
股票分析师为拉斯维加斯金沙集团2024年第二季度盈利设定预期(纽约证券交易所:LVS) Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s Q2 2024 Earnings (NYSE:LVS) 作者: MarketBeat News Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE:LVS – Free Report) – Equities research analysts at Seaport Res Ptn issued their Q2 2024 earnings estimates for Las Vegas Sands in a report issued on Wednesday, June 26th. Seaport Res Ptn analyst … Read more


美国航空公司奖励计划会员现在可以使用积分兑换斐济航空公司的南太平洋航班。 American Airlines Rewards Members Can Now Use Their Points for a Flight to the South Pacific on Fiji Airways 作者: Morgane Croissant Fiji Airways joined American Airlines AAdvantage Travel Rewards Program so rewards members can use their points to fly to the South Pacific. 斐济航空加入了美国航空AAdvantage旅游奖励计划,因此奖励计划的会员可以使用他们的积分飞往南太平洋。 Fiji Airways flies nonstop to Nadi on Fiji’s main … Read more


“世界‘最复杂选举’对泰国民主意味着什么” What the World’s ‘Most Complicated Election’ Means for Thailand’s Democracy 作者: Koh Ewe Thailand’s quiet Senate election, which has been criticized by observers, will echo into the country’s future. 泰国安静的参议院选举,尽管受到观察家的批评,将影响该国的未来。 Taking part in an election is seldom a walk in the park. But the Thai Senate race, which culminated this week, has put its … Read more


黑客现在瞄准了你的航空里程和酒店积分。 Hackers Are Now Coming For Your Airline Miles And Hotel Points 作者: Jeremy Bogaisky, Forbes Staff, Jeremy Bogaisky, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeremybogaisky/ Cybercriminals are using bots to test compromised passwords, helping them clean out accounts that hold millions of dollars worth of rewards. 网络犯罪分子正在利用机器人测试泄露的密码,帮助他们清空持有数百万美元奖励的账户。 Most people dont check their hotel or airline points accounts very … Read more


Valeura能源公司(多伦多证券交易所代码:VLE)内部人士出售了C$2,107,100.00的股票。 Valeura Energy Inc. (TSE:VLE) Insider Sells C$2,107,100.00 in Stock 作者: MarketBeat News Valeura Energy Inc. (TSE:VLE – Get Free Report) insider Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Company Limited sold 500,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, June 27th. The shares were sold at an average price of C$4.21, for a … Read more


随着OpenAI试图封锁对中国API的访问,本土企业觊觎着人工智能产业的蛋糕。我们进行解释。 As OpenAI looks to block access to APIs in China, local players eye the AI industry pie. We explain 作者: Livemint With OpenAI likely to shut API access for AI products to Chinese developers in July, local players have risen to the opportunity. Alibaba Group, Baidu Inc. and Tencent Holdings are offering incentives in … Read more


B20公交票价封顶计划取得进展 B20 mass transit fare cap plan making progress 作者: Online Reporters A plan to cap fares on all of Greater Bangkok’s mass transit lines at 20 baht is projected to be completed by September next year, with the Green, Gold and Airport Rail Link lines to be the last on the list. 一项计划将在所有大曼谷地区公共交通线路上将票价限制在20泰铢,预计将在明年9月完成,其中绿线、金线和机场铁路链接将是最后实施名单上的线路。 A … Read more


中国已切断了一些越南榴莲进口。 China has cut off some Vietnamese durian imports 作者: South China Morning Post China suspended imports of Vietnamese durians from 33 sources this month, in a move suggesting some growers may have cut corners to quickly enter its vast, competitive market – and providing an opening for a slew of eager competitors to step … Read more


每日柴油零售销售额急剧下降显示出燃油补贴的滥用,KPDN副部长表示。 Sharp decline in daily retail sales of diesel shows misuse of fuel subsidy, says KPDN deputy minister 作者: Anthony Lim The drastic decrease in diesel sales following the implementation of the government’s fuel subsidy rationalisation programme points to the fuel subsidy being widely abused, according to domestic trade and cost of living deputy minister … Read more


盎格鲁-东方种植园(伦敦:AEP)股票价格跌破693.23美元的200日移动平均线。 Anglo-Eastern Plantations (LON:AEP) Stock Price Crosses Below 200-Day Moving Average of $693.23 作者: MarketBeat News Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc (LON:AEP – Get Free Report)’s stock price passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 693.23 ($8.79) and traded as low as GBX 660 … Read more