
《原神》云游戏版公开测试登陆北美,游玩需付费。 Genshin Impact Cloud Version Open Beta Hits North America, Costs Money to Play 作者: Jenni Lada HoYoVerse announced that the Genshin Impact Cloud version open beta is now open in the US and Canada. However, while it is free to download on a PC, iOS device, or Android device, someone will need to pay … Read more


比特币矿工在中国打击后转向东南亚地区。 Bitcoin Miners Pivot to Southeast Asia After China Crackdown 作者: Bloomberg News Miners are setting up in pockets of Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos and Thailand after China banned the industry in 2021. 矿工们在马来西亚、印度尼西亚、老挝和泰国的部分地区设立据点,因为中国在2021年禁止了该行业。 Miners are setting up in pockets of Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos and Thailand after China banned the industry in 2021. Author of the article: asnz1(ey4rjc1njll}dnvwju_media_dl_1.pngCambridge Universit… … Read more

Interactive Brokers 在 Cboe 欧洲衍生品交易所(CEDX)启动交易

Interactive Brokers 在 Cboe 欧洲衍生品交易所(CEDX)启动交易 Interactive Brokers Launches Trading on Cboe Europe Derivatives (CEDX) 作者: Business Wire Exchange Offers European Stock Options, Equity Index Options and Equity Index Futures GREENWICH, Conn. — Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, today announced the addition of European stock options and European index futur… 交易所提供欧洲股票期权、股票指数期权和股票指数期货 格林威治,康涅狄格州 … Read more


现代模仿新加坡的环保模式打造美国制造业足迹。 Hyundai Modeling US Manufacturing Footprint After Eco-friendly Singapore 作者: newsweek.com The new-generation Hyundai production facilities will go beyond a traditional manufacturing landscape and include green technologies. 新一代现代汽车生产设施将超越传统制造业格局,并包含绿色技术。 The new-generation Hyundai production facilities will go beyond a traditional manufacturing landscape and include green technologies. This story appeared on newsweek.com, 2024-06-12. 新一代现代汽车生产设施将超越传统的制造业格局,并包括绿色技术。 这个故事出现在newsweek.com上,2024年6月12日。 原文链接:Biztoc.com


最新的人工智能训练基准测试显示,英伟达没有竞争对手。 Latest AI training benchmarks show Nvidia has no competition 作者: Tiernan Ray Across a suite of neural network tasks, competitors’ chips didn’t even come close to Nvidia’s GPUs. 在一系列神经网络任务中,竞争对手的芯片甚至无法与Nvidia的GPU相提并论。 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang surprised the audience at his keynote on Sunday for the Computex event by teasing the next chip architecture from his company, … Read more


航空公司设定了颠簸补偿的起点标准。 Airline Sets Starting Point for Turbulence Compensation 作者: newser.com Airline Sets Starting Point for Turbulence Compensation Newser Singapore Airlines’ compensation to flyers on deadly flight New York Post Singapore Airlines offers at least $10K to cover turbulence injuries – The Washington Post The Washington Post Singapore … 航空公司设定颠簸补偿起点 新ser 新加坡航空公司向致命航班乘客提供赔偿 纽约邮报 新加坡航空公司至少提供1万美元以覆盖颠簸造成的伤害 – 华盛顿邮报 … Read more


亚太过程仪器市场及增长机遇分析报告2024-2031,按技术、流量计、液位计和终端用户行业分类 Asia Pacific Process Instrumentation Market and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report 2024-2031, By Technology, Flow Meter, Level Meter and End-user Industry 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Asia Pacific Process Instrumentation Market Size and Forecast Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Technology, Flow Meter, Level Meter, … Read more


SNZ资本、夏季风险投资和EVG风险投资注资七位数推动Holdstation的人工智能钱包进展。 7-Figure Investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures Drives Holdstation’s AI Wallet Progress 作者: Holdstation Singapore, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Holdstation  has received a 7-figure investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures. This investment will support the advancement of smart AI wallets, integrating AI and blockchain for a … Read more


人工智能如何推动数据中心和能源需求的大幅增长 How AI Is Fueling a Boom in Data Centers and Energy Demand 作者: Andrew R. Chow Artificial intelligence is causing the rapid construction and usage of data centers around the world—potentially imperiling climate goals. 人工智能正在导致全球范围内数据中心的快速建设和使用——这可能危及气候目标。 While AI could change the world in many unforeseen ways, its already having one massive impact: a voracious consumption … Read more


资本市场报告:探讨日本太空产业投资新机遇 Capital Markets Report: Investigating new opportunities in Japan for investment in space industry 作者: Fran O’Sullivan NZ’s space industry will be spotlighted during Christopher Luxon’s visit to Japan. 新西兰太空产业将在克里斯托弗·卢克森访问日本期间受到关注。 Philippines Space Agency director-general Joel Joseph Jnr Marciano (from left), Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Twhaki National Aerospace Centre CEO Linda Falwasser in Manila on … Read more