
DP世界“准备计划”以提升国家的物流业。 DP World ‘readying plan’ to boost nation’s logistics 作者: Mongkol Bangprapa DP World, a global supply chain and logistics giant based in Dubai, is expected to present to the government a plan to develop logistics networks to help make Thailand a regional transport hub, says Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit. 迪拜的全球供应链和物流巨头DP World预计将向政府提交一项计划,以发展物流网络,帮助泰国成为地区交通枢纽,交通部长Suriya Jungrungreangkit表示。 DP World, … Read more


与马来西亚的贸易洽谈突出新联合项目。 Trade talks with Malaysia feature new joint projects 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third joint trade committee (JTC) meeting between Thailand and Malaysia on Thursday in Kuala Lumpur. 商业部长Phumtham Wechayachai于周四在吉隆坡参加了泰国与马来西亚的第三次联合贸易委员会(JTC)会议。 Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third joint trade committee (JTC) meeting between Thailand and Malaysia on Thursday in Kuala … Read more


日本股市料将延续涨势,亚太地区更广泛市场预计开盘将呈现涨跌互现。 Japan stocks set to extend rally, broader Asia-Pacific markets poised for mixed open 作者: None The Nikkei 225 could continue hitting all time highs, based off futures data. 日经225指数可能会继续创下历史新高,这基于期货数据。 People commuting to work in the morning cross a pedestrian crossing in Tokyo on February 15, 2024.  Asia-Pacific markets were set to open mixed on … Read more


中国渴望与马来西亚在清真领域开展合作,外交副部长表示。 China keen to collaborate with Malaysia in halal sector, says Deputy Foreign Minister 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: China is interested in collaborating with Malaysia in the halal industry, covering certification, services, and halal products, says Datuk Mohamad Alamin. Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督莫哈末阿拉明表示,中国有兴趣与马来西亚在清真产业方面合作,包括认证、服务和清真产品。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: China is interested in collaborating with Malaysia in … Read more


部门准备刺激措施。 Ministry preps stimulus measures 作者: Wichit Chantanusornsiri The Finance Ministry is quickly preparing a proposal to the cabinet for soft loan and tax measures to stimulate investment, says Deputy Finance Minister Paopoom Rojanasakul. 财政部正在迅速准备向内阁提交一份关于软贷款和税收措施的提案,以刺激投资,副财政部长Paopoom Rojanasakul表示。 The Finance Ministry is quickly preparing a proposal to the cabinet for soft loan and tax measures to stimulate … Read more


新加坡试图摆脱“疯狂亚洲富豪”的刻板印象。 Singapore tries to break free of the ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ cliché 作者: ft.com Locals are questioning the government schemes that have enticed wealthy expats 当地人正在质疑那些吸引富有的外籍人士的政府计划。 Locals are questioning the government schemes that have enticed wealthy expats This story appeared on ft.com, 2024-07-03. 当地居民正在质疑那些吸引富有外籍人士的政府计划 这篇文章出现在ft.com,2024年7月3日。 关键词: 1. 新加坡 2. “疯狂亚洲富豪” 3. 刻板印象 4. 当地居民 5. … Read more


早晨报价:市场情绪乐观,流动性清淡。 Morning Bid: Market mood bright, liquidity light 作者: Jamie McGeever World and U.S. stocks at record highs, a UK general election and Japanese asset prices stretched to historical levels – there’s a lot for investors in Asia… 世界和美国的股市创纪录高位,英国大选,以及日本资产价格达到历史水平——亚洲投资者有很多事情要关注…… By Jamie McGeever (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. World and … Read more

secondary cities see a rise in travel interest. 次要城市旅游兴趣上升。

secondary cities see a rise in travel interest. 次要城市旅游兴趣上升。 Secondary cities see a rise in travel interest 作者: Pattarawadee Saengmanee With stunning scenery, laid-back lifestyle and friendly attitude, Thailand’s secondary cities seem to be popular destinations during the rainy season. According to Agoda’s data, searches for accommodation to traditionally less visited yet lovely locations are… … Read more


爱立信寻求通过5G服务实现增长。 Ericsson looks to 5G service for growth 作者: Suchit Leesa-nguansuk Ericsson Thailand sees 5G wireless broadband service usage by enterprise and industrial customers as a new engine of growth, accelerating Thailand’s digital transformation. 爱立信泰国公司将企业及工业客户使用的5G无线宽带服务视为增长的新动力,加速泰国数字化转型。 Ericsson Thailand sees 5G wireless broadband service usage by enterprise and industrial customers as a new engine of growth, accelerating … Read more


对冲基金在澳大利亚2.6万亿养老金中失宠 Hedge Funds Lose Favor in Australia’s $2.6 Trillion Pension Pot 作者: Amy Bainbridge and Richard Henderson (Bloomberg) — One of the world’s fastest growing pools of retirement capital is reducing its investments in hedge funds as regulatory scrutiny grows on fees… — 全球增长最快的退休资本池之一,随着对费用的监管审查加强,正在减少对对冲基金的投资…… (Bloomberg) — One of the worlds fastest growing pools of retirement … Read more