
评估马来西亚的食品安全工作 Assessing Malaysia’s food security efforts 作者: MUHAMMAD AIMAN ROSZAIMI IN recent years, Malaysia has grappled with a concerning trend in its food trade imbalance, marked by a significant increase in food imports compared to exports. The numbers paint a stark picture: in 2022 alone, Malaysia imported RM75.6bil worth of food produ… 近年来,马来西亚一直在努力应对食品贸易不平衡的令人担忧的趋势,表现为食品进口的大幅增长相较于出口。数字描绘了一幅鲜明的画面:仅2022年,马来西亚就进口了价值756亿林吉特的食品产品…… A closer … Read more


马来西亚需要解决劳动力挑战以执行经济计划,塔库·扎夫鲁尔说。 Malaysia needs to address workforce challenges to execute economic plans, says Tengku Zafrul 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The country needs to address the challenges faced in developing the right human workforce, particularly the engineering profession as it moves towards the successful execution of the government’s economic plans, namely the New Industrial Master … Read more


马来西亚家庭互助保险公司(KLSE:TAKAFUL)的股东们承受了37%的损失,这是他们五年前投资该股票所遭受的。 Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (KLSE:TAKAFUL) shareholders have endured a 37% loss from investing in the stock five years ago 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) In order to justify the effort of selecting individual stocks, it’s worth striving to beat the returns from a market… 为了证明挑选个别股票的努力是值得的,努力超越市场回报是值得的…… In order to justify the effort of selecting … Read more


烹饪创新遇见可持续性。 Culinary innovation meets sustainability 作者: CHOW ZHI EN SOUTH-EAST Asia has had a rich tradition of enjoying alternative proteins, long before the term itself became trendy. Read full story 东南亚在“替代蛋白”这个词汇变得流行之前,就已经有着丰富的享受替代蛋白的传统。阅读全文。 Mycoprotein emerges as a sustainable game-changer in South-East Asias culinary landscape SOUTH-EAST Asia has had a rich tradition of enjoying alternative proteins, long before … Read more


从船到碗,拯救我们的海鲜。 Saving our seafood, from boat to bowl 作者: CHITRA DEVI MALAYSIA, a nation blessed with rich marine biodiversity, has long relied on its fisheries sector as a vital source of food and livelihood. Our coastal communities depend heavily on the health of our oceans, providing over a third of the country’s animal prot… 马来西亚,一个拥有丰富海洋生物多样性的国家,长期以来一直依赖其渔业作为食物和生计的重要来源。我们的沿海社区在很大程度上依赖于海洋的健康,提供了超过全国动物蛋白三分之一的来源。 … Read more

Ideagen AI工具减轻了ESG报告的痛苦。

Ideagen AI工具减轻了ESG报告的痛苦。 Ideagen AI tool takes the pain out of ESG reporting 作者: Ideagen NOTTINGHAM, UK, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting headaches could be a thing of the past, after Ideagen, a leader in regulatory and compliance software, announced a new strategic partnership to create Ideag… 诺丁汉,英国,2024年6月27日(环球新闻swire)——在监管和合规软件领导者Ideagen宣布了一项新的战略合作伙伴关系,以创建Ideag…之后,环境、社会和治理(ESG)报告的难题可能将成为过去。 NOTTINGHAM, … Read more


到2029年,5G用户将达到56亿,但4G仍将在三个地区占主导地位。 5G to hit 5.6 billion subscribers in 2029, but 4G will remain dominant in three regions 作者: Eileen Yu Globally, total mobile data traffic will more than triple in the next five years. Growing AI adoption could push that even higher. 全球范围内,移动数据流量在未来五年将增长三倍以上。人工智能的广泛应用可能会推动这一数字进一步上升。 FeelPic/Getty Images The number of 5G subscriptions is expected to hit 5.6 … Read more


我在旅行途中也能收到亚马逊的配送。这是我的做法。 I Get Amazon Delivered Wherever I Travel. Here’s How 作者: Kimanzi Constable Commentary: Amazon ships to six continents. Here’s what to keep in mind if you need to purchase something while traveling. 评论:亚马逊运送到六个大洲。如果您在旅行中需要购买东西,以下是需要牢记的几点。 When I left the US eight years ago to live the life of a digital nomad, there were conveniences I thought … Read more


评论:马来西亚与金砖国家集团自然契合。 Commentary: Malaysia is a natural fit for BRICS bloc 作者: None The best way of looking at Malaysia’s application to join BRICS is to see it as an additional platform to gain a larger international voice, says Asian Studies professor James Chin. 亚洲研究教授詹姆斯·钦表示,看待马来西亚加入金砖国家的最佳方式是将它视为一个额外的平台,以获得更大的国际话语权。 The best way of looking at Malaysias application to join BRICS … Read more


“永不停歇的桥梁”:在Causeway(新柔长堤)百岁生日之际,马来西亚人和新加坡人反思它对他们的意义。 ‘The bridge that never sleeps’: Malaysians, Singaporeans reflect on Causeway’s significance to them on its 100th birthday 作者: None In spite of the perennial congestion issues and more alternative travel options on the cards, frequent travellers told CNA the Johor-Singapore Causeway is likely to continue to be a popular choice over the next decades. … Read more