
前软银管理合伙人莉迪亚·杰特重新加入Flipkart董事会 Former SoftBank managing partner Lydia Jett rejoins Flipkart’s board 作者: Peerzada Abrar The Flipkart board also comprises HDFC chief executive Keki Mistry and senior Walmart executives Flipkart董事会还包括HDFC首席执行官Keki Mistry和沃尔玛的高级主管。 The Flipkart board also comprises HDFC chief executive Keki Mistry and senior Walmart executives Lydia Jett Peerzada AbrarBengaluru Lydia Jett, a seasoned investment executive and former … Read more


在新加坡,麦当劳的新元宇宙为鬼脸NFT持有者解锁了特权。 In Singapore, McDonald’s new metaverse unlocks perks for Grimace NFT holders 作者: Acacia Leroy McDonald’s Singapore recently launched My Happy Place, a metaverse experience accessible through its official app. Unveiled in June 2024, the virtual world allows users to play games like Build-A-Burger, design future McDonald’s restaurants and participate in… 麦当劳新加坡最近推出了“我的快乐天地”,这是一款可通过其官方应用程序进入的元宇宙体验。该虚拟世界于2024年6月揭晓,允许用户玩“建造汉堡”等游戏,设计未来的麦当劳餐厅并参与…… McDonald’s Singapore recently … Read more


首次在700多年历史中,玻璃制造商巴罗维耶尔&Toso聘请了一位首席执行官,旨在拓展业务。 For the First Time in More Than 700 Years, Glassmaker Barovier&Toso Hires a CEO as It Looks to Expand 作者: Sofia Celeste The largest Venetian glassmaker by revenue tapped former Dolce&Gabbana Casa operations director Andrea Signoroni as it strengthens its position in the global market. 收入最高的威尼斯玻璃制造商聘请了曾任Dolce&Gabbana Casa运营总监的Andrea Signoroni,以加强其在全球市场的地位。 MILAN — Barovier&Toso, the glassmaker appointed by … Read more

高级鱼子酱店香港 – 诺曼德鱼子酱香港推出在线购买、配送及订阅选项

高级鱼子酱店香港 – 诺曼德鱼子酱香港推出在线购买、配送及订阅选项 Premium Caviar Shop Hong Kong – Buy Online Deliver And Subscribe Options Announced by Nomad Caviar HK 作者: Nomad Caviar Hong Kong Island, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong – Nomad Caviar, a Hong Kong-based farm-to-table caviar delivery…… 香港岛,2024年7月1日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 香港香港岛 – Nomad Caviar,一家总部位于香港的从农场到餐桌的鱼子酱递送…… Hong … Read more


云基础ERP解决方案的采用率不断提高,将推动全球企业资源规划(ERP)软件市场的增长;TNR,利基研究如此表示。 Increasing Adoption of Cloud-Based ERP Solutions to Propel the Growth of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Market Globally; states TNR, The Niche Research 作者: The Niche Research Global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Market to Reach Valuation of US$ 193.3 Bn by 2034; Anticipated to Experience CAGR of 10.8% During 2024 – 2034 … Read more


国际清算银行计划扩大全球即时支付系统 BIS Plans to Expand World’s Instant Payment Systems 作者: PYMNTS The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) wants to expand the world’s largest instant payment system (IPS). BIS announced Monday (July 1), that it had completed the blueprint for the third phase of its Project Nexus, aimed at connecting the instant payment… 国际清算银行(BIS)希望扩大世界上最大的即时支付系统(IPS)。BIS于7月1日星期一宣布,已为其Project Nexus第三阶段完成了蓝图设计,旨在连接即时支付…… The … Read more


Revolut的收入几乎翻倍,随着客户基础的增长,2023年净利润飙升。 Revolut’s revenue nearly doubles, net profit soars in 2023 as customer base grows 作者: None The financial technology company had 45 million customers globally as of June 2024. 截至2024年6月,这家金融科技公司在全球拥有4500万客户。 SINGAPORE: Global fintech firm Revolut reported a record profit of US$545 million (S$739 million), with revenue almost doubling to US$2.2 billion in 2023, the company … Read more

新加坡辣椒螃蟹如何促成斯里兰卡螃蟹部的诞生,现正在 Dempsey 开业。

新加坡辣椒螃蟹如何促成斯里兰卡螃蟹部的诞生,现正在 Dempsey 开业。 How Singapore chilli crab led to the birth of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Crab, now opening at Dempsey 作者: None 主厨Dharshan Munidasa告诉我们,为什么他花了这么长时间在新加坡开设一个代表他国家丰富海鲜的部长级甲壳类动物大使馆。嘘,现在他已经在这里了,他还打算开设他的马尔代夫牛排馆……]] CRABS FLOWN IN EVERY OTHER DAY Ministry of Crab, consecutively listed on the Asias 50 Best Restaurants list from 2015 to 2022, takes its governance seriously. Because it is committed … Read more


中国的人工智能初创公司纷纷前往新加坡,以寻求全球增长。 China’s AI Startups Head to Singapore in a Bid for Global Growth 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … [+678 chars] 如果您点击“接受所有”,我们以及我们的合作伙伴,包括作为IAB透明度和同意框架一部分的237个合作伙伴,还将在设备上存储和/或访问信息(换句话说,使用……[+678个字符])。 关键词: … Read more


大型阅读:新加坡各地涌现出更多地铁站点,但真正的连通性远不止如此。 The Big Read: More MRT stations are popping up across Singapore but true connectivity is beyond just that 作者: None SINGAPORE: Living in Tanjong Katong, information technology consultant Benny Kosasih’s daily commute to the central business district can be unpredictable.  On good days, the trip would take just 25 minutes. On bad days – when … Read more