erning, Enabling Seamless Cryptoasset Management and Trading OKX钱包现已与TegroEarn整合,实现加密资产的无缝管理和交易。

erning, Enabling Seamless Cryptoasset Management and Trading OKX钱包现已与TegroEarn整合,实现加密资产的无缝管理和交易。 OKX Wallet Now Integrated with Tegro 作者: OKX SINGAPORE, July 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, has issued updates for July 22, 2024. OKX Wallet Now… 新加坡,2024年7月21日(.globenewswire)——领先的Web3科技公司OKX发布了2024年7月22日的更新。 OKX钱包现在…… SINGAPORE, July 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX , a leading Web3 technology company, … Read more


以色列的埃拉特港被支持加沙巴勒斯坦人的胡塞武装宣布破产。 Israel’s Eilat Port has been Bankrupted by the Houthis supporting Palestinians of Gaza 作者: Middle East Monitor By Mustafa Abdulsalam | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – The Israeli port of Eilat officially declared its bankruptcy, after eight months of complete paralysis of commercial activity and its cessation of receiving ships and containers, … Read more


2024年预算:印度会看到加密货币领域现有的预提税和其他税收减少吗? Budget 2024: Will India see a reduction in TDS and other taxes that currently exist in crypto? 作者: Avinash Shekhar This situation has led to a migration of trading volume to international exchanges, posing higher risks in terms of compliance and customer protection 这种情况导致了交易量向国际交易所的迁移,在合规性和客户保护方面带来了更高的风险。 In the past few years, there has been a gradual … Read more

摩根士丹利UFJ资产管理公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd.)减持了Grab控股有限公司(NASDAQ:GRAB)的股票持仓。

摩根士丹利UFJ资产管理公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd.)减持了Grab控股有限公司(NASDAQ:GRAB)的股票持仓。 Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) Stock Holdings Lessened by Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. 作者: MarketBeat News Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. cut its stake in shares of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB – Free Report) by 0.5% during the first quarter, reports. The firm owned 939,618 shares … Read more


我和我的金钱:从国家游泳选手和奥运选手到投身金融行业 Me and My Money: From national swimmer and Olympian to diving into the finance industry 作者: Sue-ann Tan Bryan Tay sees some of his investments in fitness studios as a way to pay it forward. Read more at 布莱恩·泰伊将他的一些投资看作是对健身工作室的回馈,在straitstimes.com上阅读更多内容。 SINGAPORE – In 2008, then Singapore national swimmer Bryan Tay competed at the Summer … Read more


评论:在新加坡吃昆虫?只要它美味且不贵就行。 Commentary: Insects as food in Singapore? So long as it’s delicious and wallet-friendly 作者: None Squirming at the thought of creepy-crawlies on your plate, much less in your mouth? Eating insects will be Singapore’s next buzzy food fad, says writer Desiree Koh. 对想到盘中的爬虫就浑身不舒服,更不用说吃进嘴里了?作家Desiree Koh表示,吃昆虫将成为新加坡下一个热门的饮食潮流。 In Europe, the edible insect renaissance has surged consumption of … Read more


她设计了心理健康和糖尿病的保险计划,以帮助新加坡人实现经济安全。 She designed insurance plans for mental health and diabetes to help Singaporeans achieve financial security 作者: None 伊尔玛·哈迪库苏马认为,保险不应仅覆盖健康人群。作为新加坡AIA的首席营销和产品官,她向CNA妇女频道讲述了她如何设计包含那些传统上被忽视人群的保险政策。这是该…]]> When somebody has mental illness, there are also a lot of financial implications. They may not be able to work. More often than not, the caregiver also will be affected and needs to incur additional … … Read more


财政部考虑国家信用担保机构的建设。 Finance Ministry mulls National Credit Guarantee Institution 作者: Clare Patchimanon (World) The Finance Ministry is considering the setting up of a National Credit Guarantee Institution, to enable members of the public to borrow from financial institutions, according to Deputy Finance Minister Paopoom Rojanasakul. The ministry will also propose the … 财政部正在考虑成立一个国家信用担保机构,以便公众能够从金融机构借款,根据副财政部长Paopoom Rojanasakul的说法。财政部还将提议…… The Finance … Read more


新加坡和马来西亚通过铁路和经济特区加强关系。 Singapore and Malaysia bolster ties with rail, special economic zone 作者: SINGAPORE — Singapore and the southern Malaysian state of Johor are strengthening cross-border economic cooperation, with an upcoming commuter rail line set to boost the flow of people and goods and plans in the works for a vast special economic zone. The … Read more


世界最佳波旁威士忌——根据2024年新加坡世界烈酒大赛评选结果 The World’s Best Bourbon—According To The 2024 Singapore World Spirits Competition 作者: Brad Japhe, Senior Contributor, Brad Japhe, Senior Contributor This high octane American whiskey just nabbed top honors at one of the most revered annual judgings in all of Asia. 这款高辛烷值的美国威士忌在亚洲最受尊敬的年度评比中荣获最高荣誉。 Full Proof from Barton 1792 Distillery is the top bourbon at … Read more