
盈利电话会议:黑莓公布聚焦物联网和网络安全的第一季度稳健业绩。 Earnings call: BlackBerry reports solid Q1 with focus on IoT and cybersecurity 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: BlackBerry reports solid Q1 with focus on IoT and cybersecurity 盈利电话会议:黑莓公布第一季度财报,重点在于物联网和网络安全方面表现稳健。 BlackBerry Limited (NYSE:BB) has reported strong financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, showcasing notable progress in its Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity … Read more


快餐连锁店在今年夏天注重性价比。这会足以提振它们低迷的股价吗? Fast food chains lean into value this summer. Will it be enough to boost their lagging stocks? 作者: Brooke DiPalma Value is on the menu this summer as fast food restaurants attempt to turn around the narrative that their food is too expensive. 今年夏天,价值观念成为菜单上的焦点,快餐餐厅试图改变人们认为他们食物太昂贵的观念。 Value is on the menu this summer. Restaurant chains such … Read more


这三种粮食作物耐高温且营养丰富。 These Three Food Crops Are Heat Tolerant And Highly Nutritious 作者: Juergen Eckhardt, Contributor, Juergen Eckhardt, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/juergeneckhardt/ Millets, chickpeas, and seaweed offer both environmental and nutritional advantages. Such crops have a place in feeding a growing population as the planet warms. 小米、鹰嘴豆和海藻既具有环境优势,也具有营养优势。随着地球变暖,这些作物在喂养日益增长的人口方面有其重要作用。 Seaweed grown by startup Seadling, based in Malaysia, is developed to … Read more


《布里奇顿》的商机:Netflix如何利用其最火热的剧集盈利 The Business of ‘Bridgerton’: How Netflix Is Capitalizing on One of Its Biggest Hits 作者: Loree Seitz The streamer is planning long term with product partnerships and live events connected to hit franchises The post The Business of ‘Bridgerton’: How Netflix Is Capitalizing on One of Its Biggest Hits appeared first on TheWrap. 流媒体平台正计划通过与产品合作和与热门系列相关的直播活动来制定长期规划 … Read more


资助医疗保健,而非保险费。 Finance Healthcare, Not Insurance Premia 作者: Yves Smith A new study finds that revenue-funded healthcare is cost-effective, efficient, and fair, while all health insurance has avoidable excess cost 一项新研究发现,由收入资助的医疗保健是具有成本效益、高效且公平的,而所有健康保险都存在可避免的过度成本。 Yves here. Jomo’s post summarizes a new study which lends yet more support to the view that inserting insurers into heathcare raises cost without improving … Read more


黑石集团在马来西亚的投资细节是今天议会关注的焦点。 Details of Blackrock’s investment in Malaysia among focus in Parliament today 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The total investment by BlackRock and its affiliate companies in Malaysia will be among the highlights at the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Thursday (June 27). Read full story 吉隆坡:黑石集团及其关联公司对马来西亚的总投资将成为周四(6月27日)下议院会议的焦点。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The total investment by BlackRock and … Read more


汇丰马来西亚推出最新信用卡以提升生活方式选择。 HSBC Malaysia introduces latest credit card to enhance lifestyle choices 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC Malaysia launched a brand new lifestyle credit card, the HSBC Live+ credit card in partnership with Visa. Read full story 吉隆坡:马来西亚汇丰银行与 Visa 合作,推出全新的生活方式信用卡——汇丰Live+信用卡。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC Malaysia launched a brand new lifestyle credit card, the HSBC Live+ … Read more


伦敦金属交易所拟在香港设立仓库。 London Metal Exchange Looks to Set Up Warehouse in Hong Kong 作者: Bloomberg News The London Metal Exchange is exploring setting up its first warehouse in Hong Kong as it seeks to strengthen services to clients in China — the world’s biggest metals market. 伦敦金属交易所正在探讨在香港设立其首个仓库,旨在加强为中国客户提供服务——中国是全球最大的金属市场。 (Bloomberg) The London Metal Exchange is exploring setting up … Read more


众筹旨在帮助雪兰莪足球俱乐部支付10万林吉特罚款。 Crowdfunding sought to help Selangor FC pay off RM100,000 fine 作者: GERARD GIMINO PETALING JAYA: A crowdfunding initiative has been launched to help Selangor FC pay off the RM100,000 fine it was slapped with by the Malaysian Football League (MFL). Read full story 八打灵再也:一项众筹活动已经启动,旨在帮助雪兰莪足球俱乐部支付马来西亚足球联赛(MFL)对其处以的10万令吉罚款。阅读完整故事。 PETALING JAYA: A crowdfunding initiative has been launched to help … Read more


东盟快线提升了通过该区域至中国的铁路货运能力。 Asean Express boosts freight carriage by rail through region up to China 作者: BENJAMIN LEE PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s trade connectivity with the rest of South-East Asia and China has been improved with the launch of the Asean Express, an international freight train connecting Malaysia to Thailand, Laos and China. Read full story 八打灵再也:随着东盟特快列车的启动,马来西亚与东南亚其他国家以及中国的贸易连通性得到了提升。该国际货运列车连接了马来西亚、泰国、老挝和中国。阅读全文。 PETALING … Read more