韦伯斯特银行N.A. 减持康菲菲利普斯公司(纽约证券交易所:COP)的股票仓位。

韦伯斯特银行N.A. 减持康菲菲利普斯公司(纽约证券交易所:COP)的股票仓位。 Webster Bank N. A. Decreases Stock Position in ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) 作者: MarketBeat News Webster Bank N. A. lowered its position in shares of ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP – Free Report) by 20.2% during the first quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 1,410 shares of the … Read more


金砖国家将探讨扩大成员国,俄罗斯提议增加10个合作伙伴国。 Brics to look at expansion as Russia proposes to add 10 partner countries 作者: Asit Ranjan Mishra Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities for the Kazan Summit 俄罗斯将“与发展金砖伙伴国家的互动方式”确定为喀山峰会的关键优先事项之一。 Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities … Read more


扩展工人福利受到赞扬,但成本仍然是一个问题。 Extended worker benefits hailed, but costs still a concern 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: Funeral repatriation and 24-hour protection benefits under a scheme extended to foreign workers will help reduce their burden, say migrant rights groups. Read full story 八打灵再也:移民工人权益组织表示,向外国工人提供的包括遗体遣返和24小时保护福利在内的计划将有助于减轻他们的负担。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Funeral repatriation and 24-hour protection benefits under a scheme extended to … Read more


《安静的地方:第一天》全球首映票房高达9900万美元,《头脑特工队2》突破10亿美元,《疯狂原始人:玩转乾坤》超过3亿美元,印度电影《卡利》国际票房迎来火爆开局。 ‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ Shouts To $99M Global Debut, ‘Inside Out 2’ Tops $1B, ‘Bad Boys: Ride Or Die’ Crosses $300M & India’s ‘Kalki’ Has Rip-Roaring Bow – International Box Office 作者: Nancy Tartaglione Refresh for latest…: Paramount’s A Quiet Place: Day One not only set a domestic opening record for the franchise, … Read more


许多人沉迷于AI生成的虚拟男友应用。 Many hooked on AI-generated boyfriend app 作者: The Star Online AN application known as Charac­ter AI allows girls to pick “boyfriends” generated by artificial intelligence from hundreds of choices, including celebrities, Kosmo! Ahad reported.As a result, it said Malaysian teenage girls were hooked on the app, spending ho… 一个名为Character AI的应用程序让女孩们可以从数百个选项中挑选由人工智能生成的“男朋友”,其中包括名人,《科斯莫!周日版》报道。结果,报道称马来西亚的青少年女孩们沉迷于这个应用,花费大量时间…… AN application known as … Read more


东盟环境保护宣言需要透明度。 ASEAN Environmental Rights Declaration Needs Transparency 作者: Human Rights Watch Click to expand Image Activists protest against deforestation by palm oil companies on Indigenous land in Papua, outside the Supreme Court in Jakarta, Indonesia, May 27, 2024. © 2024 Willy Kurniawan/Reuters An Association of Sout… 点击展开图片 活动人士在印度尼西亚雅加达最高法院外抗议棕榈油公司在巴布亚土著土地上进行的森林砍伐,2024年5月27日。 © 2024 Willy Kurniawan/路透社 南苏门答腊协会…(此处原文未完整,无法提供完整翻译) An Association … Read more


政府将与马来西亚讨论贸易提升事宜。 Govt to discuss trade boost with Malaysia 作者: None The government will join its Malaysian counterpart at the Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting this Thursday which aims to boost bilateral trade to US$30 billion by 2025. 政府将于本周四参加与马来西亚同行的联合贸易委员会(JTC)会议,旨在将双边贸易额提升至2025年的300亿美元。 The government will join its Malaysian counterpart at the Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting this Thursday which … Read more


电费不会上涨。 No hike in electricity charges 作者: TEH ATHIRA YUSOF PETALING JAYA: Retailers should not impose any more price hikes as the reduction of the electricity tariff by 1sen/kWh for the commercial and industrial sectors should benefit everyone, says the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP). Read full story 巴生岭:零售商不应再提高价格,因为商业和工业领域电费减低1仙/千瓦时应该让所有人受益,槟城消费者协会(CAP)表示。阅读全文。 Lower tariffs should mean lower prices, … Read more


卫生部门将宣布新新冠状病毒肺炎“与病毒共存”阶段的新标准操作程序。 Health Ministry to announce new Covid-19 SOPs for ‘living with the virus’ phase 作者: Malay Mail AdvertisementAdvertisement NILAI, June 29 ― The Ministry of Health (MoH) will release details of the revised standard operating procedures (SOP) related to Covid-19 soon… 广告 NILAI,6月29日 ― 卫生部(MoH)将很快发布与新冠病毒(Covid-19)相关修订后的标准操作程序(SOP)的详细信息… NILAI, June 29 The Ministry of Health (MoH) will release … Read more


美国就业增长与工资增长一同放缓。 US Employment Seen Moderating Along With Wage Growth 作者: Bloomberg News US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, another favorable development for Jerome Powell and his Federal Reserve colleagues seeking more confirmation that inflation is slowing. 美国雇主可能在六月份减缓了招聘步伐,同时工资增长也趋于温和,这对于杰罗姆·鲍威尔及其联邦储备系统的同事们来说,是另一个有利的发展,他们寻求更多确认通胀正在放缓的证据。 US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, … Read more