
电动汽车可能免收停车费。 Parking fee waiver possible for EVs 作者: MARTIN CARVALHO KUALA LUMPUR: Local council parking fees may be waived for electric vehicles (EVs) entering cities in a move to encourage the use of EVs, says Nga Kor Ming. Read full story 吉隆坡:为了鼓励使用电动汽车(EVs),吴国明表示,可能会免除地方政府对进入城市的电动汽车的停车费。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Local council parking fees may be waived for electric vehicles (EVs) … Read more


中国渴望与马来西亚在清真领域开展合作,外交副部长表示。 China keen to collaborate with Malaysia in halal sector, says Deputy Foreign Minister 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: China is interested in collaborating with Malaysia in the halal industry, covering certification, services, and halal products, says Datuk Mohamad Alamin. Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督莫哈末阿拉明表示,中国有兴趣与马来西亚在清真产业方面合作,包括认证、服务和清真产品。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: China is interested in collaborating with Malaysia in … Read more


综合法案将规范政府机构之间的数据共享,古宾德说。 Omnibus Bill will regulate data sharing among govt agencies, says Gobind 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The proposed Omnibus Bill, which deals with data sharing, is in the works, says Gobind Singh Deo. Read full story 吉隆坡:哥宾星表示,涉及数据共享的综合法案正在制定中。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The proposed Omnibus Bill, which deals with data sharing, is in the works, says … Read more


两名嫌疑人因高速公路项目贿赂案被继续拘留。 Two more remanded in connection with highway project bribery case 作者: FARIK ZOLKEPLI KUALA LUMPUR: Two directors of a sub-contractor company were the latest individuals to be remanded by graft busters in connection with bribes involved in a highway construction project in the Klang Valley worth more than RM1bil. Read full story 吉隆坡:两家分包商公司的董事成为最新被反贪部门拘留的个人,涉及金额超过10亿马币的巴生谷高速公路建设项目中的贿赂行为。阅读全文。 KUALA … Read more


入境免税店将被关闭。 Inbound duty-free shops to be closed 作者: Gary Boyle The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in domestic stores. 内阁表示,将关闭国际机场到达区域的免税商店,以鼓励游客在国内商店消费。 The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in … Read more


尽管五月份增速放缓,印度酒店签约依然保持强劲——印度报告 Hotel Signings Remain Strong in India Despite Slow May – India Report 作者: Skift We’re always talking about growth in India, and the hotel industry has had a significant number of branded signings and openings this year. But in May, there was a significant decline in average daily rates and revenue per available room … Read more


农业部表示,超过90条在线广告因未经许可销售大米被撤下。 Over 90 online ads taken down for unlicensed sale of rice, says Agriculture Ministry 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 94 online advertisements related to rice sales were taken down by ecommerce platform providers between Oct 1 and May 31 for not possessing retail licences issued by the Padi and Rice … Read more


前公司老板因隐瞒女子130万林吉特被监禁六个月。 Former company owner jailed six months for concealing woman’s RM1.3mil 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A former construction and renovation company owner was sentenced to six months in prison by the Sessions Court here on Wednesday (July 3) after he pleaded guilty to transferring and concealing more than RM1.3mil belonging to a woman … Read more


今年上半年任命了2000多名家政工人。 More than 2,000 housemen appointed in first half of this year 作者: RAGANANTHINI VETHASALAM, TARRENCE TAN, TEH ATHIRA YUSOF KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 2,148 housemen were appointed to public healthcare service in the first half of this year through three rounds of recruitment, says Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督斯里杜勒凯里·阿末表示,今年上半年通过三轮招聘,共有2,148名住院医生被任命到公共卫生服务岗位。阅读全文。 … Read more


泰式炒河粉的惊人历史 The Surprising History of Pad Thai 作者: Isabelle Kliger The national dish of Thailand is actually a fusion of Thai and Chinese food cultures 泰国的国菜实际上是泰国和中国饮食文化的融合。 Pad thai is made by stir frying thin flat rice noodles in garlic, chai poh (Chinese sweet-salty preserved radish), dried shrimp and tofu, with a sauce made of fish sauce, tamarind … Read more