
全球百万富翁数量将飙升但英国将大幅下降,研究发现。 Number of millionaires to soar globally but plunge in the UK, research finds 作者: None The 2024 Global Wealth Report from UBS forecasts a continued increase in the number of millionaires, with the U.K. a notable outlier. 2024年瑞银全球财富报告预测,百万富翁的数量将持续增长,其中英国是一个显著的例外。 LONDON The number of global millionaires is set to keep rising over the next five years … Read more

卡尔达诺 9.0:链上治理即将激活。

卡尔达诺 9.0:链上治理即将激活。 Cardano 9.0: On-Chain Governance Set For Activation 作者: Christian Encila On-chain governance marks a significant turning point for Cardano, the proof-of-stake blockchain famed for its painstaking development process. By means of voting on suggestions, this creative mechanism enables ADA holders to directly shape the future of the … 链上治理为卡尔达诺标志着的一个重要转折点,这个以权益证明而闻名的区块链因其艰苦的开发过程而著名。通过就建议进行投票的方式,这一创新机制使得ADA持有者能够直接塑造未来的…… On-chain governance marks a … Read more


皮尤什·戈亚尔重申政府对2万亿美元出口的承诺,表示正确的构建模块已就位。 Piyush Goyal reiterates govt’s commitment towards $2 tn exports, says right building blocks in place 作者: ET Online During an address at FICCI’s event in New Delhi, a Union Minister reaffirmed the government’s dedication to achieving the ambitious target of $2 trillion in exports under the leadership of the Prime Minister. The Minister also … Read more


报告称,到2028年,英国可能会失去近六分之一百万富翁。 Britain likely to lose nearly one in six millionaires by 2028, report says 作者: Reuters Britain likely to lose nearly one in six millionaires by 2028, report says 报告称,到2028年,英国可能将近六分之一的百万富翁流失。 By Dave Graham ZURICH (Reuters) – Britain is likely to lose nearly one in six of its U.S. dollar millionaires by 2028, but their number … Read more


万事达卡采用掌上支付,显示生物识别技术正在走向主流。 Mastercard’s adoption of palm payments shows biometrics are going mainstream 作者: GlobalData If Mastercard’s pay-by-palm pilot proves to be successful, it seems likely that the use of biometrics to validate payments will be coming to a store near you… 如果万事达卡的掌上支付试点证明是成功的,那么似乎很可能会在您附近的商店推出使用生物识别技术来验证支付的方式。 Mastercards pilot of a pay-by-palm biometrics payment scheme in Uruguay could prove successful if … Read more


利夫高尔夫发射:达斯汀·约翰逊的4Aces与麦哲伦喷气机合作 LIV Golf Liftoff: Dustin Johnson’s 4Aces Partner With Magellan Jets 作者: Mike Dojc, Contributor, Mike Dojc, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikedojc/ LIV Golf’s 4Aces partnership with Magellan is the latest in a string of deals as corporate interest in the upstart tour’s third season is on the upswing. LIV高尔夫与麦哲伦的4Aces合作是最新一系列交易,随着企业对这家新兴巡回赛第三个赛季的兴趣日益增加。 Dustin Johnson displaying Magellan Jets logo placement on … Read more


伊朗的腹腔镜模拟器是健康投资的一种礼物形式。 Iran’s laparoscopy simulator gift form of health investment 作者: Mecca Yumna Ning Prisie Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said here on Wednesday that Iran's donation of a laparoscopy simulator to Indonesia is a form of … 副部长Dante Saksono Harbuwono周三在这里表示,伊朗向印度尼西亚捐赠腹腔镜模拟器是一种…的形式。 Jakarta (ANTARA) – Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said here on Wednesday that … Read more


科技、媒体与电信行业概览:市场讨论 Tech, Media & Telecom Roundup: Market Talk 作者: wsj.com Find insight on Singapore Telecommunications, Telstra and more in the latest Market Talks covering the Tech, Media & Telecom sector. 在最新一期的涵盖科技、媒体和电信行业的市场谈话中,了解新加坡电信、Telstra等公司的洞察信息。 Find insight on Singapore Telecommunications, Telstra and more in the latest Market Talks covering the Tech, Media & Telecom sector. This story appeared on … Read more


北约加强与亚洲伙伴的关系,以回应对中国崛起的关切。 NATO forges closer ties with Asian partners in response to concerns over China 作者: Associated Press New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Australia are sending leaders to the NATO summit in Washington this week as the military alliance shows growing interest beyond Europe. 新西兰、日本、韩国和澳大利亚本周将派出领导人参加在华盛顿举行的北约峰会,因为这一军事联盟正展现出对欧洲以外地区的日益增长的兴趣。 NATO plans to deepen relations with four Indo-Pacific partners as … Read more


克里斯提·鲁布托成为实验集团股东。 Christian Louboutin becomes shareholder of Experimental Group 作者: Hospitality ON The famous French shoe designer acquired a stake in Experimental Group ahead of the group’s expansion in the United States, confirming its interest in the hospitality sector. 著名的法国鞋履设计师在实验集团进军美国市场之前,收购了该集团的一部分股份,确认了对酒店行业的兴趣。 The famous French shoe designer acquired a stake in Experimental Group ahead of the groups expansion … Read more