
Alvotech宣布私人债务融资关闭。 Alvotech Announces Closing of Private Debt Financing 作者: Alvotech Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide, today announced the closing of its previously announced senior secured first lien term loan facility (the “Facili… 奥尔特克(纳斯达克: ALVO),一家专注于为全球患者开发制造生物类似药物的全球生物科技公司,今日宣布已完成此前宣布的高级有担保第一顺位定期贷款设施(以下简称“该设施”)的关闭。 Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company … Read more

EVx 2024 – 享受高达RM100,000的回扣,适用于选定的宝马i系列电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车,Wheelcorp Premium提供。

EVx 2024 – 享受高达RM100,000的回扣,适用于选定的宝马i系列电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车,Wheelcorp Premium提供。 EVx 2024 – Enjoy rebates up to RM100,000 on selected BMW i EVs and PHEVs with Wheelcorp Premium 作者: Gerard Lye The Electric Vehicle Expo (EVx) returns this year from July 20-21, so make your way to the Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC) if you’re curious about electrified vehicles … Read more


棕榈油进口量达到六个月高点,葵花籽油创纪录新高。 Palm oil imports at 6-month peak, sunflower oil hits record high 作者: Reuters Higher palm oil purchases could help leading producers Indonesia and Malaysia bring down stocks and support the benchmark Malaysian palm oil futures 较高的棕榈油购买量可能有助于主要生产国印度尼西亚和马来西亚降低库存,并支持基准马来西亚棕榈油期货。 Palm oil imports in June rose to reach the highest level in six months on robust demand from … Read more


大型受损香港房地产交易预计将增加,因为更多卖家接受亏损。 Large distressed Hong Kong realty deals set to rise as more sellers accept losses 作者: None HONG KONG: Higher-for-longer interest costs and ample office vacancies have pushed the sales of distressed investment properties in Hong Kong higher in the second quarter, a trend realtors expect to continue in an already tepid real estate market. … Read more


印度2023-24油脂年度前八个月食用油进口下降2.6% India’s edible oil import down 2.6% in first eight months of oil year 2023-24 作者: BL Mangaluru Bureau India’s edible oil imports decline in 2023-24, SEA calls for increased duties to boost domestic production. 印度食用油进口在2023-24年度下降,东南亚呼吁提高关税以促进国内生产。 India imported 10.09 million tonnes (mt) of edible oils during the first eight months of the oil year 2023-24 … Read more

2024款MINI Cooper SE评测——中国制造的新款电动MINI Hatch续航几乎翻倍,但驾驶乐趣是否减少?

2024款MINI Cooper SE评测——中国制造的新款电动MINI Hatch续航几乎翻倍,但驾驶乐趣是否减少? 2024 MINI Cooper SE review – new Chinese-built EV MINI Hatch has nearly 2x range, but is it less fun? 作者: Jonathan Lee We may have already seen the new MINI Cooper S making its debut in Malaysia, but that one is merely a warmed-over version of the outgoing petrol-powered F56. … Read more


沙巴热切盼望欢迎更多中国投资者前来。 Sabah eager to welcome more Chinese investors 作者: DURIE RAINER FONG KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is committed to strengthening its relations with China across various sectors to attract more investors, says Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. Read full story 哥打京那巴鲁:拿督斯里哈吉吉·诺尔表示,沙巴致力于在各个领域加强与中国的关系,以吸引更多投资者。阅读全文。 KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is committed to strengthening its relations with China across various sectors to attract … Read more


印度6月植物油进口量同比增长18%,达到155万吨。 India’s vegetable oil imports up 18% in June to 15.5 lakh tonnes 作者: PTI In June, India’s vegetable oil imports rose 18% to 15.5 lakh tonnes, led by crude palm and sunflower oils. Edible oil imports hit 15.27 lakh tonnes, non-edible 23,178 tonnes. Year-to-date, total imports fell 2%, refined oils 2%, crude oils 3%. … Read more


马来西亚的生态焦虑:气候变化对心理健康未知的影响 Eco-anxiety in Malaysia: The untold impact of climate change on mental health 作者: MOHD NOOR MUSA ECO-ANXIETY, or climate anxiety, refers to the distress caused by climate change, where individuals grow increasingly anxious about their future. Read full story 生态焦虑,或称气候焦虑,是指由气候变化引起的痛苦,个体对未来变得越来越焦虑。阅读全文。 ECO-ANXIETY, or climate anxiety, refers to the distress caused by climate change, where individuals … Read more

WhatsApp 现在允许企业在印度向用户发送验证码。

WhatsApp 现在允许企业在印度向用户发送验证码。 WhatsApp now allows businesses to send authentication codes to users in India 作者: Ivan Mehta Last month, the company also started applying an international authentication rate for activities like sending login codes for cross-border users. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only. 上个月,该公司也开始对跨境用户发送登录码等活动应用国际认证费率。 © 2024 TechCrunch。保留所有权利。仅供个人使用。 WhatsApp now allows businesses … Read more