet Brandization’ Is One Way Polkadot Burnt Cash 作者: Bradley Keoun Crypto twitterati showed no mercy as Polkadot published a transparency report detailing spending on $87 million of DOT tokens – a lot of it on marketing. PLUS blockchain tech news and project highlights from the past week. 加密货币圈的twitter用户对Polkadot发布的透明度报告毫不留情,该报告详细列出了8700万美元DOT代币的支出情况——其中大部分用于市场营销。此外,还包括过去一周的区块链技术新闻和项目亮点。 June proved … Read more


缅甸店主因提高员工工资而被监禁。以下是原因。 Myanmar Shop Owners Are Being Jailed For Raising Employee Wages. Here’s Why 作者: None Wage increases are seen as undermining the regime by making people believe that inflation is rising. 工资上涨被视为削弱政权,因为这让人们相信通货膨胀正在上升。 Critics say it is a desperate attempt to control the narrative around the country’s economic collapse Several business owners in Mynamnar have been … Read more


《构建中泰命运共同体报告》在曼谷发布。 Report on building China-Thailand community with shared future launched in Bangkok 作者: Chen Qianci, Lin Hao BANGKOK, July 3 (Xinhua) — A report on building a China-Thailand community with a shared future was launched here Wednesday by the Chinese Studies Center at the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University. Read full story 曼谷,7月3日(新华社)——关于构建中泰命运共同体的报告于周三在朱拉隆功大学亚洲研究院中国研究中心发布。阅读全文。 BANGKOK, … Read more


比亚迪将在欧盟对中国电动汽车征收新关税之际开设泰国工厂 BYD to open Thai factory as new EU tariffs on China EVs kick in 作者: BANGKOK — Chinese electric vehicle champion BYD plans to mark the opening of its first factory in Southeast Asia on Thursday — a $486 million facility in Thailand’s Rayong province — with hefty price cuts for local buyers. … Read more


并非你的想象——餐厅预订变得越来越难了。 It’s not your imagination — restaurant reservations are becoming harder to get 作者: (Justin Klawans, The Week US) Bots, scalpers and even credit card companies are making reservations a rare commodity 机器人、黄牛党甚至信用卡公司使得预订变得极为稀缺。 Don’t adjust your dining app, because it’s not you — restaurant reservations are indeed becoming more difficult to get. This is not … Read more


摩根大通对曼谷银行变得更加乐观,上调股票评级。 JPMorgan gets more bullish on Bangkok Bank, upgrades shares 作者: None See the rest of the story here. provides the latest financial news as it breaks. Known as a leader in market intelligence, The Fly’s real-time, streaming news feed keeps individual investors, professional money managers, active traders, and corpor… 查看故事的其余部分在这里。 thefly.com提供最新的金融新闻,及时更新。作为市场情报领域的领导者,The Fly的实时流新闻源让个人投资者、专业资金管理者、活跃交易者和公司……保持信息同步。 Earnings … Read more