
Biocon获得EMA批准在班加罗尔生产生物类似抗癌药物。 Biocon gets EMA’s nod to make biosimilar cancer drug at Bengaluru 作者: Aneeka Chatterjee Bevacizumab is used to treat colon and rectal cancer, cervical cancer etc 贝伐珠单抗用于治疗结肠癌、直肠癌、宫颈癌等。 Bevacizumab is used to treat colon and rectal cancer, cervical cancer etc Approval by the EMA will significantly enhance the capability to meet patient needs across European … Read more

新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化

新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化 News24 | Phillip de Wet | North Korea is now SA’s ally-in-law, as Russia weaponises BRICS 作者: Phillip de Wet Russia changed the future of BRICS with the stroke of a pen in Pyongyang, and new entrants such as Malaysia won’t change that for South Africa, writes Phillip de Wet. … Read more


三星马来西亚公司提供免费音乐边框,当您在Galaxy设备上消费超过6000林吉特。 Samsung Malaysia offers free Music Frame when you spend over RM6,000 on Galaxy devices 作者: Alexander Wong Samsung Malaysia is now giving away its Music Frame for free when you purchase Galaxy devices over RM6,000 for a limited time. To recap, the Music Frame is a discreet smart speaker which doubles as a picture … Read more


越南煤电项目在淘汰协议后继续推进。 Vietnam Coal Power Project Moving Forward After Phase-Out Deal 作者: Bloomberg News Plans to build a long-delayed coal power plant in Vietnam are moving forward 18 months after the country agreed to a multibillion dollar deal to move away from the fossil fuel. 计划在越南建设一座长期延期的煤电站正在推进,这是该国同意放弃化石燃料,达成数十亿美元协议后的18个月。 (Bloomberg) Plans to build a long-delayed coal power plant in … Read more


印度在乌克兰-俄罗斯价格战中购买创纪录的葵花籽油。 India buys record amount of sunoil amid Ukraine-Russia price war 作者: Reuters MUMBAI – Indians bought a record 500,000 metric tons of sunflower oil for June delivery, as competition between leading suppliers Russia and Ukraine made it cheaper than soyoil and palm oil, two leading buyers and a customs official told Reuters. 孟买 – … Read more


签证免除:霹雳州加强推广活动吸引中国游客前来旅游。 Visa exemption: Perak intensifies promotion to lure tourists from China 作者: The Star Online BATU GAJAH: The Perak government is intensifying its promotion to attract more tourists from China following the mutual visa-free exemption policy between China and Malaysia. Read full story 巴杜加亚:霹雳州政府在中国和马来西亚实行相互免签政策后,正在加大力度推广,以吸引更多中国游客。阅读全文。 BATU GAJAH: The Perak government is intensifying its promotion to attract … Read more


这是我们为何对购买马来西亚喜力有限公司(吉隆坡证券交易所:HEIM)以待发放的股息持谨慎态度的原因。 Here’s Why We’re Wary Of Buying Heineken Malaysia Berhad’s (KLSE:HEIM) For Its Upcoming Dividend 作者: (Simply Wall St) It looks like Heineken Malaysia Berhad ( KLSE:HEIM ) is about to go ex-dividend in the next three days. The ex-dividend… 看来喜力马来西亚有限公司(吉隆坡证券交易所:HEIM)即将在接下来的三天内除权。除权… It looks like Heineken Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:HEIM) is about to go ex-dividend in … Read more


中国教育集团可能发生领导层变动。 Possible leadership change in Chinese education group 作者: The Star Online THERE may soon be a change in the Dong Zong leadership after the Johor chapter failed to secure a position as one of the six central committee states this year, China Press reported. Read full story 东宗领导层可能很快会发生变化,原因是柔佛州分会今年未能当选为六个中央委员会州之一,《中国报》报道。阅读全文。 Compiled by HO JIA WEN, C. … Read more


美联储降息的可能性在关键通胀报告发布后可能会增加。 Fed rate cuts could become more likely after key inflation report 作者: Vince Golle, Craig Stirling, Bloomberg “We don’t think the slower inflation print will be enough to convince officials by the time of the July FOMC meeting that inflation is on a firm trajectory down to the Fed’s 2% target.” 我们不认为在七月份的联邦公开市场委员会会议之前,较低的通胀数据足以让官员们相信通胀正坚定地朝着美联储2%的目标下降。 The Federal … Read more


蓬勃发展的木炭生意得益于YouTube。 Booming charcoal business thanks to YouTube 作者: The Star Online AFTER learning to make charcoal briquettes from YouTube, a 32-year-old businessman is processing a tonne of briquettes every month to meet high customer demand. Read full story 在学习了如何在YouTube上制作木炭球后,这位32岁的商人每月加工一吨木炭球以满足客户的高需求。阅读全文。 Compiled by HO JIA WEN, C. ARUNO and R. ARAVINTHAN AFTER learning to make charcoal briquettes … Read more