
POET技术公司(多伦多创业板:PTK)股价上涨17.4% POET Technologies (CVE:PTK) Shares Up 17.4% 作者: MarketBeat News POET Technologies Inc. (CVE:PTK – Get Free Report) shares shot up 17.4% during trading on Friday . The company traded as high as C$2.86 and last traded at C$2.83. 51,946 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 46% from the average session volu… … Read more


城市发展(OTCMKTS:CDEVY)创下了新的12个月低点,为3.70美元。 City Developments (OTCMKTS:CDEVY) Sets New 12-Month Low at $3.70 作者: MarketBeat News Shares of City Developments Limited (OTCMKTS:CDEVY – Get Free Report) reached a new 52-week low on Friday . The company traded as low as $3.70 and last traded at $3.75, with a volume of 6582 shares traded. The stock had previously closed … Read more

Azimut Holding S.p.A. (OTCMKTS:AZIHF) 六月空头兴趣下降20.6%

Azimut Holding S.p.A. (OTCMKTS:AZIHF) 六月空头兴趣下降20.6% Azimut Holding S.p.A. (OTCMKTS:AZIHF) Short Interest Down 20.6% in June 作者: MarketBeat News Azimut Holding S.p.A. (OTCMKTS:AZIHF – Get Free Report) was the target of a large decrease in short interest in the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 617,000 shares, a decrease of … Read more


一些农场出人意料地帮助冷却环境的方法。 The Surprising Way Some Farms Are Helping Cool the Environment 作者: Fred Pearce This story was originally published by Yale Environment 360 and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. The world is awash with greenhouses growing fresh vegetables year-round for health-conscious urbanites. There are so many of them tha… 这个故事最初由《耶鲁环境360》发表,并在此作为气候桌面合作项目的一部分重现。世界上充斥着温室,全年为注重健康的都市人群种植新鲜蔬菜。它们的数量如此之多…… A worker picks tomatoes at … Read more


缅甸中央银行否认联合国关于武器交易的报告。 Myanmar central bank denies UN report on weapons transactions 作者: webdesk@voanews.com (Reuters) Rapporteur on Myanmar’s human rights reports that while international efforts to isolate junta appear to have dented its ability to buy military equipment, it still imported $253 million worth of weapons 缅甸人权报告员报告称,尽管国际社会孤立军政府的努力似乎削弱了其购买军事装备的能力,但它仍然进口了价值2.53亿美元的武器。 Myanmar’s central bank denied a U.N. report that the country’s … Read more


一个著名的智库表示,中国甚至不需要发动入侵就能控制台湾——以下是方法。 A prominent think tank says China could take control of Taiwan without even launching an invasion — here’s how 作者: Cameron Manley A CSIS report said that China could initiate a “gray zone” quarantine of Taiwan using its coast guard to exert control over the island. 一份CSIS报告称,中国可能利用海岸警卫队对台湾实施“灰色地带”隔离,以控制该岛。 Chinese fighter jets during military exercises around … Read more


新加坡石油泄漏:政府表示柔佛海岸线清理工作几乎完成。 Singapore oil spill: Johor coastline clean up almost complete, says govt 作者: YEE XIANG YUN JOHOR BARU: More than 43 tonnes of oil-contaminated waste have been collected from the Johor coastline as a result of the recent oil spill in Singapore. Read full story 柔佛巴鲁:由于新加坡最近发生的石油泄漏事件,已从柔佛海岸线收集了超过43吨受油污染的废物。阅读全文。 JOHOR BARU: More than 43 tonnes of oil-contaminated waste … Read more


Zomato收到9500万卢比税务要求,公司将对此命令提出上诉。 Zomato gets Rs 9.5 crore tax demand, company to appeal against order 作者: ETtech Food delivery company Zomato said it has received a tax demand from the Karnataka authorities, aggregating to Rs 9.5 crore. This is the latest of multiple orders the company has received previously; the last was Rs 11.82 crore in April. … Read more


标普全球成为新加坡“守护者项目”的最新合作伙伴。 S&P Global Becomes Latest Partner of Singapore’s Project Guardian 作者: Rida Fatima S&P Global Ratings has become a partner of the Project Guardian plan. This ambitious initiative by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) aims to explore the transformative potential of asset… The post S&P Global Becomes Latest Partner of Singapore’s Pro… 标普全球评级已成为守护者计划(Project Guardian)的合作伙伴。这项由新加坡金融管理局(MAS)发起的宏伟计划旨在探索资产的变革潜力…… … Read more


新的海底电力电缆可能实现绿色能源跨国传输。 New Undersea Power Cables Could Carry Green Energy From Country to Country 作者: EditorDavid What if across the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, six high-voltage power cables stretched — each over 2,000 miles long. CNN reports that a group of entrepreneurs “wants to build what would be the worldâ(TM)s largest subsea energy interconnector between … Read more