
农业部表示,超过90条在线广告因未经许可销售大米被撤下。 Over 90 online ads taken down for unlicensed sale of rice, says Agriculture Ministry 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 94 online advertisements related to rice sales were taken down by ecommerce platform providers between Oct 1 and May 31 for not possessing retail licences issued by the Padi and Rice … Read more


前公司老板因隐瞒女子130万林吉特被监禁六个月。 Former company owner jailed six months for concealing woman’s RM1.3mil 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A former construction and renovation company owner was sentenced to six months in prison by the Sessions Court here on Wednesday (July 3) after he pleaded guilty to transferring and concealing more than RM1.3mil belonging to a woman … Read more


泰国《福布斯》榜单上最富有的50人财富下降近12%,至1530亿美元。 Wealth Of Thailand’s 50 Richest On Forbes List Declines Nearly 12% To $153 Billion 作者: Forbes Press Releases, Forbes Staff, Forbes Press Releases, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-spotlights/ The combined wealth of tycoons on the 2024 Forbes list of Thailand’s 50 Richest declined by nearly 12% or US$20 billion to $153 billion. 2024年福布斯泰国50大富豪榜上,各位大佬的财富总和相比下降了近12%,即减少了200亿美元,降至1530亿美元。 Red Bull co-owners … Read more


泰国保险公司将提高电动汽车保险费率——零部件价格最高上涨60% Insurance provider in Thailand to hike premium rates for EVs – spare parts up to 60% more expensive 作者: Anthony Lim Over in Thailand, Tokio Marine Safety Insurance said that it has halted its current insurance premiums for new EV customers, including those who own transferred cars, and would now consider new premium rates … Read more


现代汽车,LG能源解决方案启动印尼首个电动汽车电池工厂。 Hyundai Motor, LG Energy Solution launch Indonesia’s first EV battery plant 作者: Reuters JAKARTA – South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Group and LG Energy Solution on Wednesday launched Indonesia’s first battery cell production plant for electric vehicles (EVs) with an annual capacity of 10 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of battery cells. 雅加达 – 南韩现代汽车集团和LG能源解决方案公司周三启动了印度尼西亚首个电动汽车(EV)电池细胞生产工厂,该工厂电池细胞的年产能为10吉瓦时(GWh)。 JAKARTA – … Read more


世界银行因出口疲软将泰国前景预测下调至2.4%。 World Bank cuts Thai outlook to 2.4% on weaker exports 作者: Reuters Thailand’s economy is expected to grow 2.4% this year, down from the 2.8% expansion projected in April, largely due to weaker-than-expected exports and public investment early in the year, the World Bank said on Wednesday. 泰国经济预计今年将增长2.4%,低于4月份预期的2.8%,这主要是由于年初出口和公共投资弱于预期,世界银行周三表示。 Thailand’s economy is expected to grow … Read more


泰国考虑取消下午禁酒令以促进旅游业发展。 Thailand, in Bid to Boost Tourism, Considers Ending Its Ban on Afternoon Alcohol Sales 作者: Tassia Sipahutar / Bloomberg The move would be expected to help boost the tourism industry, which is struggling with weak consumer spending, as Thailand’s government is under pressure to revive Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy. 这一举措预计将有助于提振正在遭受消费者支出疲软困扰的旅游业,由于泰国政府面临恢复东南亚第二大经济的压力。 Thai Prime Minister Srettha … Read more


世界银行下调泰国增长预期,支持中央银行保持利率稳定。 World Bank Cuts Thai Growth Outlook, Backs Central Bank in Keeping Rate Steady 作者: Suttinee Yuvejwattana and Pathom Sangwongwanich (Bloomberg) — The World Bank said Thailand should wait for a clearer picture of the economy before easing monetary conditions, effectively backing the… — 世界银行表示,泰国应在经济形势更加明朗之后再考虑放宽货币政策,实际上支持了…… (Bloomberg) — The World Bank said Thailand should wait for … Read more


香港银行将享受高利率带来的好处直至明年年底,毕马威表示。 Hong Kong banks to reap rewards of high interest rates until late next year, KPMG says 作者: South China Morning Post Hong Kong’s banks saw moderate growth to their balance sheets last year as the high interest rate environment continued to boost profitability, according to … 香港的银行去年见证了资产负债表的适度增长,因为高利率环境持续提高了盈利能力,根据…… Hong Kong’s banks saw moderate growth to … Read more


世界银行敦促政府投资基础设施,绿色经济。 World Bank urges govt to invest in infrastructure, green economy 作者: Somruedi Banchongduang The World Bank has advised the Thai government to boost investment in reviving ageing infrastructure and strengthening the green economy, to help drive the country’s economic potential beyond 2.7% growth in the medium term. 世界银行建议泰国政府增加投资,以恢复老化基础设施,并加强绿色经济,以帮助推动该国在中期内实现超过2.7%的经济增长潜力。 The World Bank has advised the … Read more