
CNA解析:什么是“沉默”董事,这个角色如何有助于防止洗钱? CNA Explains: What’s a ‘silent’ director, and how could the role help prevent money laundering? 作者: None Those considering becoming one should look out for red flags at the foreign business they would represent. 那些考虑成为其中一员的人应该密切关注他们将要代表的外国企业中的警示信号。 What’s the point of the role?  That doesn’t mean that being a nominee director simply involves putting a name … Read more


评论:马克龙的选举失败赌注,影响的不仅仅是法国国内政治,还具有全球效应。 Commentary: More than French domestic politics, Macron’s failed election gamble has global effects 作者: None France has kept the far-right from taking power, but Emmanuel Macron may be a lame-duck president at a time when European leadership is needed to engage the United States and China in a meaningful way, says S Rajaratnam School … Read more


新加坡电信有限公司(SGX:Z74)的主要股东是私募股权公司,持有51%的股份,而个人投资者持有29%。 Singapore Telecommunications Limited’s (SGX:Z74) top owners are private equity firms with 51% stake, while 29% is held by individual investors 作者: (Simply Wall St) Key Insights Significant control over Singapore Telecommunications by private equity firms implies that the general… 关键洞察:私人股权公司对新加坡电信的重要控制意味着一般的… Key Insights Significant control over Singapore Telecommunications by private equity firms implies that … Read more


台积电加入万亿美元俱乐部。 TSMC Joins the $1 Trillion Club 作者: Matt Milano TSMC has joined the $1 trillion club, joining the likes of Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Meta as the demand for chips to power the AI revolution heats up. 台积电加入了万亿美元俱乐部,与英伟达、微软、字母表、亚马逊和Meta等公司并列,随着人工智能革命对芯片需求的升温。 TSMC has joined the $1 trillion club, joining the likes of Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, … Read more

CHASE史上最大优惠:使用Ink Business Preferred赚取120,000积分。

CHASE史上最大优惠:使用Ink Business Preferred赚取120,000积分。 Chase’s Biggest Offer Ever: Earn 120,000 Points With Ink Business Preferred 作者: Gary Leff A year ago the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card launched a 100,000 point initial bonus that’s been the single best credit card offer ever since. Now Chase has topped it, and I think this is the best credit … Read more


评论:看来新加坡对Airbnb式短期住宿的强硬立场是有道理的。 Commentary: Looks like Singapore’s tough stance on Airbnb-style short stays is justified 作者: None As more cities crack down on Airbnb and other short-term rentals to address housing woes and overtourism, Singapore has no such dilemma, says NUS Business School’s Sing Tien Foo. 随着更多城市对Airbnb和其他短期租赁进行打压,以解决住房问题和过度旅游,新加坡国立大学商学院的Sing Tien Foo表示,新加坡并没有这样的困境。 SINGAPORE: Those planning their next holiday are no … Read more


马来西亚表示接近与新加坡达成特殊经济区协议 Malaysia Says Near Singapore Deal for Special Economic Zone 作者: Bloomberg News Malaysia said it’s near a deal with Singapore to develop Southeast Asia’s first cross-border special economic zone, which the countries hope will lure new investment and spur growth. 马来西亚表示,它即将与新加坡达成一项协议,共同开发东南亚首个跨境经济特区,两国希望这将吸引新投资并推动经济增长。 (Bloomberg) Malaysia said its near a deal with Singapore to develop Southeast Asias … Read more


世界如何数字化:Z世代和千禧一代推动新加坡的数字经济 How the World Does Digital: Gen Z and Millennials Drive Singapore’s Digital Economy 作者: While Singapore captivates visitors with its vibrant culture, food and stunning architecture, this Southeast Asian city-state wears another crown: A world leader in digital engagement. Nicknamed the “Lion City,” Singapore boasts a dense population of 5.7 mil… 当新加坡以其充满活力的文化、美食和惊人的建筑吸引游客时,这个东南亚城市国家还戴着另一顶王冠:数字互动领域的世界领导者。 被誉为“狮城”的新加坡,拥有570万稠密的人口…… … Read more


拉斯维加斯金沙(NYSE:LVS)股价目标下调至58.00美元。 Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS) Price Target Cut to $58.00 作者: MarketBeat News Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS – Free Report) had its price objective cut by Macquarie from $60.00 to $58.00 in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday morning, Benzinga reports. They currently have an outperform rating on the casino operator’s stock. A … Read more


公务员将获得更多健康补贴;符合条件的公务员将收到500美元的“福祉”福利。 Public officers to get more health subsidies; eligible civil servants to receive $500 ‘well-being’ benefit 作者: Khoo Yi-hang Public service officers will be receiving more support from the government in order to improve their well-being, Minister-in-charge of the Public Service Chan Chun Sing said in a speech at the Public Service Week Opening on … Read more