
准备迎接未来的热浪。 Prepare for a future of heat waves 作者: Renzo R Guinto People across Asia have eagerly awaited the end of heat-wave season, which now appears to be drawing to a close. In my home country, the Philippines, the first typhoon of the year arrived in late May, lowering temperatures that had climbed to nearly … Read more


杜克大学启动2000万美元孵化器,将学术研究转化为工业产品。 Duke launches $20M incubator to turn academic research into industry products 作者: None Duke-NUS Medical School’s LIVE Ventures will bring together scientists and public and private sector entities to commercialize academic research concepts. 杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院的LIVE Ventures将把科学家和公共及私营部门的实体聚集在一起,商业化学术研究概念。 Duke-NUS Medical School is launching a $20 million incubator, LIVE Ventures, to help commercialize academic research projects and transform … Read more


评论:看来新加坡对Airbnb式短期住宿的强硬立场是有道理的。 Commentary: Looks like Singapore’s tough stance on Airbnb-style short stays is justified 作者: None As more cities crack down on Airbnb and other short-term rentals to address housing woes and overtourism, Singapore has no such dilemma, says NUS Business School’s Sing Tien Foo. 随着更多城市对Airbnb和其他短期租赁进行打压,以解决住房问题和过度旅游,新加坡国立大学商学院的Sing Tien Foo表示,新加坡并没有这样的困境。 SINGAPORE: Those planning their next holiday are no … Read more


植物在遭受盐分胁迫时移除过量的氯离子。 Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress 作者: None Researchers have discovered a salt adaptation mechanism in plants that facilitates chloride removal from the roots and enhancing salinity tolerance. A research team has uncovered a novel mechanism of plant adaptation to salt stress involving the NaCl-induced … 研究人员发现了一种植物中的盐适应机制,该机制有助于从根部去除氯化物并提高耐盐性。一个研究团队揭示了一种新型植物适应盐胁迫的机制,涉及由NaCl诱导的…… National … Read more


评论:仅凭健康风险还不足以让消费者远离Shein和廉价服装。 Commentary: It’ll take more than health risks to turn consumers off Shein and cheap clothing 作者: None Environmental and ethical issues may not be the primary concern for some fast-fashion consumers. But will health risks from exposure to chemicals like phthalates be enough to change behaviour? NUS Business School’s Joe Escobedo weighs in. 环境和伦理问题可能不是一些快时尚消费者首要关心的。但是,接触像邻苯二甲酸盐这类化学物质所带来的健康风险是否足以改变人们的行为?新加坡国立大学商学院的乔·埃斯科贝多就此发表看法。 … Read more