
约103名台湾人涉及网络诈骗:巴厘岛移民局。 Some 103 Taiwanese involved in online scamming: Bali Immigration 作者: Dewa Ketut S W, Resinta Sulistiyandari The Directorate General of Bali Immigration stated that 103 Taiwanese secured in the "Bali Becik" immigration operation on June 26 were involved in … 巴厘岛移民总局表示,在6月26日的“巴厘岛贝齐克”移民行动中被拘押的103名台湾人涉及…… Badung, Bali (ANTARA) – The Directorate General of Bali Immigration stated that 103 … Read more


卫生部门启动全国健康需求与供给研究。 Health Ministry launches national health demand and supply study 作者: The Star Online PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has launched phase one of the National Health Demand and Supply in collaboration with the World Bank Group to map the healthcare landscape in Malaysia for the next two decades. Read full story PUTRAJAYA: 卫生部与世界银行集团合作启动了国家卫生需求与供应第一阶段计划,以绘制未来20年马来西亚的医疗保健格局。阅读全文。 PUTRAJAYA: The … Read more


东京的老鱼市场为摩天大楼和耀眼体育场让路,以吸引全球消费者。 Tokyo’s old fish market makes way for skyscrapers, glitzy stadium to woo global spenders 作者: YURI KAGEYAMA AP business writer The site of Tokyo’s famed Tsukiji fish market left empty after it was razed six years ago, will be replaced by a waterfront stadium and glistening skyscrapers according to plans for its redevelopment 东京著名的筑地鱼市场六年前被拆除后,其旧址将根据重新开发计划,建设为一个滨水体育场和闪闪发光的摩天大楼。 … Read more


以下是世界上宜居性最高的10个城市——欧洲城市占据主导地位。 Here are the 10 most livable cities in the world — and Europe dominates the list 作者: None Vienna, Copenhagen and Zurich topped the list for the most livable cities in the world, according to EIU’s 2024 Global Liveability Index. 根据经济学人智库2024年全球宜居指数,维也纳、哥本哈根和苏黎世位居世界最宜居城市榜首。 Vienna, Austria is the wrold’s most “liveable” city, according to the Economist Intelligence … Read more


堆栈:电视巨头改变格局;亚太广告市场繁荣昌盛 The Stack: TV Titans Transforming the Landscape; APAC Ad Market Thriving 作者: Aimee Newell Tarín This week on The Stack: TV Titans Transforming the Landscape; APAC Ad Market Thriving; Latest Industry Partnerships; Today’s MadTech Daily Podcast  Our digest news this week was dominated by the TV giants. Disney+ has shaken up the landscape by … Read more

Nodwin游戏公司以27.1亿卢比收购德国Freaks 4U游戏公司。

Nodwin游戏公司以27.1亿卢比收购德国Freaks 4U游戏公司。 Nodwin Gaming acquires Germany’s Freaks 4U Gaming for Rs 271 crore 作者: ETtech Nodwin Gaming expanded its portfolio through acquisitions like Branded and Ninja Global. Collaborating with Freaks 4U Gaming on projects like the PUBG Mobile Global Open, the company aims for further growth in the esports and gaming marketing industry. Nodwin Gaming通过收购Branded和Ninja … Read more


沙特阿拉伯可能在八月连续第二个月降低对亚洲的石油价格。 Saudi Arabia may cut oil prices for Asia for second month in August 作者: Reuters Saudi Arabia may cut oil prices for Asia for second month in August 沙特阿拉伯可能在八月连续第二个月下调对亚洲的石油价格。 By Florence Tan SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia may cut prices for crude grades it sells to Asia for a second month … Read more

纳扎拉科技在新加坡子公司收购Freaks 4U Gaming 13%的股份后上涨。

纳扎拉科技在新加坡子公司收购Freaks 4U Gaming 13%的股份后上涨。 Nazara Tech gains after Singapore arm to acquire 13% stake in Freaks 4U Gaming 作者: Capital Market Nazara Technologies added 2.19% to Rs 831.65 after the firm’s Singapore based arm, NODWIN Gaming International Pte, (NODWIN) has signed definitive agreements to increase its existing 13.51% stake in Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH through … Read more


寻找更便宜的蘑菇?您很快就能从新加坡最新采用人工智能的农场购买到。 Looking for cheaper mushrooms? You may soon get them from Singapore’s newest farm that taps AI 作者: None There are around seven mushroom farms in Singapore, with some of the newer local players only entering the scene a few years ago. 在新加坡大约有七家蘑菇农场,一些较新的本地企业仅在几年前才开始进入这个领域。 SINGAPORE: Cheaper, better-quality produce at double the yield this is what Singapores … Read more


印度政府债券现在成为摩根大通债券指数的一部分。以下是它的意义所在。 Indian govt bonds now part of JP Morgan’s bond index. Here’s what it means 作者: Vasudha Mukherjee JP Morgan Bond Index: Indian government bonds enter JP Morgan’s GBI-EM Index, expected to attract $30 billion in inflows 摩根大通债券指数:印度政府债券纳入摩根大通新兴市场债券指数(GBI-EM),预计将吸引300亿美元的资金流入。 The inclusion of Indian government bonds will likely lead to a reduction in the weights of Thailand, … Read more