
新加坡一半的电子商务诈骗发生在WhatsApp、Facebook或Instagram上。 Half of Singapore’s e-commerce scams happen on WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram 作者: Nicholas Yong After a 50% increase in scams in 2023, Singapore authorities say Meta isn’t doing enough to stop the explosion in fraud. 在2023年诈骗案件增加50%之后,新加坡当局表示,Meta公司没有采取足够措施来阻止欺诈行为的激增。 On a Facebook group for Filipino expatriates in Singapore, a post for secondhand electronics and furniture looked legitimate. … Read more


联合国与DFINITY合作开展针对中小微企业的区块链安全融资项目。 UN and DFINITY Partner on MSME Blockchain Project for Secure Funding 作者: Uzair Amir United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Partners with the DFINITY Foundation to Enhance Financial Inclusion of MSMEs! 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)与DFINITY基金会合作,提升中小微企业的金融包容性! The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is pleased to announce a new partnership with the DFINITY Foundation, which will leverage the Internet Computer … Read more


“总有办法”:黑市网络绕过拜登政府制裁向中国运送高科技芯片 ‘There Is Always A Way’: Black Market Network Evading Biden Admin Sanctions To Deliver High-Tech Chips To China 作者: Jake Smith A black market network is evading Biden administration sanctions and delivering high-tech chips to China. 一个黑市网络正在规避拜登政府的制裁,向中国运送高科技芯片。 A black market network is evading Biden administration sanctions and delivering high-tech chips to China, according to … Read more


比亚迪将在欧盟对中国电动汽车征收新关税之际开设泰国工厂 BYD to open Thai factory as new EU tariffs on China EVs kick in 作者: BANGKOK — Chinese electric vehicle champion BYD plans to mark the opening of its first factory in Southeast Asia on Thursday — a $486 million facility in Thailand’s Rayong province — with hefty price cuts for local buyers. … Read more


并非你的想象——餐厅预订变得越来越难了。 It’s not your imagination — restaurant reservations are becoming harder to get 作者: (Justin Klawans, The Week US) Bots, scalpers and even credit card companies are making reservations a rare commodity 机器人、黄牛党甚至信用卡公司使得预订变得极为稀缺。 Don’t adjust your dining app, because it’s not you — restaurant reservations are indeed becoming more difficult to get. This is not … Read more


摩根大通对曼谷银行变得更加乐观,上调股票评级。 JPMorgan gets more bullish on Bangkok Bank, upgrades shares 作者: None See the rest of the story here. provides the latest financial news as it breaks. Known as a leader in market intelligence, The Fly’s real-time, streaming news feed keeps individual investors, professional money managers, active traders, and corpor… 查看故事的其余部分在这里。 thefly.com提供最新的金融新闻,及时更新。作为市场情报领域的领导者,The Fly的实时流新闻源让个人投资者、专业资金管理者、活跃交易者和公司……保持信息同步。 Earnings … Read more


哈里·昆祖的逃离艺术市场 Hari Kunzru’s Escape From the Art Market 作者: Jess Bergman In Honoré de Balzac’s 1831 story “The Unknown Masterpiece,” the young artist Nicolas Poussin presents himself at the studio of Porbus, a seventeenth-century court painter, hoping to inhale the fumes of creative genius. It is a stroke of luck that his visit co… 在奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克的1831年故事《未知的杰作》中,年轻艺术家尼古拉·普桑来到十七世纪宫廷画家波布斯的工作室,希望能吸吮创作的灵感。他的到访真是一大幸运…… … Read more


小米智能空气净化器紧凑型评测:只需50美元就能呼吸更清洁的空气? Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier Compact Review: Cleaner Air For As Low As $50? 作者: Ben Sin, Contributor, Ben Sin, Contributor Xiaomi’s compact air purifier is going on sale in the U.S., and Walmart has a deal that shaves $20 off its usual $70 price. 小米的紧凑型空气净化器将在美国销售,沃尔玛有一项优惠,可以将其通常70美元的价格减去20美元。 Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact Ben Sin … Read more


入境免税店将被关闭。 Inbound duty-free shops to be closed 作者: Gary Boyle The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in domestic stores. 内阁表示,将关闭国际机场到达区域的免税商店,以鼓励游客在国内商店消费。 The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in … Read more


尽管五月份增速放缓,印度酒店签约依然保持强劲——印度报告 Hotel Signings Remain Strong in India Despite Slow May – India Report 作者: Skift We’re always talking about growth in India, and the hotel industry has had a significant number of branded signings and openings this year. But in May, there was a significant decline in average daily rates and revenue per available room … Read more