
泰国沼泽水牛基因组测序的推动力。 Genome sequencing boost for Thai swamp buffalo 作者: Apinya Wipatayotin A method of full genome sequencing will be applied to Thai swamp buffaloes to preserve their primitive genetics, according to the Department of Livestock Development, which said the endeavour follows King Rama X’s conservation initiatives for this breed of an… 据畜牧业发展部称,将对泰国沼泽水牛进行全基因组测序的方法,以保护其原始遗传特性,这一努力遵循了拉玛十世国王针对这一品种的保护倡议。 A method of … Read more

探索 Egat 学习中心清洁能源的未来。

探索 Egat 学习中心清洁能源的未来。 Explore the future of clean energy at Egat Learning Centers 作者: Bangkok Post Public Company Limited Discover the future of electricity and clean energy at Egat’s eight Learning Centers across Thailand. The newly launched “Elextrosphere: The New Carbon-Neutral World,” offers a unique, immersive experience in understanding sustainable energy solutions. 在泰国 Egat 的八个学习中心探索电力和清洁能源的未来。”Elextrosphere: … Read more


本周五大全球市场主题 5 world market themes for the week ahead 作者: Reuters Euro 2024 excitement rises with political shifts in Britain and France. M&A activity surges amidst economic uncertainties. Emerging Asia grapples with inflation as central banks navigate rate decisions. Labour’s potential win in Britain poses fiscal challenge… 2024年欧洲杯的激情随着英国和法国的政治变动而升温。在经济增长不确定性中,并购活动激增。新兴亚洲应对通胀,而中央银行在决策利率上谨慎行事。英国工党的潜在胜利带来了财政挑战… European election fever is running almost as … Read more

摩根士丹利表示,PM Gati Shakti计划让印度在中国之上拥有优势。

摩根士丹利表示,PM Gati Shakti计划让印度在中国之上拥有优势。 Morgan Stanley Says PM Gati Shakti Scheme Gives India An Edge Over China 作者: None Morgan Stanley has stated that the PM Gati Shakti scheme has succeeded in giving a new fillip to India’s infrastructure development and multi-modal connectivity across highways, railways and ports that has spurred economic growth. 摩根士丹利表示,总理级的加蒂·沙克提计划已成功为印度的基础设施发展和跨高速公路、铁路及港口的多式联运连通性注入新动力,从而推动了经济增长。 A Morgan … Read more

惠灵顿管理集团有限责任公司购买14,057股iShares MSCI新加坡ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:EWS)

惠灵顿管理集团有限责任公司购买14,057股iShares MSCI新加坡ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:EWS) Wellington Management Group LLP Purchases 14,057 Shares of iShares MSCI Singapore ETF (NYSEARCA:EWS) 作者: MarketBeat News Wellington Management Group LLP raised its stake in iShares MSCI Singapore ETF (NYSEARCA:EWS – Free Report) by 3.6% during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm … Read more


科技与电信收购公司(纳斯达克:TETE)的空头兴趣下降了91.7% Short Interest in Technology & Telecommunication Acquisition Co. (NASDAQ:TETE) Drops By 91.7% 作者: MarketBeat News Technology & Telecommunication Acquisition Co. (NASDAQ:TETE – Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large decline in short interest in June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 100 shares, a decline of 91.7% from the … Read more

泰国亿万富翁萨拉思的 Gulf Energy 加强与谷歌交易中的数字基础设施投资步伐

泰国亿万富翁萨拉思的 Gulf Energy 加强与谷歌交易中的数字基础设施投资步伐 Thai Billionaire Sarath’s Gulf Energy Steps Up Digital Infra Investments With Google Deal 作者: Jonathan Burgos, Forbes Staff, Jonathan Burgos, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanburgos/ Billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi’s Gulf Energy is stepping up digital infrastructure investments as it partners with Alphabet’s Google to build artificial intelligence-powered cloud facilities in Thailand. 亿万富翁萨拉思·拉塔纳瓦迪的 Gulf Energy … Read more


400泰铢的国家最低工资尚未由工资委员会解决。 400-baht national minimum wage not resolved yet by wage committee 作者: Franc Han Shih The tri-partite wage committee cannot yet finalise the 400-baht national minimum wage in Thailand, until it receives the proposed wage rates from the individual provinces, according to Labour Permanent Secretary Pairoj Chotikasathien. The governor of each pro… 根据劳工部常任秘书Pairoj Chotikasathien的说法,三方工资委员会在收到各省份提出的工资标准之前,还不能确定泰国的400铢全国最低工资。每位省长的… The … Read more


一个北约成员国为何突然想要加入金砖国家? Why does a NATO member suddenly want to join BRICS? 作者: RT There are benefits and drawbacks to Türkiye potentially joining the BRICS group of emerging economies Read Full Article at RT.com 土耳其潜在加入金砖国家新兴经济体集团有其利弊之处。详读全文请访问RT.com。 At the beginning of this month, news of Türkiye’s desire to join BRICS drew global media attention. The announcement was made … Read more


世界上国内旅游业最发达的国家。 The Country with the Most Domestic Tourism in the World 作者: Zahaab Rehman We recently compiled a report on the 15 Countries with the Most Domestic Tourism in the World, and in this article we will look at the top country. Domestic … 我们最近编制了一份关于世界上国内旅游业最发达的15个国家的报告,在这篇文章中,我们将关注排名第一的国家。国内… We recently compiled a report on the 15 Countries with … Read more