
洲际交易所(纽约证券交易所:ICE)被高盛集团提升为“买入”评级。 Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE) Lifted to “Buy” at The Goldman Sachs Group 作者: MarketBeat News Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE – Get Free Report) was upgraded by research analysts at The Goldman Sachs Group from a “neutral” rating to a “buy” rating in a research report issued on Monday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. The firm currently has a … Read more


为何印度的食品标准未能检测出香料中的农药残留? Why India’s food norms fail to detect pesticide in spices 作者: Tabassum Barnagarwala Indian laws do not mandate that spices sold in domestic market be tested for any pesticide residue, unless there are special directions, experts told Scroll. 印度法律并未要求国内市场销售的香料进行农药残留检测,除非有特殊指示,专家告诉Scroll。 On April 5, Hong Kongs food safety department flagged the presence of a carcinogen in … Read more

能源收集系统市场到2031年将达到100亿美元的市值 – Meticulous Research®独家报告

能源收集系统市场到2031年将达到100亿美元的市值 – Meticulous Research®独家报告 Energy Harvesting Systems Market to Be Worth $1.0 Billion by 2031 – Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research® 作者: None REDDING, Calif., July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — According to a new market research report titled, ‘Energy Harvesting Systems Market by Component, Energy Source (Solar, Thermal), Application (Tracking and Monitoring, Smart Building and … Read more


伯克希尔哈撒韦特种保险公司拓展至北欧,任命区域及产品线领导层 Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Expands to the Nordics, Names Regional and Product Line Leadership 作者: Business Wire BOSTON & STOCKHOLM — Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) today announced that it has expanded its operations to the Nordic countries, opening an office in Stockholm, and naming Anna Green as Head of Nordics. BHSI has also … Read more


豪华旅行公司向超高净值客户提供丰富的免费赠品、优惠和额外福利。 Luxury Travel Companies Lavish Freebies, Deals, Perks On UHNW Clients 作者: Doug Gollan, Contributor, Doug Gollan, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/douggollan/ As the cost of luxury goods and services increase, sellers are rewarding their top spending clients with deals, perks and freebies worth tens of thousands of dollars. 随着奢侈品和服务的成本上升,卖家们正在通过提供价值数万美元的优惠、额外福利和免费商品来奖励他们的顶级消费客户。 It pays to be rich. While many of … Read more


忍者快递在新加坡裁员5%。 Ninja Van lays off 5% of workforce in Singapore 作者: None SINGAPORE: Logistics provider Ninja Van has laid off about 5 per cent of its employees in Singapore. Responding to CNA’s queries on Monday (Jul 1), a Ninja Van spokesperson noted that while e-commerce remains competitive in Southeast Asia, they “recognise the… 新加坡:物流供应商Ninja Van已裁减了其新加坡约5%的员工。在回应CNA于周一(7月1日)的询问时,Ninja … Read more


多元化信托公司投资162万美元于埃弗勒斯集团有限公司(纽约证券交易所:EG) Diversified Trust Co Invests $1.62 Million in Everest Group, Ltd. (NYSE:EG) 作者: MarketBeat News Diversified Trust Co acquired a new stake in Everest Group, Ltd. (NYSE:EG – Free Report) in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm acquired 4,079 shares of the company’s stock, … Read more


阿克拉及早行动,根除不道德的企业服务提供商。 Acra acting early to root out unethical corporate service providers 作者: Tham Yuen-c Corporate service providers recently came under the spotlight following the $3 billion money laundering case. Read more at straitstimes.com. 企业服务提供商在300亿美元洗钱案件后成为焦点。更多信息请访问straitstimes.com。 SINGAPORE – The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (Acra) is taking action earlier to identify and root out unethical corporate service … Read more


新加坡航空CEO的年薪上涨约20%,达到810万新加坡元,得益于创纪录的利润。 SIA CEO’s annual pay jumps by about 20% to S$8.1 million on the back of record profit 作者: None Mr Goh Choon Phong’s renumeration for FY2023/24 comprises a base pay of S$1.44 million, bonuses of S$2.18 million, and shares and benefits amounting to about S$4.48 million. 吴俊鹏先生在2023/24财年的薪酬包括基本工资144万新加坡元,奖金218万新加坡元,以及约合448万新加坡元的股份和福利。 SINGAPORE: Following a record annual profit for Singapore Airlines … Read more

欧洲人尽管工作时间较短,休假时间较多,但仍然遭受“休假缺失”之苦,相比于他们的美国和日本同行。 (请注意,这句翻译保持了原句的意味,但如果需要更符合中文习惯的表达,可以略作调整:尽管欧洲人的工作时间比美国人和日本人短,休假时间却更多,但他们仍然感受到了“休假不足”的问题。)

欧洲人尽管工作时间较短,休假时间较多,但仍然遭受“休假缺失”之苦,相比于他们的美国和日本同行。 (请注意,这句翻译保持了原句的意味,但如果需要更符合中文习惯的表达,可以略作调整:尽管欧洲人的工作时间比美国人和日本人短,休假时间却更多,但他们仍然感受到了“休假不足”的问题。) Europeans suffer from ‘vacation deprivation,’ despite working less and having more time off than their American and Japanese peers 作者: Prarthana Prakash People’s attitudes toward vacation and its place in each country’s culture dictate why they feel deprived of their downtime, Expedia’s report finds. Expedia的报告发现,人们对假期的态度以及假期在各国文化中的地位,决定了他们为何会感觉被剥夺了休息时间。 In the eyes of many, Europe is viewed … Read more