
燃油补贴改革终于要在东南亚上路了吗? Is Fuel Subsidy Reform Finally On the Way in Southeast Asia? 作者: James Guild Malaysia and Indonesia are both beginning to reduce long-standing subsidies that have kept fuel prices well below market rates. 马来西亚和印度尼西亚都开始减少长期以来维持燃油价格远低于市场水平的补贴。 Indonesia and Malaysia are two of Southeast Asias major oil giants. The 1970s and early 1980s were a boom time … Read more

U Mobile为公立学校部署无现金生态系统。

U Mobile为公立学校部署无现金生态系统。 U Mobile deploys cashless ecosystem for public schools 作者: Alexander Wong U Mobile has launched its Digital School initiative aimed at bringing the benefits of digitalisation to education institutions. The telco aims to accelerate digital adoption and to uplift the education sector by introducing a range of services and solutions s… U Mobile已启动其数字学校计划,旨在将数字化的好处带给教育机构。这家电信公司希望通过引入一系列服务和解决方案,加速数字技术的采用,提升教育行业的发展。 … Read more


旧新闻报道关于钢材价格上涨错误地与马来西亚柴油补贴削减联系在一起 Old news report about steel price rise falsely linked to Malaysian diesel subsidy cuts 作者: Najmi Mamat / AFP Malaysia After Malaysia cut blanket subsidies for diesel in June 2024, an old news report about the rising costs of steel in the country surfaced in social media… 2024年6月马来西亚取消了对柴油的全面补贴后,一篇关于该国钢铁成本上涨的旧新闻报道在社交媒体上再次浮现。 After Malaysia cut blanket subsidies for … Read more


退休教师从棕榈油增值中获利 Retired teacher profits from palm oil value addition 作者: Elizabeth Ojina Victor Otieno decided to start processing the crude oil in 2022 after receiving training. 维克多·奥蒂诺在接受了培训后,决定从2022年开始加工原油。 A few years ago, Victor Otieno Maura, a retired teacher, planted palm trees on his farm. Now he is reaping the benefits. The 20 palm trees scattered around … Read more


每日有650万升柴油在目标补贴前被挪用,阿米尔·哈姆扎说。 6.5 million litres of diesel misappropriated daily before targeted subsidy, says Amir Hamzah 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Finance Ministry has concluded that at least 6.5 million litres of diesel were misappropriated by industries or smuggled into neighbouring countries daily before the targeted diesel subsidy was implemented. Read full story 吉隆坡:财政部总结,在实施目标柴油补贴政策之前,每天至少有650万升柴油被工业界挪用或走私到邻国。阅读全文。 KUALA … Read more


抖音轻量版让多达10亿用户面临较少的保护。 TikTok Lite Leaves up to 1 Billion Users With Fewer Protections 作者: Vittoria Elliott TikTok labels AI-generated material and warns about potentially deceptive content. A Lite version popular in the Global South, though, lacks these and other safeguards. TikTok对AI生成的材料进行标注,并警告可能存在欺骗性内容。然而,在全球化南方流行的一个精简版缺乏这些和其他安全措施。 In May, TikTok announced that it would automatically label AI-generated content on its platform. That’s … Read more


最低工资上涨压缩东南亚采购成本 Minimum wage rises squeeze Southeast Asia sourcing 作者: GlobalData Minimum Wage Rises and Their Impact on Sourcing in Southeast Asia Changes in minimum wage rates are likely to be of significant concern to apparel brands and… 最低工资上涨及其对东南亚采购的影响 最低工资标准的变动很可能成为服装品牌以及……关注的重点。 Changes in minimum wage rates are likely to be of significant concern to apparel brands and … Read more


Equinix宣布通过收购三个数据中心将其数字基础设施平台扩展至菲律宾。 Equinix to Extend its Digital Infrastructure Platform to the Philippines with Acquisition of Three Data Centers 作者: Investing.com Equinix to Extend its Digital Infrastructure Platform to the Philippines with Acquisition of Three Data Centers Equinix计划通过收购三个数据中心将其数字基础设施平台扩展至菲律宾。 REDWOOD CITY, Calif. and MANILA, The Philippines , July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Equinix (NASDAQ:EQIX), Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), the … Read more


需要更可靠的数据 Need for more reliable data 作者: JUNAID IBRAHIM, TEH ATHIRA YUSOF PETALING JAYA: The number of data breaches involving Malay­sian social media accounts could be higher as most remain unreported, says a cybersecurity expert. Read full story 八打灵再也:一位网络安全专家表示,涉及马来西亚社交媒体账户的数据泄露事件数量可能更高,因为大多数事件尚未被报告。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: The number of data breaches involving Malaysian social media accounts could be higher as … Read more


吉隆坡浪卡农民在大雨后遭受损失。 Kuala Langat farmers suffer losses after downpour 作者: The Star Online Over 50 Indian owned farms in Kuala Langat district suffered heavy losses in a freak rainstorm, Malaysia Nanban reported. Read full story 马来西亚《南洋商报》报道,古来浪dat地区超过50个印度人拥有的农场在一场怪异的风暴中遭受严重损失。阅读全文。 Compiled by MARTIN CARVALHO, C.ARUNO AND R.ARAVINTAN Over 50 Indian owned farms in Kuala Langat district suffered heavy losses in … Read more