
新护理课程暂停令将于8月1日结束。 Moratorium on new nursing courses ends Aug 1 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The moratorium on new diploma-level nursing courses at private higher education institutions, which has been in effect since 2010, will end on Aug 1, says Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapha Sakmud. Read full story 吉隆坡:高等教育副部长拿督穆斯塔法·萨姆德表示,自2010年起实施的私立高等教育机构新文凭级别护理课程暂停令将于8月1日结束。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The moratorium … Read more


孟加拉国将在裁决后接受就业配额削减。 Bangladesh to accept cuts to job quotas after ruling 作者: Deutsche Welle The government has met a key demand of protestors, who have paused demonstrations for 48 hours. The unrest over the quotas has prompted some governments to evacuate their citizens from the country. The government of Bangladesh is expected to officially accept… 政府已经满足了抗议者的一个关键要求,后者已经暂停了48小时的示威活动。由于配额引发的动乱,一些国家政府已将其公民从该国撤离。预计孟加拉国政府将正式接受…… … Read more


六人因投资骗局被拘留,该骗局诈骗受害者2100万林吉特。 Six held over investment scam that swindled victims of RM21mil 作者: FARIK ZOLKEPLI KUALA LUMPUR: An investment scam syndicate, which advertised on Facebook in March, has been busted with the arrest of six suspects. Read full story 吉隆坡:一个在三月通过Facebook广告进行宣传的投资骗局集团已被捣毁,六名嫌疑人被捕。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: An investment scam syndicate, which advertised on Facebook in March, has been busted with … Read more


马来西亚计划从2024年底开始,要求社交和即时通讯应用注册可续签的许可证;新加坡要求在线平台遏制诈骗行为。 Malaysia plans to require social and messaging apps to register for a renewable license starting late 2024; Singapore asks online platforms to curb scams 作者: asia.nikkei.com KUALA LUMPUR/SINGAPORE — Malaysia and Singapore are broadening their oversight of some of the most popular social media, messaging platforms and market sites in order to curb surges … Read more


邮政服务在吉隆坡跑步活动中印记健康与可持续性。 Postal service stamps its mark on health, sustainability with KL run 作者: Cy Lee After years of championing healthy living through marathons, Pos Malaysia Bhd is taking the lead with its very own running event. 多年来一直通过马拉松赛事倡导健康生活的马来西亚邮政有限公司,现在以其自主举办的跑步活动引领风骚。 After years of championing healthy living through marathons, Pos Malaysia Bhd is taking the lead with its very … Read more


莲花Emeya开始接受马来西亚订单——售价从57.5万林吉特起,7月30日亮相,对标Taycan。 Lotus Emeya order books open in Malaysia – priced from RM575,000, Taycan rival goes on preview July 30 作者: Anthony Lim Lotus Cars Malaysia has announced that the order books for the Lotus Emeya have opened. The all-electric hyper GT, which made its global debut in New York last September and was sighted here … Read more

bookings exceed 10, 特斯拉马来西亚庆祝一周年,交付近5000辆电动汽车,预订量超过10,000辆。 (请注意,由于您要求只返回翻译结果,我已将原文中的”content notice”部分省略,仅提供翻译。)

bookings exceed 10, 特斯拉马来西亚庆祝一周年,交付近5000辆电动汽车,预订量超过10,000辆。 (请注意,由于您要求只返回翻译结果,我已将原文中的”content notice”部分省略,仅提供翻译。) Tesla Malaysia celebrates 1st anniversary with close to 5,000 EVs delivered 作者: Alexander Wong Tesla Malaysia officially turned one last Saturday (22nd July 2024), marking one year since its official local debut with the Model Y. To mark the occasion, Tesla Malaysia has posted a recap of the year … Read more


印度航空的新款压迫膝盖的A320neo经济舱 Air India’s new knee-crushing A320neo Economy Class 作者: Live from a Lounge Air India’s new A320neo is better for business but bad for my knees. Here is why. The post Air India’s new knee-crushing A320neo Economy Class appeared first on Live from a Lounge. 印度航空的新A320neo对商务出行更有利,但对我的膝盖来说却很糟糕。原因如下。 文章《印度航空新款挤压膝盖的A320neo经济舱》首先出现在Live from a Lounge上。 Air India recently inducted three … Read more

JuiceUp在Cucuk、EVPower、JusEV、TNB Electron电动车充电器上支持刷卡支付。

JuiceUp在Cucuk、EVPower、JusEV、TNB Electron电动车充电器上支持刷卡支付。 JuiceUp enables card payments on Cucuk, EVPower, JusEV, TNB Electron EV chargers 作者: Chief Chapree JuiceUp has officially launched its open payment solution system for EV chargers at EVX 2024. At the same time, the local Software-as-a-Service company has also announced partnerships with Charge Point Operators (CPOs) that will be using its solution … Read more

在德里的一家书店解释了其 top 100 书单为何,嗯,不是《纽约时报》的。

在德里的一家书店解释了其 top 100 书单为何,嗯,不是《纽约时报》的。 A Bookshop In New Delhi Explains Why Its Top 100 List Is, Well, Not The NYT 作者: Scroll (India) “If a list so devoid of representation from small presses, working class writers, genre-fiction, and poetry is aggregated with contributions from ‘hundreds of novelists, nonfiction writers, academics, book editors, journalists, critics, publishers, … Read more