
城市可能会对电动车免除停车费以鼓励使用,Nga说道。 Parking fees may be waived for EVs in cities to encourage use, says Nga 作者: MARTIN CARVALHO KUALA LUMPUR: Local authority parking fees may be waived for electric vehicles (EVs) entering cities in a move to encourage their use, says Nga Kor Ming. Read full story 吉隆坡:为了鼓励使用电动汽车(EVs),进入城市的电动汽车可能免除地方当局的停车费,吴国明如是说。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Local authority parking fees may … Read more


A-G的报告:人力资源发展公司对高风险投资征收了税款。 A-G’s Report: HRD Corp invested levies on high-risk investments 作者: TARRENCE TAN, RAGANANTHINI VETHASALAM, TEH ATHIRA YUSOF KUALA LUMPUR: HRD Corp had invested levy collected from employers on several high-risk investments, despite the training fund not being an investment institution, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had uncovered. Read full story 吉隆坡:公共账目委员会(PAC)发现,尽管培训基金并非投资机构,人力资源发展公司(HRD Corp)还是将来自雇主的征收款投资于几个高风险的投资项目中。阅读全文故事。 KUALA LUMPUR: … Read more

涂料添加剂市场到2034年将达到15840.4百万美元,受防火和耐恶劣气候涂料需求的推动 | 未来市场洞察公司

涂料添加剂市场到2034年将达到15840.4百万美元,受防火和耐恶劣气候涂料需求的推动 | 未来市场洞察公司 Paint Additive Market to Reach USD 15840.4 Million by 2034 Backed by Rising Demand for Fire and Harsh Climate Resistant Paints | Future Market Insights, Inc. 作者: Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Expanding construction and building sector including infrastructure projects in developing countries will propel the market growth of … Read more


国家诈骗热线接到37,002名受害者来电,截至2024年5月,报告损失高达2033.3万林吉特,安华说道。 National scam hotline gets 37,002 calls from victims, RM203.33mil losses reported as of May 2024, says Anwar 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) received as many as 37,002 calls from scam victims with a total reported loss of RM203.33mil as of May 2024. Read full story 吉隆坡:国家诈骗响应中心(NSRC)截至2024年5月,共接到37,002个诈骗受害者的电话,总报称损失高达2.0333亿林吉特。阅读全文故事。 KUALA … Read more


工程部密切监控建筑材料价格,纳塔说。 Works Ministry closely monitoring construction materials prices, says Nanta 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry is closely monitoring developments in the construction industry, particularly concerning the rising prices of construction materials and raw materials, following the removal of diesel subsidy in June. Read full story 吉隆坡:工程部正在密切关注建筑行业的发展情况,特别是自六月份柴油补贴取消以来,建筑材料和原材料价格上涨的问题。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry … Read more


政府正在研究柴油价格上涨对建筑业的影响。 Govt studying impact of higher diesel prices on construction industry 作者: TEH ATHIRA YUSOF, TARRENCE TAN, RAGANANTHINI VETHASALAM KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry is currently reviewing how increased diesel prices have impacted the construction industry, says Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi. Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督斯里亚历山大·南塔·灵基表示,目前工程部正在审查提高柴油价格对建筑行业的影响。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry is currently reviewing how … Read more


Wego数据突显了沙特阿拉伯旅行者最热门的欧洲夏季目的地。 Wego data highlights top European summer destinations for Saudi Arabian Travelers 作者: Wego.com Wego, the number 1 travel app and the largest online travel marketplace in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), has revealed the top summer European destinations favored by Saudi travelers this year. Summer is one of the peak travel periods … Read more


新加坡、中国和日本是亚太地区最受欢迎的商业旅行目的地。 Singapore, China and Japan are the top business travel destinations in Asia Pacific 作者: BCD Travel According to BCD Travel’s Cities & Trends 2023 Asia Pacific Report, Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok are the most visited cities in the region by APAC business travelers. The intercontinental list is led by Frankfurt, London and Amsterdam. … Read more


海关查获藏在蔬菜背后的酒类走私团伙 Customs busts syndicate smuggling in alcoholic beverages hidden behind veggies 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Customs Department has busted a syndicate smuggling alcoholic beverages declared as vegetables, seizing two containers at North Port in Klang on June 13. Read full story 吉隆坡:海关部门破获一个将酒精饮料伪报为蔬菜的走私集团,于6月13日在巴生北港查获两个集装箱。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Customs Department has busted a syndicate smuggling … Read more


“第二张5G网络不额外收费” ‘No extra costs for second 5G network’ 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: Mobile network operators (MNOs) participating in Malaysia’s second 5G network will not pass any costs to consumers, says the Commu­nica­tions Ministry. Read full story 吉隆坡:马来西亚通信部表示,参与该国第二张5G网络建设的移动网络运营商(MNOs)不会将任何成本转嫁给消费者。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Mobile network operators (MNOs) participating in Malaysias second 5G network will not pass any … Read more