
Grab收购新加坡餐厅预订平台Chope。 Grab acquires Singapore’s restaurant reservation platform Chope 作者: Kate Park Singapore’s ride-hailing and food delivery company Grab is expanding its services beyond ride and food delivery by doubling down on the competitive… 新加坡的网约车和送餐公司Grab正在将其服务扩展到网约车和送餐之外,通过加大在竞争激烈领域的投入…… Singapores ride-hailing and food delivery company Grab is expanding its services beyond ride and food delivery by doubling down on the … Read more

曼谷动向:ApeCoin DAO 眼光投向市中心的主题酒店——猿类酒店Bangkok Bound: ApeCoin DAO Eyes Ape-Themed Hotel In City Center. 注:由于中文习惯与英文有差异,这里的翻译在保持原意的基础上对词序做了适当的调整。

曼谷动向:ApeCoin DAO 眼光投向市中心的主题酒店——猿类酒店Bangkok Bound: ApeCoin DAO Eyes Ape-Themed Hotel In City Center. 注:由于中文习惯与英文有差异,这里的翻译在保持原意的基础上对词序做了适当的调整。 Bangkok Bound: ApeCoin DAO Eyes Ape-Themed Hotel In City Center 作者: Christian Encila The developers of ApeCoin (APE) have grand plans to launch an authentic hotel in the bustling Thai capital of Bangkok. The hotel concept would provide a range of facilities … Read more


亚洲市场在科技企业财报好坏参半后追随华尔街跌势 Asian Markets Track Wall St Losses After Mixed Tech Earnings 作者: AFP news Asian markets fell on Wednesday following a mixed batch of US earnings that did little to boost enthusiasm as investors look for the tech sector to continue filing blockbuster profits after pumping billions into artificial intelligence. 周三,亚洲市场在美国企业财报好坏参半的带动下下跌,这些财报几乎没有增加投资者对科技行业在投入数百亿美元于人工智能后继续报出巨额利润的热情。 Asian markets fell on … Read more

domestic spending 泰国预计数字钱包发放计划将推动国内消费,提振经济。

domestic spending 泰国预计数字钱包发放计划将推动国内消费,提振经济。 Thailand expects digital wallet handout scheme to boost economy 作者: Tim Santasombat BANGKOK, July 24 (Xinhua) — The Thai government is banking on a digital wallet handout scheme to boost the Southeast Asian country’s sluggish economy due to low incomes and high household debts, a senior official said on Wednesday. Read full … Read more


泰国绿色能源大亨能源绝对债务问题削弱前景展望 Thai Green Energy Tycoon’s Energy Absolute Debt Woes Dampen Outlook 作者: Phisanu Phromchanya, Contributor, Phisanu Phromchanya, Contributor The debt woes of Energy Absolute—owned by tycoon Somphote Ahunai—would continue to dampen the outlook for the embattled renewable energy company. 能源绝对公司(由富豪颂phote Ahunai拥有)的债务问题将继续抑制这家处境艰难的可再生能源公司的前景。 Somphote Ahunai, founder of Energy Absolute. Courtesy of Energy Abosolute The debt woes … Read more


中国电动汽车制造商被敦促使用本土采购的零件。 Chinese EV makers urged to use locally sourced parts 作者: Lamonphet Apisitniran The Industry Ministry is requesting Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers assemble their EVs with at least 40% of parts sourced locally in a move to support the automotive supply chain in Thailand. 工业部要求中国电动汽车制造商在泰国组装电动汽车时,至少有40%的零部件在当地采购,以支持泰国的汽车供应链。 The Industry Ministry is requesting Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers assemble … Read more


130,000积分,1晚免费住宿及200美元消费额度:希尔顿超越卡评测。 130,000 points, 1 free night & $200 in credits: Hilton Surpass Card Review 作者: TravelUpdate With this limited time offer on the Hilton Surpass Card, you can earn 130,000 points, 1 free night and $200 in statement credits each year! 凭此希尔顿超悦卡的限时优惠,您每年可以赚取130,000积分,1晚免费住宿以及每年200美元的账单信用! Disclosure: The Points Pundit receives NO compensation from credit card affiliate partnerships. Support … Read more


再见!Gate.io宣布退出日本加密货币市场。 Sayonara! Announces Withdrawal From Japanese Crypto Market 作者: Christian Encila One of the most well-known bitcoin exchanges worldwide,, has decided to terminate all services available in Japan. Effective July 22, this retreat signals a dramatic change in the operational scene of the exchange. Related Reading: Bangkok Bound: ApeC… 全球知名的比特币交易所之一,,决定终止在日本的所有服务。自7月22日起生效,这一撤退标志着该交易所运营场景的巨大变化。 相关阅读:前往曼谷:ApeC… One of … Read more


泰国表示138亿美元的救济计划对疲软的经济至关重要。 Thailand says $13.8 billion handout scheme a vital boost for sluggish economy 作者: Reuters Thailand says $13.8 billion handout scheme a vital boost for sluggish economy 泰国表示138亿美元的援助计划对疲软的经济至关重要。 BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand’s 500 billion baht ($13.85 billion) “digital wallet” handout scheme is a necessary stimulus measure to boost a lagging economy held back by low … Read more


中国官员警告美国提高关税的风险,敦促美国商业领袖帮助修复关系。 Chinese officials warn of risks from higher US tariffs, urge US business leaders to help mend ties 作者: Elaine Kurtenbach Chinese officials have warned a delegation of top U.S. executives visiting Beijing this week that higher tariffs on imports from China will harm their businesses inside the country. The delegation of influential business people, … Read more