
探索贝尔金融集团及另外两只被低估的ASX股票交易情况研究 Exploring Bell Financial Group And Two More ASX Stocks Estimated To Be Trading Below Their Value 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) Over the past year, the Australian stock market has shown robust growth, appreciating by 9.9%, while remaining stable in the last week. In this context of… 在过去的一年中,澳大利亚股市表现出了强劲的增长,上涨了9.9%,而在最后一周保持稳定。在此背景下…… Over the past year, the Australian … Read more


马来西亚人希望与中国达成的协议不会影响价格。 M’sians hopeful China deal will not impact prices 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: Malaysian consumers remain optimistic about the price and availability of the “king of fruits”, following the new agreement allowing fresh durian exports to China. Read full story PETALING JAYA:马来西亚消费者对“水果之王”的价格和供应保持乐观,这是因为新协议允许新鲜榴莲出口到中国。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Malaysian consumers remain optimistic about the price and availability … Read more


派珀·桑德勒对迈西莫股票维持超配评级。 Piper Sandler maintains Overweight on Masimo stock 作者: Investing.com Piper Sandler maintains Overweight on Masimo stock 派珀·桑德勒对Masimo股票维持超配评级。 On Tuesday, Masimo Corp . (NASDAQ:MASI) received a reaffirmation of confidence from Piper Sandler, with the firm maintaining an Overweight rating and a $160.00 price target on the company’s stock. Th… [+4400 chars] 周二,Masimo Corp.(纳斯达克股票代码:MASI)收到Piper Sandler的信心重申,该公司维持对该公司股票的“超配”评级和160.00美元的目标股价。 原文链接:Investing.com


Enovix股票保持强劲,获优于市场评级。 Enovix shares hold strong with Outperform rating 作者: Investing.com Enovix shares hold strong with Outperform rating Enovix股票评级为“跑赢大盘”,表现坚挺。 On Tuesday, Enovix Corporation (NASDAQ:ENVX) maintained its Outperform rating and a steady price target of $36.00. The firm’s technology recently gained further validation through the acquisition of … [+4063 chars] 周二,恩诺维克公司(纳斯达克:ENVX)维持其“跑赢大盘”评级,并将目标股价稳定在36.00美元。该公司技术近期通过收购……获得了进一步认可。 [+4063个字符] 原文链接:Investing.com


战略规划集团有限责任公司持有Hess公司(纽约证券交易所:HES)130万美元的股份。 Strategic Planning Group LLC Has $1.30 Million Holdings in Hess Co. (NYSE:HES) 作者: MarketBeat News Strategic Planning Group LLC lifted its position in Hess Co. (NYSE:HES – Free Report) by 18.1% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 8,481 … Read more


为了VOOC的缘故:一加手机在某些地区不再附赠盒装充电器。 For VOOC’s sake: OnePlus phones in some regions aren’t getting in-box chargers 作者: Hadlee Simons The OnePlus Nord CE 4 Lite launched yesterday, and it turns out some regional variants aren’t getting a bundled charger. 一加Nord CE 4 Lite昨天发布,结果发现一些地区版本并没有附带充电器。 Some OnePlus Nord CE 4 Lite variants dont have a charger in the box. The … Read more


交通部门正在最终确定电动汽车专用牌照的供应商,未来这将变为强制性要求。 Transport ministry finalising vendor for EV-specific number plates, to be made mandatory in future 作者: Mick Chan Special number plates specifically for electric vehicles in Malaysia are currently in their final stages of development, and these are awaiting technical finalisation before their official launch, reported New Straits Times. The Malaysian government is […] Th… … Read more

佩克马与NexV签订谅解备忘录,组装东风箱式电动汽车,即马来西亚市场的 Nammi 01,用于出口。

佩克马与NexV签订谅解备忘录,组装东风箱式电动汽车,即马来西亚市场的 Nammi 01,用于出口。 Pekema signs MoU with NexV to assemble Dongfeng Box EV, a.k.a. Nammi 01 for Malaysian market, exports 作者: Danny Tan The Malay Vehicle Importers and Traders Association of Malaysia (Pekema) via its subsidiary Central Auto Distributors Bhd (CADB) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with NexV Manufacturing to assemble the Dongfeng … Read more


印度和中国成为5月份俄罗斯燃料油的最大购买国,伦敦证券交易所集团数据显示。 India and China top buyers of Russian fuel oil in May, LSEG data shows 作者: Reuters In May, Russian seaborne fuel oil and VGO exports peaked at 4 million metric tons, with India and China as top destinations. The surge followed the European Union’s embargo on Russian oil products, redirecting supplies to Asia. Notably, … Read more


Mydin推出MydinPay电子钱包,提供现金返现和优惠券。 Mydin launches MydinPay ewallet, offering cashback and vouchers 作者: HO JIA WEN SUBANG JAYA: Mydin launches MydinPay with vouchers and cashback for new users and customers. Read full story SUBANG JAYA:Mydin推出MydinPay,为新用户和客户提供优惠券和现金返利。阅读全文故事。 SUBANG JAYA: Mydin launches MydinPay with vouchers and cashback for new users and customers. The first 1000 users to register with the ewallet … Read more