
PM:在高科技发展中,文化和环境因素至关重要。 PM: Cultural, environmental aspects vital in hi-tech developments 作者: The Star Online GEORGE TOWN: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim emphasised on Saturday (June 29) that local environmental and cultural aspects must be considered in the architecture of new hi-tech developments. Read full story 乔治市:拿督斯里安华伊布拉欣在周六(6月29日)强调,新的高科技发展建筑中必须考虑当地的环境和文化因素。阅读全文故事。 GEORGE TOWN: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim emphasised on Saturday (June 29) … Read more


世界上国内旅游业最发达的国家。 The Country with the Most Domestic Tourism in the World 作者: Zahaab Rehman We recently compiled a report on the 15 Countries with the Most Domestic Tourism in the World, and in this article we will look at the top country. Domestic … 我们最近编制了一份关于世界上国内旅游业最发达的15个国家的报告,在这篇文章中,我们将关注排名第一的国家。国内… We recently compiled a report on the 15 Countries with … Read more


马来西亚目标在2030年前实现燕窝出口达到28亿林吉特。 Malaysia targets RM2.8bil in bird’s nest exports by 2030 作者: VENESA DEVI JOHOR BARU: Malaysia aims to export about 350,000kg of bird’s nest-based products worth RM2.8bil by 2030, according to the Science, Technology, and Innovation Ministry. Read full story 柔佛巴鲁:根据科学、技术和创新部,马来西亚的目标是在2030年出口约35万公斤的燕窝产品,价值高达28亿令吉。阅读全文。 JOHOR BARU: Malaysia aims to export about 350,000kg of bird’s nest-based products worth RM2.8bil … Read more


印度高级专员公署宣布为马来西亚人提供免费的30天电子旅游签证。 Indian High Commission announces free 30-day eTourist visa for Malaysians 作者: MAZWIN NIK ANIS PETALING JAYA: Malaysians will be granted a 30-day eTourist visa at no cost from July 1 to July 30, 2025, announces the Indian High Commission to Malaysia. Read full story 吉隆坡珍珠白沙罗:印度驻马来西亚高级专员公署宣布,从2025年7月1日至7月30日,马来西亚人将获得免费的30天电子旅游签证。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Malaysians will be granted a 30-day eTourist … Read more

每个赛季的《鲁保罗的drag race》总共颁发了多少钱?以下是内幕消息。

每个赛季的《鲁保罗的drag race》总共颁发了多少钱?以下是内幕消息。 How much money has each season of RuPaul’s Drag Race given away? Here’s the tea 作者: Charlie Duncan Where money is concerned, RuPaul’s Drag Race has gone from a budget production some 15 years ago, filmed through a Vaseline filter in RuPaul’s garage (OK, that’s not quite true), to a global phenomenon in … Read more


中俄“轴心”被过度炒作。 The China-Russia ‘Axis’ Is Overhyped 作者: Rahul Mishra and Yanitha Meena Louis Both Indo-Pacific and BRICS+ dynamics deter such a possibility. 印太地区以及金砖国家+的动态都阻止了这种可能性。 The recent visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, North Korea, and Vietnam attracted a lot of international attention given the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Moscows attempt to deal with … [+12049 … Read more


每日柴油零售销售额急剧下降显示出燃油补贴的滥用,KPDN副部长表示。 Sharp decline in daily retail sales of diesel shows misuse of fuel subsidy, says KPDN deputy minister 作者: Anthony Lim The drastic decrease in diesel sales following the implementation of the government’s fuel subsidy rationalisation programme points to the fuel subsidy being widely abused, according to domestic trade and cost of living deputy minister … Read more


盎格鲁-东方种植园(伦敦:AEP)股票价格跌破693.23美元的200日移动平均线。 Anglo-Eastern Plantations (LON:AEP) Stock Price Crosses Below 200-Day Moving Average of $693.23 作者: MarketBeat News Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc (LON:AEP – Get Free Report)’s stock price passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 693.23 ($8.79) and traded as low as GBX 660 … Read more


约103名台湾人涉及网络诈骗:巴厘岛移民局。 Some 103 Taiwanese involved in online scamming: Bali Immigration 作者: Dewa Ketut S W, Resinta Sulistiyandari The Directorate General of Bali Immigration stated that 103 Taiwanese secured in the "Bali Becik" immigration operation on June 26 were involved in … 巴厘岛移民总局表示,在6月26日的“巴厘岛贝齐克”移民行动中被拘押的103名台湾人涉及…… Badung, Bali (ANTARA) – The Directorate General of Bali Immigration stated that 103 … Read more


卫生部门启动全国健康需求与供给研究。 Health Ministry launches national health demand and supply study 作者: The Star Online PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has launched phase one of the National Health Demand and Supply in collaboration with the World Bank Group to map the healthcare landscape in Malaysia for the next two decades. Read full story PUTRAJAYA: 卫生部与世界银行集团合作启动了国家卫生需求与供应第一阶段计划,以绘制未来20年马来西亚的医疗保健格局。阅读全文。 PUTRAJAYA: The … Read more