
巴西数据保护局禁止Meta使用源自该国的数据训练AI模型。 Brazil data protection authority bans Meta from training AI models with data originating in the country 作者: Pierluigi Paganini Brazil’s data protection authority temporarily banned Meta from using data originating in the country to train its artificial intelligence. Brazil’s data protection authority, Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), has imposed a temporary ban … Read more


速滑特卖!雅典至东南亚廉价航班,仅需357欧元起。 Scoot Sale! Cheap flights from Athens to South East Asia from €357 作者: João Perfect chance to embark on budget-friendly trip to South East Asia! Pick one of the numerous destinations including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore ,and the Philippines starting at only €357 for a round trip. 完美机会,踏上经济实惠的东南亚之旅!选择众多目的地之一,包括印度尼西亚、泰国、马来西亚、越南、新加坡和菲律宾,往返只需€357起。 In Bali we suggest you … Read more


PropertyGuru集团(纽约证券交易所:PGRU)股价下跌3.9% PropertyGuru Group (NYSE:PGRU) Shares Down 3.9% 作者: MarketBeat News PropertyGuru Group Limited (NYSE:PGRU – Get Free Report) fell 3.9% on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $4.98 and last traded at $4.98. 5,674 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 79% from the average session volume of 27,444 shares. Th… … Read more


日产、本田考虑在软件和充电基础设施方面合作,日经报道援引路透社消息。 Nissan, Honda consider partnering on software, charging infrastructure, Nikkei says By Reuters 作者: investing.com By Chayut Setboonsarng RAYONG, Thailand (Reuters) -China’s BYD (SZ:002594) opened an electric vehicle plant in Thailand on Thursday, the automaker’s first factory in Southeast Asia, a fast-growing regional EV market where it has become the dominant player. “T… RAYONG,泰国(路透社)——中国比亚迪(深圳:002594)周四在泰国开设了一家电动汽车工厂,这是这家汽车制造商在东南亚的首个工厂,东南亚是一个增长迅速的电动汽车市场,比亚迪已在此市场中占据了主导地位。 “…… … Read more


关于数字资产和代币化的五件您现在需要了解的事情 The Five Things You Need To Know Now About Digital Assets And Tokenization 作者: Lawrence Wintermeyer, Contributor, Lawrence Wintermeyer, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrencewintermeyer/ The builders of the world’s new digital financial market infrastructure have been persevering to deliver production use cases, and they are knocking it out of the park. 世界新型数字金融市场基础设施的构建者们一直坚持不懈地推动生产应用案例的实现,并且他们取得了卓越的成效。 Hanging lightbulbs getty Keep your … Read more


亚洲股票在美国就业数据公布前料将横盘整理:市场综述 Asian Equities to Tread Water Before US Jobs Data: Markets Wrap 作者: Richard Henderson (Bloomberg) — Equities in Asia were primed for a flat open with traders now looking ahead to US jobs data due later Friday for clues on Federal Reserve rate… — 亚太股市预期将近平开,交易员目前正期待周五晚些时候发布的美国就业数据,以寻找美联储利率的线索…… (Bloomberg) — Equities in Asia were primed for a … Read more


KSL撤资柬埔寨 KSL pulls out investment in Cambodia 作者: Lamonphet Apisitniran The expansion of the sugar business from Thailand into Cambodia has hit a roadblock as Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Plc (KSL), Thailand’s third-largest sugar producer, decided to withdraw its investment because of unfavourable business conditions. 泰国糖业向柬埔寨的扩张遇到了障碍,因为泰国第三大糖生产商孔敬糖业公司(KSL)决定撤回投资,原因是商业环境不利。 The expansion of the sugar business from Thailand into … Read more


意大利和泰国在双边商业论坛上加强联系。 Italy and Thailand strengthen ties at bilateral business forum 作者: None The Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Board of Trade and the Italian Embassy in Bangkok recently organised the Italian-Thai Business Forum (ITBF) for the ninth consecutive year in Florence, Italy. 泰国商会、泰国贸易委员会和意大利驻曼谷大使馆近日在意大利佛罗伦萨连续第九年举办了意大利-泰国商务论坛(ITBF)。 The Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Board of Trade and … Read more


马来西亚人访问印度免签证费!以下是您必须知道的事项。 No visa fee for Malaysians visiting India!: Here’s what you must know 作者: Surbhi Gloria Singh Earlier, Malaysians had to pay RM465 (Rs 8,186) for an e-visa 此前,马来西亚人需支付465林吉特(合8,186印度卢比)以获取电子签证。 Earlier, Malaysians had to pay RM465 (Rs 8,186) for an e-visa Photo: Shutterstock Surbhi Gloria SinghNew Delhi Good news for Malaysians! India has announced a waiver … Read more


中国中金公司瞄准东南亚扩张,以缓解国内问题。 China’s CICC eyes Southeast Asia expansion in bid to ease domestic woes 作者: reuters.com China International Capital Corp (CICC) plans to expand its presence in Southeast Asia by opening offices in countries including Indonesia and Malaysia, said its investment banking head, as a slump in deals at home hurts its prospects. 中国国际金融股份有限公司(中金公司)计划通过在包括印度尼西亚和马来西亚在内的国家开设办事处,扩大在东南亚的业务存在,其投资银行部门负责人表示,国内交易低迷影响了其前景。 China International … Read more