
惊人的回报还是荒诞的谎言? Fabulous returns or fantastic lies 作者: The Star Online IPOH: When something looks too good to be true, it is probably a scam, as a salesman here found out after he was duped of over RM900,000. Read full story IPOH:当某件事看起来好得令人难以置信时,它很可能是个骗局,正如这里的一名销售员在被骗走逾90万林吉特后发现的。阅读全文。 IPOH: When something looks too good to be true, it is probably a scam, … Read more


天然气产量增加和地区购买以减少液化天然气进口量。 Gas production hikes and regional buying to cut LNG imports 作者: Yuthana Praiwan Thailand plans to increase domestic gas production and renew gas purchases from neighbouring countries to reduce its dependence on liquefied natural gas (LNG) as gas demand is expected to increase in Asia, say energy authorities and analysts. 泰国计划提高国内天然气产量并重新从邻国购买天然气,以减少对液化天然气(LNG)的依赖,因为预计亚洲的天然气需求将会增加,能源当局和分析人士表示。 Thailand plans to … Read more


早盘竞价:科技板块——英伟达下跌拖累市场情绪 Morning Bid: Tech that – Nvidia slump sours market mood 作者: Reuters Morning Bid: Tech that – Nvidia slump sours market mood 早上竞价:科技板块——英伟达下滑拖累市场情绪。 By Jamie McGeever (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. The wave of profit-taking in U.S. Big Tech and AI stocks appears to be gathering momentum, which … Read more


马来西亚精简柴油补贴后,零售柴油销量减少了30%:第二财政部长。 Sales of retail diesel in Malaysia sees 30% reduction after subsidy rationalisation: finance minister II 作者: Mick Chan Retail sales of diesel at petrol station in Malaysia has seen a 30% decrease in the first week since the subsidy rationalisation took effect on June 10, reported New Straits Times. This was equal to […] … Read more


无法生活没有冲洗座的西方人 The westerner who ‘can’t live’ without a bidet 作者: The Star Online A MAN from the United Kingdom now “can’t live” without a bidet when using the toilet after living in Malaysia since April, Sinar Harian reported. Read full story 《阳光日报》报道,一名来自英国的男子自今年4月居住在马来西亚后,如厕时“无法生活”没有喷洗器。阅读全文故事。 Compiled by FAZLEENA AZIZ AND C.ARUNO A MAN from the United Kingdom now … Read more

互动化妆品零售店铺 – 屈臣氏为Z世代和Alpha世代消费者升级其门店(TrendHunter.com)

互动化妆品零售店铺 – 屈臣氏为Z世代和Alpha世代消费者升级其门店(TrendHunter.com) Interactive Cosmetics Retail Stores – Watsons Upgrades its Stores for Gen Z and Gen Alpha Consumers (TrendHunter.com) 作者: Debra John (TrendHunter.com) Watsons, a leading Asian beauty and health retailer, has strategically upgraded its stores as interactive cosmetics retail stores to cater to the interactive and dynamic preferences of Gen Z and Gen… … Read more


许多商业运营者目前仍在坚持使用柴油。 Many business operators sticking to diesel for now 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: The majority of business operators are not contemplating transitioning to vehicles that run on greener fuel for now, even as diesel prices increased to RM3.35 per litre from RM2.15, following a recent rationalisation. Read full story PETALING JAYA:目前,大多数商业运营商并未考虑转用更环保的燃油车辆,尽管近期燃油合理化措施后,柴油价格从每升2.15林吉特涨至3.35林吉特。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: … Read more


21个增长最快的远程工作,助你事业转型线上。 21 of the Fastest Growing Remote Jobs to Take Your Career Online 作者: Maia Ellis Some of the fastest growing remote jobs may not be what you expect. Roles like personal assistant or project manager were once typically confined to the office — but not anymore! We all got a taste for remote work … Read more


李强总理在亚太访问期间推动中国贸易和学术议程。 Premier Li Qiang pushes China’s trade, academic agenda during Asia-Pacific tour 作者: South China Morning Post China fortified its partnerships from trade to academic collaborations in the Asia-Pacific region during Premier Li Qiang’s recent visits to New Zealand… 中国加强了从贸易到学术合作的亚太地区伙伴关系,在国务院总理李强近期访问新西兰期间…… China fortified its partnerships from trade to academic collaborations in the Asia-Pacific region during Premier … Read more


计算DKSH控股(马来西亚)有限公司(KLSE:DKSH)的内在价值 Calculating The Intrinsic Value Of DKSH Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:DKSH) 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … [+678 chars] 如果您点击“接受所有”,我们及我们的合作伙伴,包括属于IAB透明度和同意框架的237个合作伙伴,也将存储和/或访问设备上的信息(换句话说,使用……[+678个字符])。 原文链接:Yahoo Entertainment