
微塑料地图揭示了消费最多的国家。 Microplastic Map Reveals Countries Consuming the Most 作者: Pandora Dewan The data reveals which countries have the highest intakes through their diet and the air. So how does the U.S. compare? 数据揭示了哪些国家通过饮食和空气摄入量最高。那么美国的情况如何呢? Scientists have revealed which countries have the highest consumption of microplastics through our food and through the air. So how does the … Read more


日本和泰国位居中国游客旅游目的地榜单之首。 Japan and Thailand top list of travel destinations for Chinese tourists 作者: K. Oanh Ha,Lulu Shen,Jinshan Hong The return of Chinese tourists is being closely watched, as their numbers and spending are crucial for the tourism industry’s recovery. 中国游客的回归正受到密切关注,因为他们的数量和消费对旅游业复苏至关重要。 Japan and Thailand top the list of Asian destinations for Chinese tourists heading abroad this … Read more


马来西亚在国际管理发展学院2025年竞争力排名中的位置预计将有所提升,扎夫鲁尔说道。 Malaysia’s position in IMD competitiveness ranking 2025 set to improve, says Zafrul 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The government is confident that Malaysia’s position in the IMD’s World Competitiveness Ranking 2025 will improve compared to this year, driven by the increase in high-technology product exports. Read full story 吉隆坡:政府相信马来西亚在 IMD 2025年世界竞争力排名中的位置将比今年有所提升,这得益于高科技产品出口的增长。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: … Read more


苹果交易所TRX现已开业,马来西亚首家苹果商店。 Apple The Exchange TRX is now open, Malaysia’s first Apple Store 作者: Alexander Wong The highly anticipated Apple The Exchange TRX is now open to the public. This is Malaysia’s first Apple Store and it is also the sixth in the Southeast Asian region. Located at L1.40 The Exchange TRX, the new Apple Store … Read more


新泰马大桥工程可能会在明年四月启动。 New Thai-Malaysia bridge work could start next April 作者: Online Reporters Construction of a new bridge linking Thailand and Malaysia in Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat could start in April next year, the provincial governor has said. 泰国那拉提瓦府桑盖科洛克区的连接泰国和马来西亚的新桥梁建设可能会在明年4月开始,该省省长表示。 Construction of a new bridge linking Thailand and Malaysia in Sungai Kolok district of Narathiwat could … Read more

伯克利W R公司增加在常青公司(纳斯达克:EVGR)的持股比例。

伯克利W R公司增加在常青公司(纳斯达克:EVGR)的持股比例。 Berkley W R Corp Grows Stake in Evergreen Co. (NASDAQ:EVGR) 作者: MarketBeat News Berkley W R Corp grew its position in shares of Evergreen Co. (NASDAQ:EVGR – Free Report) by 12.5% in the fourth quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned … Read more


拟议的Mavcom-CAAM合并法案将被提交讨论。 Proposed bills on Mavcom-CAAM merger will be tabled 作者: BENJAMIN LEE PUTRAJAYA: The proposed bills on the merger between the Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) will be tabled in Parliament soon, says Anthony Loke. Read full story PUTRAJAYA: 安华·洛克表示,有关马来西亚航空委员会(Mavcom)与马来西亚民航局(CAAM)合并的拟议法案将在不久后提交国会审议。阅读全文。 PUTRAJAYA: The proposed bills on the merger between … Read more


清晰街有限责任公司对PHP风险投资收购公司(纳斯达克:PPHP)进行新投资。 Clear Street LLC Makes New Investment in PHP Ventures Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ:PPHP) 作者: MarketBeat News Clear Street LLC purchased a new stake in PHP Ventures Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ:PPHP – Free Report) in the fourth quarter, Holdings Channel.com reports. The fund purchased 3,282 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $37,000. Separately, Warb… 清晰街有限责任公司在第四季度购买了PHP风险投资收购公司(纳斯达克股票代码:PPHP … Read more


美国归还超过7.2亿林吉特给马来西亚,为追回的1MDB资金。 US returns over RM720mil to Malaysia in recovered 1MDB funds 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: The United States returns around US$156mil (RM721.4mil) to the Malaysian Government marking the fourth installment of recovered misappropriated funds from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal. Read full story 八打灵再也:美国将大约1.56亿美元(合7.214亿令吉)归还给马来西亚政府,这标志着从一马发展公司(1MDB)丑闻中追回的挪用资金的第四笔分期还款。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: The United States returns around US$156mil … Read more


2024年马来西亚哈雷-戴维森水滴型复兴版——限量版,179,900令吉,本地市场5辆。 2024 Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide Revival in Malaysia – limited edition, RM179,900, 5 units for local market 作者: Mohan K Ramanujam Coming as a limited edition in the Malaysia premium touring motorcycle market is the 2024 Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide Revival, with pricing starting at RM179,900. Part of Harley-Davidson’s Icons Collection, global production of the Hydra-Glide is only … Read more